House Bill 423

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/28/25: passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
Title AN ACT relating to prior authorization.
Bill Documents Current/Final
Fiscal Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis
Health Mandate
Local Mandate
State Employee Health Plan Impact
Additional Fiscal Impact Statements Exist
Bill Request Number 278
Sponsors K. Moser, R. Duvall, C. Aull, B. Chester-Burton, D. Grossberg, M. Lockett, S. Stalker, N. Tate
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS 304.17A-600 to 304.17A-633 to define terms; prohibit insurers of health benefit plans from requiring prior authorization for a health care service for which the provider has an exemption; require insurers of health benefit plans to establish a program under which participating providers may qualify for exemptions from prior authorization; establish mandatory and permitted provisions of an insurer's prior authorization exemption program; establish requirements for sending forms and notices; require the commissioner of the Department of Insurance to submit an annual report relating to prior authorization, provide a detailed briefing upon request, and promulgate administrative regulations; amend KRS 304.17A-605 to conform; amend KRS 304.17A-611 to prohibit conducting a retrospective review that is based solely on a participating provider having a prior authorization exemption; provide that certain utilization review timeframes do not apply to retrospective reviews conducted for the purposes of determining eligibility for a prior authorization exemption; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require the commissioner of the Department for Medicaid Services to submit an annual report relating to prior authorization, provide a detailed briefing upon request, and promulgate administrative regulations; apply the provisions to contracts delivered, entered, renewed, extended, or amended on or after January 1, 2027; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 1, 2026, and January 1, 2027.
Index Headings of Original Version Health and Medical Services - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Local Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Physicians and Practitioners - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Public Medical Assistance - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
State Agencies - Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Health Benefit Plan Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Medicaid - Prior authorization, exemption program
Actuarial Analysis - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
State Employee Health Plan Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements
Senate Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Banking & Insurance (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 21, 2025
  • 3rd reading, passed 91-0 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Banking & Insurance (S)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 11, 2025
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
  • passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Fiscal Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis to House Committee Substitute 1
Health Mandate to House Committee Substitute 1
Local Mandate to House Committee Substitute 1
State Employee Health Plan Impact to House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except amend KRS 205.536 to conform.
Index Headings Health and Medical Services - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Physicians and Practitioners - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Public Medical Assistance - Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
State Agencies - Department for Medicaid Services, Medicaid, prior authorization, exemption program
Medicaid - Prior authorization, exemption program

Amendment Senate Committee Substitute 1
Fiscal Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis to Senate Committee Substitute 1
Health Mandate to Senate Committee Substitute 1
Local Mandate to Senate Committee Substitute 1
State Employee Health Plan Impact to Senate Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except allow the commissioners of the Department of Insurance and the Department for Medicaid Services to include the reason or reasons for prior authorization denials in the reports submitted to the Legislative Research Commission.
Index Headings Actuarial Analysis - Medicaid, prior authorization, report
Health Benefit Plan Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization, report
Local Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization, report
State Employee Health Plan Mandate - Medicaid, prior authorization
Insurance, Health - Prior authorization, report, reasons for denials
Public Medical Assistance - Medicaid, prior authorization, report, reasons for denials
State Agencies - Department for Medicaid Services, prior authorization report, reasons for denials
State Agencies - Department of Insurance, prior authorization, report, reasons for denials
Medicaid - Department for Medicaid Services, prior authorization report, reasons for denials

Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)