Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Acute care, definition for health insurance contract purposes

Adult abuse registry, establish

Adult abuse registry, establishment of

Advance practice registered nurses, prescriptions and immunization certifications by

Advance registered nurse practitioners, terminology for

Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to complete reports and certifications

Advanced practice registered nurses, licensing for

Advanced registered nurse practitioners' prescriptive authority, scope of

Advanced registered nurse practitioners, scope of practice for

Advanced registered nurse practitioners, terminology for

Anatomical gifts

Anatomical gifts, requirements for, establishment of

Anatomical gifts, revised uniform act, enactment of

Assisted-living communities, regulation of

Board of Nursing, investigation of cases

Colon cancer screening, establish fees for

Controlled substances, disposal, pilot program, establishment of

Disposal of pharmaceuticals, restrict certain methods of

Examination services for victims of sexual offenses, modification of

Hospital-acquired infections, honor and recognize reporting of

Intellectual disability, change some statutory references from mental retardation to

Long-term care facilities, nurse staffing requirements, establishment of

Long-term care facilities, posting requirement of star quality rating, establish

Medicaid, managed care partnership, extension of

Medicaid, program performance, audit of

Medical foster home, define

Medical Foster Home, define

Medical foster home, definition of

Medical foster home, exemption from state certificate of need and licensure

Office on Personal-Care Homes, establishment of

Patient admittance requirement, establish

Patient visitation rights, provide for

Pediatric abusive head trauma, prevention and recognition of

Personal care homes, services, Medicaid coverage for

Personal-Care Homes Advisory Council, establishment of

Personal-care homes, services, Medicaid coverage for

Personal-care homes, study of

Physician assistants, controlled substances, prescriptive authority for

Physician assistants, emergency medical assistance, provisions for

Physician assistants, licensure, requirements for

Primary stroke center, designation as a

Primary stroke center, designation of

Private psychiatric hospitals, Medicaid, disproportionate share payments, provisions for

Psychiatric residential treatment facilities, Level I, Level II, establishment of

Sexual assault exams, disabled person's consent, deletion of

Sexual assault exams, related services, reimbursal for

Specialty residential treatment center, establishment and licensing of

State mental hospitals, Medicaid, disproportionate share payments, provisions for

Surgical assistants, certification of

University of Louisville James Brown Cancer Center, honoring

University of Louisville James Graham Brown Cancer Center, honoring

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)