 in coal mines, reporting incident of - HB 572: HFA (4)
 in coal mines, reporting of - HB 572: SCA (1)
 in coal mines, requirements for making reports of - HB 572: HFA (3)
Advanced Clean Coal Technologies, support of - SR 309; HR 321
Blasting operations, serious physical injury, definition of - SB 138: SCA (1)
Blasting, license requirements for - SB 137
Certified miners, drug testing, requirements for - SB 201
 miner safety, drug and alcohol testing, requirements for - HB 404
 miners, proclaim May 1 of each year as coal miners recognition day - HJR 101
 Severance Tax Projects - HB 380: SCA (5)
Coal-to-liquid fuel plant, support efforts to site in Kentucky - HR 285
Conversion to liquid fuels, direct Office of Energy Policy to develop strategy for - HB 299
 belt examinations, certified belt examiner, requirements for - HB 458: HCS
 belt inspection, to be done by certified and trained person - HB 458
 and alcohol retesting, miner certifications, requirements for - HB 572: HCS
 and alcohol testing of miners, requirements for - HB 572
 and alcohol testing of miners, requirements of - HB 572: HFA (1),(2)
Easement of necessity, reclamation, requirements for - SB 219: SCS
 Action Plans for impoundments, promulgate administrative regulations for - HJR 193
 action plans, coal mine waste impoundments, requirements for - SJR 230
FutureGen project, support efforts to site in Kentucky - SR 286; HR 276, 294
Hatfield-McCoy Trail Commission, create and attach to Commerce Cabinet - SB 89: HFA (3)
Leslie County Single County Coal Severance Tax Projects - HB 380: HFA (5)
Local government assistance, require specific appropriation for coal tax projects - HB 487
Menifee and Harlan Counties, infrastructure projects - HB 380: SCA (4)
 Equipment Task Force, establishment of - HB 693: HCS
 rescue chambers, matching grants programs, creation of - HB 693
 water discharge by CONSOL, Energy, protect Kentucky waters from effects of - SR 326
Minimum emissions coal project, exemption for - HB 665: HFA (1)
Minimum-emissions coal project, exemption for - HB 665
Mining in Robinson Forest, University of Kentucky required to do - HB 726
Pennington, Edwin, coal miner, memorializing - SR 157
Reclamation, easement of necessity to conduct reclamation operations, create - SB 219
Rescue chambers in mines, authorize use of - HB 567
 working conditions in coal mines, equipment and procedures for - HB 503: HFA (1)
 working conditions in coal mines, equipment and requirements for - SB 200; HB 607
 Mine explosion, honoring victims of - SR 38
 Mine Explosion, honoring victims of - HR 29
 funds, transfer of authority over - SB 69
 tax, transfer to workers' compensation deleted - HB 675
Shippers and receivers, weight reporting to vehicle enforcement - HB 560
 mines, original contour restoration and overburden disposal requirements, make changes to - HB 83
 mining permit requirements, make changes to - SB 136
 gas from, utility contracts for - SB 131
 natural gas from coal, include in policy, planning, and implementation - HB 299: SFA (1)
Utility investment in clean coal energy generation, provide surcharge for cost recovery - HB 538
Workers' compensation, black lung revisions - SB 247; HB 676