House Bill 23

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 02/21/24: to Committee on Committees (S)
Title AN ACT relating to smoke alarms.
Bill Documents Current/Final
Bill Request Number 908
Sponsors P. Pratt, D. Fister
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 227 to require a working smoke detector be present in any residence sold; direct seller to attest to the presence and functioning of the required smoke detector in signed affidavit given to buyer at closing.
Index Headings of Original Version Fire Prevention - Smoke detectors in all new and existing sold and leased residential properties, requirement
Firefighters and Fire Departments - Smoke detectors in residence at time of sale or lease, requirement
Housing, Building, and Construction - Smoke detectors in existing or new residential structure at time of sale or lease, requirement
Insurance - Smoke detectors in residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement
Landlord and Tenant - Smoke detectors, lessor to have operational at time of lease, requirement
Real Estate - Smoke detectors functional at time of sale, requirement
Safety - Smoke detectors, in residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement
Public Safety - Smoke detectors in all sold and leased residence, requirement
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Local Government (H)
  • reassigned to Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 07, 2024
  • 3rd reading, passed 79-16 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions, except apply requirements only to existing residential structures; add specific liability exemption for real estate licensees.
Index Headings Fire Prevention - Smoke detectors in all existing sold and leased residential properties, requirement
Firefighters and Fire Departments - Smoke detectors in existing residence at time of sale or lease, requirement
Housing, Building, and Construction - Smoke detectors in existing residential structure at time of sale or lease, requirement
Insurance - Smoke detectors in existing residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement
Landlord and Tenant - Smoke detectors, lessor to have operational at time of lease, requirement
Licensing - Real estate licensees, liability exemption, smoke detectors in residential properties
Real Estate - Smoke detectors functional at time of sale, requirement
Safety - Smoke detectors, in existing residential properties at time of sale or lease, requirement
Public Safety - Smoke detectors in all existing sold and leased residence, requirement
Civil Actions - Real estate licensees, liability exemption, smoke detectors in residential properties

Last updated: 9/26/2024 1:37 PM (EDT)