Elections and Voting


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ballot applications, distribution by facsimile - HB 464; HB 464: HFA (1)
ballot applications, prohibition of fraudulent - HB 438: SCS
Alcoholic beverages, after 12 noon, permit sale of - SB 168; HB 419
Building accounts, limitations of - HB 670: HFA (2)
Campaign Finance Reports, filing of - HB 670: HFA (1)
board of education, require two petitioners for - HB 361
board of education, requirements for petitioners - HB 361: SCS, SFA (2)
requirements for petitioners - HB 361: HFA (1)
Candidates hiring transporters of voters, requirements of - HB 658
Civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide restoration of - SB 184, 251
Constitution, amendment to change Representatives' terms from two to four years - HB 43
limitations, changes to - HB 670: HCS (1)
limits, increase to - HB 670: HFA (4)
Contributions, expenditures, and reporting, changes to - HB 670; HB 670: HCS (2)
Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, establishment of - SB 121
Delayed election, rescheduling of - HB 135
Electioneering exceptions, allow board to promulgate regulations - HB 301: SCS
Electioneering, during absentee voting, restrictions for - HB 301
filing, guidelines for - HB 670: HFA (5)
filing, guidelines to - HB 670: HFA (6)
Felons' voting rights, constitutional amendment to provide - HB 480
Felons, voting right restoration on conditions - HB 647
Filing deadline for independent candidates and third parties, change of - HB 754
General Assembly candidates, public financing for - HB 576
Judgeships, election for newly created - HB 276: HCS (1)
Judicial election campaigns, free speech - HB 382: HFA (1)
Junk and scrap recyclers, activities allowed by and duties of - HB 85
Kentucky Registry of Election Finance, appointment of member to - SR 151
option elections, alcoholic beverage sales at qualified historic sites - HB 497; HB 497: SFA (1),(2)
option elections, alcoholic beverages at qualified historic sites - HB 497: SCS
option elections, sale of alcohol at qualified historic sites - SB 229: HFA (3)
Nomination of Lieutenant Governor, delay of until after primary - HB 706
Nonpartisan candidates, requirements for petitioners - HB 361: SFA (1)
Office of Surveyor succession, eligibility for - SB 156
Payment to election officers, increase of - HB 519
activities with school board campaigns, prohibition removed - HB 134
bumper stickers, on vehicles near poll locations, establish restrictions for - HB 301: SFA (1),(2)
financing for judicial campaigns, create program for - HB 682
financing for judicial races, establishment of - HB 682: HCS, HFA (1)
Received contribution threshold before permanent committee contributions formula applied - HB 476
of Election Finance, confirmation, David R. Martin - SR 141
of Election Finance, confirm appointment of Kenneth Franklin Harper to - SR 52
of Election Finance, confirmation Lea P. Goff - SR 142
Reporting requirements, changes to - HB 670: HFA (3)
State parks, alcoholic beverage sales, local option election authorized - HB 697
Straight party ticket voting, elimination of - HB 657
Time limit in a voting booth exception, creation of - HB 438; HB 438: SCS
for affixing signatures for nomination papers, establishment of - HB 423: HCS; HB 438: SCS
for solicitation of signatures for nomination papers, establishment of - HB 423
Vote hauling, payments for - HB 744
Voter registration, restrictions for - HB 301
Voting rights, wards and guardians - HB 332
signs and banners, allow on private property near poll locations - HB 301: SFA (2)
signs or banner, allow on private property near poll locations - HB 301: SFA (3),(5)
signs, allow on private property near poll locations - HB 301: SFA (4)
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