Aged Persons and Aging

Abuse, exploitation, and neglect, definition and penalties

Adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation, reporting of

Adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation, substantiated findings as open records

Adult abuse registry

Alzheimer's disease, suggested training for police, sheriffs, firefighters, and EMTs

Diabetes treatment, caregiver assistance

Family care-giving, study

Hart-Supported Living Council, transfer

In home care employees, exclusion from overtime

Long-term care facilities, background and registry checks for owners and employees

Long-term-care facilities, background and registry checks for owners and employees

Long-term-care staffing ratios, implement

Manslaughter, inclusion of criminal abuse within scope of offense

Medical order for scope of treatment, permit to direct medical interventions

Medical review panel process, waiver of

Registry of ulcers and pressure sores, security plan, requirement

Transfers of real and personal property by protected adults; presumed undue influence

Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable

Utility shut-off protection, elderly customers with minors living in the residence

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)