Proceedings of the House


House Concurrent Resolution: 89
House Resolution: 86, 87, 88


House Concurrent Resolution: CC(H) - 89
House Resolution: CC(H) - 86, CC(H) - 87, CC(H) - 88
House Bill: Rules(H) - 4, Rules(H) - 9, Rules(H) - 24, Rules(H) - 90, Rules(H) - 298, Rules(H) - 398
Senate Bill: Rules(H) - 201

Reported favorably to Rules

Senate Bill: A&R(H) - 6hcs, A&R(H) - 19hcs hcta(1), A&R(H) - 25hcs hcta(1), A&R(H) - 63hcs, A&R(H) - 179hcs, A&R(H) - 244

2nd reading, to Rules

House Bill: 414hcta hcs hfas
Senate Bill: 2hfas hfta, 22hcs, 27hcta hcs hfa, 69hfa hfta, 93hcta hcs, 120hcta hcs hfa, 132hfas hfta, 133, 145, 153hcta hcs, 169, 183, 207hcta hcs hfas

1st Reading

House Concurrent Resolution: CC(H) - 84
Senate Bill: CC(H) - 58, CC(H) - 181

2nd reading

Senate Bill: CC(H) - 59, CC(H) - 75, CC(H) - 121
House Bill: PrSecEd(H) - 11

Taken from Committee

House Concurrent Resolution: CC(H) - 84
Senate Bill: CC(H) - 58, CC(H) - 59, CC(H) - 75, CC(H) - 121, CC(H) - 181
House Bill: PrSecEd(H) - 11, Rules(H) - 2, Rules(H) - 4, Rules(H) - 30, Rules(H) - 38, Rules(H) - 90, Rules(H) - 136, Rules(H) - 566, Rules(H) - 606, Rules(H) - 694
House Joint Resolution: Rules(H) - 46
Senate Bill: Rules(H) - 201


House Concurrent Resolution: CC(H) - 84 to CC(H)
Senate Bill: CC(H) - 58 to CC(H), CC(H) - 59 to CC(H), CC(H) - 75 to CC(H), CC(H) - 121 to CC(H), CC(H) - 181 to CC(H)
House Bill: PrSecEd(H) - 11 to PrSecEd(H)

Posted for passage for Concurrence

House Bill: 2scs scta(1), 4sfta(19), 30scs scta(1), 38scs sfa(1)to cs, 90scta(1) scs, 136sfa(2)(3) sfta(4), 398scs, 546scs scta(1), 566scs, 606scs scta(1), 694sfa(1)
House Joint Resolution: 46scs scta(1)

Posted for passage for Receding

Senate Bill: 201hfa(1)

Conference Committee report filed

House Bill: 241ccr

Placed in the Orders of the Day

Senate Bill: 4, 6hcs hfa, 9hcs hfas, 19hfas, 25hcta hcs hfas, 63, 104, 129hcta hcs, 130, 176, 178, 179, 190
Senate Concurrent Resolution: 43

House concurred in Senate amendment

House Bill: 4sfta(19), 15scs, 90scta(1) scs, 136sfa(2)(3) sfta(4), 157hcs, 390sfa(1), 398scs, 566scs, 694sfa(1)

House refused to concur in Senate amendment

House Bill: 2scs

House refused to recede

Senate Bill: 201hfa(1)

Conference Committee appointed

Senate Bill: 201

Conference Committee report adopted

House Bill: 241

Free Conference Committee appointed

House Bill: 241

Free Conference Committee report filed

House Bill: 241

Taken From Rules

Senate Bill: 4, 6hcs hfa, 9hcs hfas, 19hfas, 25hcta hcs hfas, 63, 104, 129hcta hcs, 130, 176, 178, 179, 190
Senate Concurrent Resolution: 43


House Bill: 4, 15, 90, 136, 157, 390, 398, 566, 694
Senate Bill: 4hcs, 10, 19hcs hcta(1), 28hcs, 38hcs hfa(2), 43hcta(1) hcs, 63hcs, 77hcs hcta(1) hfa(1), 130, 136hcs, 162hfa(4), 176hcta(1) hcs, 178, 179hcs, 190, 237hcta(1) hfa(1) hcs hfa(2), 245


House Resolution: 79
Senate Concurrent Resolution: 43


House Bill: 4, 6, 15, 90, 136, 157, 390, 398, 399, 566, 694
Senate Bill: 4, 10, 15, 28, 63, 64, 65, 77, 84, 89, 100, 103, 130, 176, 178, 190, 202, 245
Senate Concurrent Resolution: 43
Senate Joint Resolution: 26

Received in House

House Bill: 4, 6, 9scta scs sfa, 24scta scs sfa, 90, 298scta scs sfa, 398, 399
Senate Bill: 201

Floor amendment filed

House Bill: 182hfa(2), 649hfa(1)
House Concurrent Resolution: 50hfa(1)to cs, 67hfa(2)(3) hfta(4)
Senate Bill: 2hfa(6), 6hfa(1)to cs, 19hfa(3)(4)to cs, 25hfa(1)(2)to cs, 27hfa(1)to cs, 61hfa(3), 69hfa(1) hfta(2), 207hfa(3)to cs

Floor amendment defeated

Senate Bill: 38hfa(1)to cs

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)