House Bill 805

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/13/25: reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (1)
Title AN ACT relating to children.
Bill Documents Current
Fiscal Impact Statements Fiscal Note
Additional Fiscal Impact Statements Exist
Bill Request Number 1842
Sponsors N. Wilson, B. Chester-Burton, R. Roarx, S. Stalker
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 600.020 to change the definition of "safety plan" to reference risks to a child's safety; amend KRS 620.032 related to child welfare data reporting; amend KRS 620.040 to include children who are alleged victims of domestic violence and abuse or sexual assault for automatic acceptance for investigation of reports of child dependency, neglect, or abuse; amend KRS 620.048 related to negotiated safety plans in child protective services investigations.
Index Headings of Original Version Courts - Child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Courts - Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Courts, Family - Child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Courts, Family - Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Children and Minors - Child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Children and Minors - Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Fiscal Note - Safety plan, child dependency, neglect, and abuse investigations, requirements
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
Senate Committee Substitute 1 with Fiscal Impact Statements
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Families & Children (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 04, 2025
  • 3rd reading, passed 99-0 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Families & Children (S)
  • taken from Families & Children (S)
  • 1st reading
  • returned to Families & Children (S)
  • taken from Families & Children (S)
  • 2nd reading
  • returned to Families & Children (S)
  • reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute (1)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions; amend KRS 620.040 to establish a timeline to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to physically locate a child who has been reported to be at risk of harm or an immediate safety concern; amend KRS 605.120 to require that the report by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services that tracks and analyzes data on relative and fictive kin caregiver placement be done annually and posted to the cabinet website for public access.
Index Headings Courts - Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
Guardians - Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
Parental Rights - Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
Courts, Family - Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements
Children and Minors - Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements

Amendment Senate Committee Substitute 1
Fiscal Impact Statements Corrections Impact to Senate Committee Substitute 1
Local Mandate to Senate Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions; create a new section in KRS Chapter 200 to define terms; establish procedures for a child charged with a public offense to determine if the child is a high acuity youth; establish procedures for securing a treatment plan and dispute resolution through a review process and the court if the parties cannot agree to a plan; require a 24-hour protocol for health facilities, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and the courts to direct care; establish reimbursement rates for inpatient and outpatient psychiatric care of a child by psychiatric hospitals and pediatric teaching hospitals; establish procedures for discharge and transfer of the child from an inpatient admission under specific circumstances; amend KRS 15A.305 to identify types of facilities of the Department of Juvenile Justice; include a mental health facility operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice as an identified facility for the detention and treatment of children; direct reimbursement rates for local governments lodging juveniles to be set by administrative regulation; amend KRS 600.020 to remove and add defined terms; amend KRS 610.265 to remove the beginning date that has passed; amend KRS 610.340 to enable release of information and use of records in specific circumstances; require the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet to construct a high acuity health facility; direct the Department of Juvenile Justice to continue to implement the plan to return to a regional model of detention; direct the Finance and Administration Cabinet to report to the Legislative Research Commission by July 1, 2025 the status of the transfer of the Jefferson County Youth Detention Center property; amend various KRS sections to conform.
Index Headings Corrections Impact - Children, discharge from hospitalization, public offense, arrest, authorization
Local Mandate - Children, public offense, mental health, treatment plan, procedure, establishment
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, reimbursement rates
Court, Supreme - Children, treatment plan, protocols, requirement
Courts, District - Children, public offense, treatment plan, procedures, establishment
Courts, Fiscal - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Criminal Procedure - Children, public offense, mental health, treatment plan, procedure, establishment
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Children, inpatient psychiatric and pediatric teaching, public offense, procedures, establishment
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Children, inpatient psychiatric and pediatric teaching, public offense, reimbursement
Jails and Jailers - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Mental Health - Public offense, mental health, treatment facility, establishment
Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Children, discharge from hospitalization, public offense, arrest, authorization
Consolidated Local Governments - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Unified Local Governments - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Courts, Family - Children, public offense, treatment plan, procedures, establishment
Children and Minors - Public offense, mental health, treatment facility, establishment
Children and Minors - Public offense, mental health, treatment plan, establishment
Counties - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Counties, Urban - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Charter County Government - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Counties, Charter - Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment
Reports Mandated - Finance and Administration Cabinet, Jefferson County Youth Detention Center transfer, requirement

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)