House Bill 90

Last Action 02/04/25: to Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H)
Title AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 30
Sponsors J. Nemes, K. Holloway, K. Banta, M. Lockett, M. Proctor
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 216B to define "freestanding birthing center"; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to promulgate administrative regulations to establish licensure standards for freestanding birthing centers; establish criteria for a medical director; establish requirements for obtaining written informed consent; require a written patient transfer agreement with a hospital that provides obstetric services; require a written patient transfer agreement with an emergency medical transportation service; exempt a center with no more than four beds from certificate-of-need requirements for establishing and licensing a freestanding birthing center; state intent not to limit or expand liability of a center or health care provider or facility; require medical malpractice insurance for freestanding birthing centers; prohibit abortions in freestanding birthing centers; amend KRS 216B.015 to include freestanding birthing centers in the definition of "health facility"; amend KRS 216B.020, 196.173, 211.122, 211.647, 211.660, 213.046, 214.155, 214.565, 214.567, 214.569, 216.2920, 216.2921, 216.2923, 216.2925, 216.2927, and 216.2970 to conform; require the cabinet to promulgate updated administrative regulations by December 1, 2025; provide that the Act may be cited as the Mary Carol Akers Birth Centers Act.
Index Headings of Original Version Health and Medical Services - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Licensing - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Nurses - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Physicians and Practitioners - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Reproductive Issues - Birthing centers, freestanding, licensing and certificate of need
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Cabinet for Health and Family Services, freestanding birthing centers, licensure
Short Titles and Popular Names - Mary Carol Akers Birth Centers Act


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H)

Last updated: 2/11/2025 5:28 PM (EST)