County Clerks

Advertising fee, increase

Amend Section 100 of Constitution, propose, county surveyor licensing evidence, submit when filing

Attorney General, nonpartisan elected official

Candidates for Governor, running mate, delay selection of

Certificates of delinquency, amend sale notice provisions

Certificates of delinquency, require information be provided to Department of Revenue

Certificates of delinquency, sale process for

Charter county government, clarify requirements for petition

Copying fees, authorization

County surveyor licensing, evidence, submit when filing for office

County surveyor licensing, Section 100 of Constitution, proposed amendment

Deeds in lieu of foreclosure, filing requirement

Deeds in lieu of foreclosure, filing requirements

Delete copying fee

Disabled parking placards, tamper-evident color coded stickers, requirements for

Elections, Attorney General, non-partisan system

Elections, candidate filings, verification of addresses

Fees, United States liens, establish fee distribution

Filing deadline, extension of

Filing deadline for congressional candidates, extension of

Filing deadlines and primary, change date of

Insurance, procurement of, requirements for

Judicial sales, where held

Limit authority to restrict methods of making copies

Limited cooperative associations, county clerk, filings with

Local option elections, day of election, primary or regular election

Local option elections, petition requirements, day of election, primary or regular election

Methamphetamine contamination or decontamination, notice to be attached to property deeds

Methamphetamine notice, form of lien filed on affected property

Name, change of for child, add Circuit Court and Family Court

Petitions for local option elections, requirements for

Petitions for local referendum, requirements for

Planning commission, referendum dissolution petition requirements

Precinct boundaries, required changes to, Congressional districts, statewide plan

Precinct boundaries, required changes to, Senatorial and Congressional districts, statewide plan

Precinct boundaries, required changes to, state legislative districts, statewide plan

Preferential voting in elections, task force established, appointment to

Proof of invalid signature, burden of

Refund of filing fee, requirement of

Security interests, perfection of, manufactured homes

Special elections for General Assembly, conducted in one location if only one candidate qualifies

Uniform Indexing System, task force on created

United States liens, recording, establish fee

Vehicle plate to customer system, procedures for , effective 1/1/14

Vehicle title and registration applications, legal presence requirement

Voluntary unification

Voter identification, omnibus bill on

Voter registration forms, information to include

Voting in centralized locations, viability of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)