Peace Officers and Law Enforcement

9/11 First Responders Day

Accidents, motor vehicle, reporting of

Accidents, solicitation of business

Airport safety and security departments, KY Office of Homeland Security grants

Animal control officers, animal abuse, entry on premises, probable cause for

Breaks Interstate Park, authority

Breaks Interstate Park, peace officer, authority

Campus police and safety and security personnel, identify as separate entities

Class D felony record, expungement of, procedure, exceptions

Concealed deadly weapons, carried by peace officers, when

Constable, constitutional amendment allowing county legislative body to abolish office of

County judge, fiscal court members, permission to carry concealed weapon in their courthouse

Death benefits, crime victims' compensation fund, eligibility for

Disabled parking placards, tamper-evident color-coded stickers, requirements for

Disarming a peace officer, add defensive and control devices, add defenses

DNA, requirement of sample collection at arraignment

DUI, motor vehicle, forfeiture of

Expungement of criminal records, procedure in regard to plea bargains

Funding, KLEFP fund salary supplements

Grand jury, failure to indict,, record expungement of, procedure

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, secretary, election of

Kentucky Mountain Trail Authority establishment, duties, responsibilities

Law enforcement, reporting requirement, established

Mental health evaluation, telehealth, permit use of

Mental health evaluation, use of telehealth for

Mint Police, U.S., state jurisdiction for

Omnibus unauthorized alien act

Orders of protection, law enforcement training, require

Pawnbrokers, transactions, registry of

Peace Officer Professional Standards, certification retention, increase allowed break in employment

Peace Officer Professional Standards, increase break in employment allowed to retain certification

Peace Officer Professional Standards, recertification after retirement

Peace Officer Professional Standards, recertification of retirees returning to work

Prescribers of schedule II and II controlled substances, search and report required

Prescription drug drop off program, drop off box, city and county police participation in

Probate fees, estate of officer killed in line of duty, exemption for

Process, legal, directed to sheriff,

Protective order service training, frequency of

Shootings in Tucson, Arizona, commendation of law enforcement officers' actions

State death benefits, emergency responders in ambulances, eligiblity

Task Force on Children Exposed to and Affected by Domestic Violence, creation of

Tennessee Valley Authority, authority

Tennessee Valley Authority, peace officer, authority

Theft of item with VIN, law enforcement agency, duty to report to NCIC

Truants, detention and release to school by peace officer

Tuition benefits, dependents, eligibility for

Unauthorized aliens, offenses relating to

Vehicles, jail, use of blue lights

Warrants, court orders, officers to service process for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)