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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Education, Finance
Education, Finance
Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation
House Bill 302
Capital project threshold, increase for various transactions
House Bill 491
Career and technical education programs, funding
House Bill 758
Chinese government, funding, prohibition
House Bill 554
Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance
House Bill 345
Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution
House Bill 197
Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, exclude unaffiliated scholarships
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (5)
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, restriction of resource use, limit to appropriations
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (1)
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (5)
Dual credit scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 193
Senate Bill 253
Efficient and Effective Districts Task Force, creation
Senate Concurrent Resolution 131
English language learner students, SEEK add-on, establishment
Senate Bill 142
Financial literacy, education, resources, consumers
House Resolution 85
Foreign source funding, report, requirements
House Bill 554
Future Kentucky teacher scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 655
General obligation bonds, reporting requirements
House Bill 606
House Bill 606: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Independent school districts, establishment
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
Insolvent school districts, merger
House Bill 297
Intercollegiate student-athletes, institution affiliated corporation compensation, authorization
Senate Bill 3
Intercollegiate student-athletes, institution compensation, authorize
Senate Bill 3
Interlocal cooperative boards, audit
House Bill 584
KEES awards, noncertified school students, inclusion
House Bill 249
KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded
Senate Bill 45
KEES base awards, noncertified school graduates, inclusion
Senate Bill 83
KEES, eligibility expiration, extension
House Bill 558
KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion
Senate Bill 45
KEES supplemental amount, Classic Learning Test, inclusion
Senate Bill 83
KEES supplemental amount, Classic Learning Test, removal
Senate Bill 83: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship, convicted felon, scholarship eligibility
House Bill 750
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship, registered sex offenders, scholarship eligibility
House Bill 750: House Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, dual scholarship, selection criteria
House Bill 193
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization
House Bill 197
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, teacher scholarship, selection criteria
House Bill 181
Senate Bill 253
House Bill 263: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kindergarten, full day of instruction, base funding level
House Bill 530
Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement
Senate Bill 68
Local boards of education, publication of budget, restore original language
Senate Bill 68: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Local boards of education, publication of budget, website, requirement
Senate Bill 68: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Local boards of education, school resource officers, reimbursement
House Bill 728
Local school districts, funding for school counselors
House Bill 719
Local school districts, salary increase for eligible employees
House Bill 271
Local school districts, school calendar incentives, low attendance days
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Moral instruction, public schools, SEEK funding
House Bill 607
Name, image, and likeness agreements, student-athletes, modification
Senate Bill 3
Nonprofit educational, charitable, and religious organizations, sales and use tax, exemption
House Bill 37
Nonresident pupil policies, requirements, establishment
House Bill 440
Nontraditional Instruction and Virtual Instruction Models Task Force, creation
House Bill 241: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Part-time student enrollment in public schools, authorization
House Bill 440
Performance-based funding; formula
House Bill 238
Postsecondary comprehensive funding model, square footage calculation, leased property exclusion
House Bill 482
Postsecondary education working group, meetings, frequency
Senate Bill 208
Preschool, four-year-olds, SEEK funding
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
Property tax, federally documented boats, exemption
House Bill 696
Property tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans
House Bill 639
Property tax rate levy, recall process
Senate Bill 186
Prospective teacher scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 451
Public charter schools, repeal
House Bill 541
Public education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, omnibus bill
Senate Bill 165
Public postsecondary audits of diversity, equity, and inclusion spending, penalty for second offense
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (17)
Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, penalties
House Bill 4
Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, limitations
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (12)
House Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (13)
Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, private civil action, removal
House Bill 4: House Committee Substitute (1)
Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation publication, removal
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (2)
House Bill 4: House Floor Amendment (7)
Public school virtual programs, temporary enrollment cap, establishment
House Bill 784
Scholarship program, coal county paramedic
House Bill 149
School districts, administrator salaries, limitation
House Bill 752
School districts, superintendent salary, limitation
House Bill 752
School Facilities Construction Commission, authorization
House Joint Resolution 32: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Joint Resolution 32: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
School Facilities Construction Commission, authorization of awards
House Joint Resolution 32
School Supplies for Kentucky Teachers Program, establishment
House Bill 732
SEEK, district eligibility, restrictions
House Bill 752
SEEK funding adjustment, nonresident pupil enrollment, virtual programs
Senate Bill 268: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
SEEK, kindergarten full-day funding
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
State-operated schools, purchasing and contracting authority
House Bill 491: House Floor Amendment (1)
Student attendance days waiver, criminal activity dangers, establishment
House Bill 669
Student financial aid, incarceration restrictions, removal
House Bill 750
Student Teacher Stipend Program, eligibility
House Bill 263
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, appropriation
House Bill 600
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, fringe benefit costs, inclusion
Senate Bill 6: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, on-behalf costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, total costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Teachers, compensation for duties assigned during noninstructional planning time
House Bill 168
House Bill 435
Tuition, public school, prohibition
House Bill 440
Virtual program, SEEK fund withholding, prohibition
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Senate Bill 268
Senate Bill 268: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Work Ready Scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 529
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM