Occupations and Professions
WWW Version
Active military and veterans, professional licenses, issuance of - HB 319
Advanced practice registered nurses, prescribing authority, controlled substances - SB 89; HB 445
- and recreational employees exclusion from overtime requirements - SB 35: SFA (1)
- and recreational employees, exclusion from overtime requirements - SB 35: SFA (2)
Apprentice HVAC licensure, Labor Cabinet responsible for - HB 296
- drying services, cosmetologist board license to conduct - SB 106
- drying services, education and examination requirements for licensure - SB 106: SCS
Boiler inspectors, boilers and pressure vessels, exemptions for - HB 307
Casino occupations, licensing for - HB 41
Chiropractors, licensing of - SB 217
Conversion therapy, prohibition of - HB 258
Cosmetologists, practicing outside of licensed salons - SB 183
CPA firms, attest services performed by - HB 177; HB 177: SCS
Develop training for heavy equipment operators and commercial drivers' licenses - HCR 113
Development of training and apprenticeships, executive branch to assist in - HCR 113: HCS
Dieticians, licensing of - SB 217
Disability insurance coverage, procurement of - HB 345; HB 345: HCS, SCS
Electrician licensure, education and experience requirements for - SB 78: HFA (1), HFA (2), HFA (3), HFA (4)
Electrician's license, application for - SB 78; SB 78: HCS
Electricians, procedures regarding provisional and lapsed licenses - SB 78: SFA (1)
Emergency medical services, update certification and licensure - HB 279
Employment protection for National Guard members, clarification of - HB 291
Estheticians, education required for - HB 47
Funeral directors and embalmers, continuing education requirements for - SB 45
HVAC contractors, licensing requirements for - HB 328; HB 328: HCS
HVAC, definitions revised - HB 100; HB 100: HCS
HVAC inspectors, certification requirements for - HB 328; HB 328: HCS
Malt beverage distributors, designated territories of - HB 136: HFA (7)
Master HVAC, license extension when deceased - HB 100; HB 100: HCS
Medical review organizations, confidentiality of information on staff with privileges - HB 4; HB 4: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2); SB 49
Microbreweries, shipping and delivery, prohibition of - HB 136: HFA (8)
- limitations on sales by - HB 136: HFA (6)
- limitations on sales of malt beverages - HB 136: HFA (5)
- payment of wholesale tax by - HB 136; HB 136: HCS
- shipment of malt beverages prohibition of - HB 379
Notaries public, appoint task force to review - HCR 250; HB 266: SFA (1)
Nurses, licensure requirements - HB 427; HB 427: HCS, SCS
- boards, license issuance by - HB 465: HFA (3)
- boards, licensing and procedural matters relating to - HB 465: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- boards, powers and duties of - HB 465: HCS
- licensing regulations, agency review of - HB 50
Omnibus administrative revision relating to numerous occupations and professions - HB 465
Physical therapists, criminal background investigation required for licensure - HB 398
Physician assistants to prescribe controlled substances, authority for - HB 228
Physicians, licensing of - SB 217
- and related conditions, accommodations, prohibiting discrimination - HB 320
- and related conditions, prohibited discrimination, required accommodations - SB 38
Private investigators, licensing of - HB 543
Professional midwife, certification of - SB 134; SB 134: SCS, SFA (1)
Proprietary institutions, licensing and standards requirements - HB 281
- Protection Cabinet, Office of Administrative Hearings, establish - HB 302; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Protection Cabinet, Professional Licensing Legal Division, establish - HB 302; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
Qualified mental health professional, inclusion of physician assistants - HB 497; HB 497: HCS, SCS
Radon measurement contractors, mitigation contractors, and laboratories - SB 252: SFA (1)
Real estate transactions, seller's disclosure of conditions form for - HB 435
Receipt of complete application, 30 day timeframe, receipt of - HB 319: HCS, SFA (1)
Schedules for employees - HB 308
- Bus Driver Day, designatiing May 1 as - SB 12
- Bus Driver Day, designating May 1 as - HJR 19; HB 21
- guidance counselors, changing terminology for - HB 426
- speech pathologists or audiologists, requiring supplement for - HB 37
Surgical assistants, licensing of - HB 555
- county occupational license, crediting provisions for certain counties, removal of - HB 358
- county occupational license, maximum percent for certain counties, removal of - HB 358
Unemployment insurance for seasonal/on recall employees - HB 67
Welding by mechanical engineers, exclusions from structural steel welding - HB 194