Reports Mandated

Active volunteer firefighter tax credit, annual report

Administrative Office of the Courts, alternative sentencing of primary caretakers

Administrative Office of the Courts, cannabis related expungement

Administrative Office of the Courts, data, petition for order of protection, coercive control

Administrative Office of the Courts, marijuana expungements

Agricultural economic development board, annual report

Air Mobility and Aviation Economic Development Task Force, establishment

Annual medicinal cannabis report, collaboration with University of Kentucky, permitted

Auditor of Public Accounts, Office of Government Efficiency report on costs

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, July 1, 2029

Automatic Expungement Task Force, recommendations

Board of Medical Licensure, occupational licenses for veterans

Board of Medical Licensure, physicians, provisional license, international medical graduates

Cabinet for Economic Development, housing development districts, report to LRC

Cabinet for Economic Development, workforce needs

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, 340B Drug Pricing Program report, December 1, 2025

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adverse drug reaction reporting system

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certificate of need, pilot program

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, family planning services

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, liability shield products, outcomes

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, patient-directed care, end of life

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, reports mandated

Centralized reporting, collection, and distribution system, working group

Commission on Military Affairs, occupational licenses for veterans

Commissioner of education, School Curriculum, Assessment, and Accountability Council, report to LRC

Commonwealth Artificial Intelligence Consortium Task Force, study

Commonwealth Office of Technology, artificial intelligence, inventory, report

Commonwealth Office of Technology, artificial intelligence, request, decision rationale, report

Council on Postsecondary Education, antisemitism, report, requirements

Council on Postsecondary Education, foreign source funding report, requirement

Council on Postsecondary Education, Transportation Cabinet, air traffic programs, study

County school district election divisions, local board of education, Kentucky Board of Education

County school district election divisions, local board of education, Legislative Research Commission

Department for Medicaid Services, annual report, Medicaid claims, requirement

Department for Medicaid Services, nonemergency medical transportation services

Department for Medicaid Services, reports mandated

Department of Corrections, persons released from institutions, time served

Department of Corrections, persons released on parole

Department of Education, Cognia software interface for school and district planning, October 1, 2025

Department of Education, dyslexia, annual report

Department of education, English learner enhanced support program, progress report

Department of Education, improvement plans and Cognia software, August 1, 2025

Department of Education, mandated reports, physical activity, restoration

Department of Education, public school reporting requirements, December 1, 2025

Department of Education, school breakfast, physical activity, elimination of reports

Department of Education, school bus sensor technology findings

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Great Crossing Dam, study

Department of Insurance, insurance regulatory sandbox program

Department of Revenue, agricultural tax exemption, card production, report

Department of Revenue, eligible caregiver tax credit, annual report

Department of Revenue, employer student loan repayment credit, annual report

Department of Revenue, income tax, firearm safety course credit

Department of Revenue, income tax, first-time home buyer incentives

Department of Revenue, income tax, promotion of organ and bone marrow donation

Department of Revenue, income tax, tips and overtime compensation exclusions

Department of Revenue, military pensions, exclusion data

Department of Revenue, pari-mutuel racing tax

Department of Revenue, refundable child credit, annual report

Department of Revenue, refundable home installations credit, annual report

Department of Revenue, sales and use tax, baby-related and menstrual products, diapers, exemption

Department of Revenue, sales and use tax, menstrual discharge collection devices, exemption

Department of Revenue, sales tax refund, entertainment events

Department of Revenue, school employee qualified wage exclusion and tax credit, report to LRC

Department of Veterans' Affairs, veteran access to mental healthcare

Department of Veterans' Affairs, veterans' access to healthcare

Driver license testing and issuance, State Police and Transportation Cabinet, budget estimates

Education and Labor Cabinet, unemployment compensation, domestic violence related claims

Education Professional Standards Board, teacher preparation programs, report

Educator professional development training schedule, local board implementation

Finance and Administration Cabinet, interest, penalties, and reimbursements, contracts

Finance and Administration Cabinet, Jefferson County Youth Detention Center transfer, requirement

General obligation bonds, reports to statutory and interim joint committees

Infant Mortality Task Force, establishment

Information Technology Oversight Committee, information technology systems

Insurers, mental health parity

KCHIP, coverage of pharmacist clinical services

Kentucky aviation economic development fund, reporting requirement

Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology, annual report to the Legislative Research Commission

Kentucky Center for Statistics, fines and fees, annual report, establishment

Kentucky Department of Education, foreign source funding report, requirement

Kentucky Department of Education, nonresident pupil data, report

Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force, expenditure, operations, study

Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force, October 1, 2025

Kentucky Housing Corporation, first-generation homebuyer trust fund

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority, grant program, awards, report to LRC

Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, cybersecurity

Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry yearly summary update

Kentucky Parkinson's Disease Research Registry, yearly summary update, October 1, 2027

Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force, recommendations

Kentucky State University, Council on Postsecondary Education, business plan

KHSAA transfer and eligibility process, report

Legislative Research Commission, gun violence study

Legislative Research Commission, sexual assault nurse examiners, study

Licensing boards, licensure and denials, report to LRC

Local boards of education, publication of budget, restore original language

Local boards of education, publication of budget, website, requirement

Make America Healthy Again Kentucky Task Force, recommendations

Medicaid, coverage of pharmacist clinical services

Medicaid managed care organizations, reports mandated

Mental health parity, annual reports

Nonprofit hospital, 340B Drug Pricing Program, annual report, requirement

Nonprofit hospitals, 340B drug program, report required

Office of Election Investigations and Security, annual report

Office of Safer Communities, reporting requirement

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, annual report to LRC

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, annual report to LRC, referral to interim joint committees

Personnel Cabinet, 340B Drug Pricing Program report, December 1, 2025

Pilot project, artificial intelligence, court transcription services, report to LRC

Prior superintendent investigations, local board report, requirement

Public education, diversity, equity, and inclusion activities, compliance reports

Public postsecondary education institutions, annual report on federally mandated discrimination

Public postsecondary education institutions, antisemitism, report, requirement

Qualified rent payment tax credit, annual report

School districts, report on healthy relationship instruct to the Department of Education, biennially

Sexual and Domestic Abuse Task Force, establishment, recommendations

Solar merchant electric generating facilities, state and federal incentives, report

Threat Response and Accountability Task Force, January 1, 2026, submission

Transportation Cabinet, automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot, October 1, 2029

Transportation Cabinet, Local Assistance Road Program

University of Kentucky Cannabis Center, cannabinoid beverages, study and report

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)