House Bill 408

Actions | Amendments
Last Action 03/04/24: to Health Services (S)
Title AN ACT relating to health services.
Bill Documents Current/Final
Bill Request Number 858
Sponsors S. Baker, J. Bray, D. Bentley, J. Branscum, D. Frazier Gordon, S. Heavrin, M. Lockett, D. Meade , K. Moser, K. Upchurch
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 222 to require treatment centers or programs licensed as a chemical dependency treatment service to provide transportation services to residents who wish to leave the program if the resident's family, guardian, or emergency contact does not agree to transport them; outline transportation service responsibilities; provide restrictions on where a resident can be taken; require that the facilities conduct a search of any outstanding warrants; exempt all facilities not licensed as a chemical dependency treatment service pursuant to KRS 216B.042; require the facility to notify family members, the county attorney, local law enforcement, and the court that a resident left the treatment facility in violation of a court order; allow a peace officer or a probation officer to arrest a resident without a warrant for violating the terms of the resident's conditional discharge or court order; prohibit treatment centers or programs licensed as a chemical dependency treatment service to recruit out of state residents into their facility if the out of state resident is dependent on Medicaid and require the treatment center or program licensed as a chemical dependency treatment service to submit to the Department for Medicaid Services the recipient's proof of residency when submitting a request for Medicaid reimbursement; require any out-of-state resident found to be ineligible for Medicaid services in Kentucky as a result of failing to establish Kentucky as his or her domicile to reimburse any Medicaid fees and to be fined; and amend KRS 205.200, relating to residency requirements for Medicaid, to prohibit relocation to Kentucky solely for receiving medical services using Medicaid and require proof of residency.
Index Headings of Original Version Drugs and Medicines - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Health and Medical Services - Nonlicensed chemical dependency treatment service, facilities exemption
Health and Medical Services - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, Medicaid restrictions
Health and Medical Services - Treatment center, chemical dependency, resident, search of outstanding warrants
Health and Medical Services - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, Medicaid restrictions
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Transportation - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Medicaid - Residency, medical services, fees, reimbursement
Medicaid - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules
Alcoholism - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Jump to Proposed Amendments House Committee Substitute 1
Votes Vote History


Top | Amendments
  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Health Services (H)
  • reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute (1)
  • 2nd reading, to Rules
  • posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, February 29, 2024
  • 3rd reading, passed 98-0 with Committee Substitute (1)
  • received in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Health Services (S)

Proposed Amendments

Top | Actions
Amendment House Committee Substitute 1
Summary Retain original provisions; amend the definition of "voluntarily"; include any substance use disorder program authorized or regulated under KRS Chapter 222; expand actions the facilities are required to take if a resident wishes to voluntarily leave; amend the provision establishing transportation service responsibilities to include other transportation as determined by the facility, access to a mobile response team, and the city hall in the resident's hometown of record; require the facilities to make all reasonable attempts to find alternative treatment and resources if a resident voluntarily leaves; remove the provision requiring the facilities to conduct a search of any outstanding warrants; amend the provision relating to peace officers to permit them to arrest a resident without a warrant if the resident violates the terms of his or her conditional discharge; require any substance use disorder program or chemical dependency treatment service to provide full disclosure of the specific services provided by the facilities; create a provision exempting facilities that do not hold a chemical dependency treatment service license or are not a substance use disorder program; amend the provision relating to the recruitment of out of state residents to prohibit the facilities from recruiting into their facility any out-of-state resident with the purpose of enrolling the out of state resident in Medicaid in Kentucky; amend provisions establishing fines.
Index Headings Courts - Treatment center, chemical dependency, notification of resident's departure
Crimes and Punishments - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, Medicaid restrictions
Drugs and Medicines - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Health and Medical Services - Nonlicensed chemical dependency treatment service, facilities exemption
Health and Medical Services - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, Medicaid restrictions
Health and Medical Services - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, Medicaid restrictions
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Treatment center, chemical dependency, arrest
Transportation - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services
Medicaid - Residency, medical services, fees, reimbursement
Medicaid - Treatment center, chemical dependency, recruitment rules, penalties
Alcoholism - Treatment center, chemical dependency, transportation services

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)