Elections and Voting

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  • ballot fraud - SB 169: HFA(3),(4)
  • ballots, various changes regarding - SB 169: SCS
  • or clerical error in voting, correction of - SB 91
  • or clerical errors in voting, requirement that signs advise of how to report - SB 123
    Affidavit for voting, removal of requirement for - SB 187
    Allowable purchase with campaign funds, increase of amount - HB 194
    Candidates, challenge of bona fides prior to general election, provision for - HB 85: HCA(1)
    • filing deadline to first Tuesday in April - SB 1: SCS
    • filing deadline to fourth Tuesday in March - HB 327: HFA(6)
    • independent filing deadline to 15th of May - HB 162: HCA(1)
    • primary to first Tuesday after the third Monday in June - HB 327: HFA(6)
    City annexation, election procedure for - HB 304
    Civic education - HB 327: HCS
    Constitution, amendment to allow only residents in territory to vote in striking territory - SB 65
    Constitutional amendment for referendum on container deposit - HB 9
    Costs of local option election, party responsible for payment - HB 358
    • of telephone solicitation, Vote solicitation during elections, inclusion of - SB 192: HFA(9)
    • of telephone solicitation, vote solicitation, inclusion of - SB 192: HFA(10)
    Delete election officers' pay and training reimbursement increase - SB 185: HCA(1)
    Dividing election precincts - HB 327: HFA(3)
    • officers, election day service and training reimbursement, increase - SB 185
    • precincts, boundaries of - SB 185
    Elections relating to the striking of territory from counties - SB 30
    Examination of circuit clerk candidates - SCR 67
    Filing deadline, change to - SB 1, 60
    Hours of elections, proposed constitutional amendment to lengthen - SB 24; HB 77
    Increase allowable purchase of tickets to fundraiser of another candidate - HB 194: HFA(2)
    • candidates, change filing deadline for - HB 162
    • candidates, provide primary for - HB 162
    Investigation of suspected absentee ballot fraud - HB 327: HFA(4),(5)
    Lever voting machines to electronic voting machines, encourage change from - HB 327: HCS
    • option election for limited to restaurants and dining facilities, elimination of - SB 88
    • option, costs of - HB 358: HCS
    • option, election officers for - HB 358: HCS
    Lower allowable ticket purchase for political party functions - HB 194: HFA(1)
    Mandatory transition to electronic voting systems - HB 327
    Nepotism prohibitions in school board races, exception to - SB 99
    Omnibus election reform - HB 327; HB 327: HCS
    Party identification on voter registration form, listing of - HB 327: HCS
    • boundaries, deletion of property lines as - SB 185: SCS
    • boundaries, maintenance - SB 28
    • date and filing deadline, changes to - SB 169: HFA(6)
    • election date, change to - SB 1, 60
    Prohibit vote hauling - HB 327: HFA(2)
    Provide refund of contributions if candidate switches parties - SB 1: SFA(1)
    Recanvass and contest provisions, clarification - HB 327
    Removal of campaign signs - HB 327: HFA(1)
    Reporting election results - HCR 21
    Restoration of rights, felons - HB 281: HFA(2)
    • primary - SB 1: SFA(6)
    • primary, elimination of - SB 189
    Time for filing action challenging bona fides of candidate - HB 85
    • identification - SB 187: SFA(1)
    Write-in candidates, filing deadline change - SB 188

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