Accidents, motor vehicle, duties - SB 44; HB 272
Annual training, leave from private employment - SB 171: HFA (3)
Benefits for police and firefighters, urban county - SB 108: SCS
Certified peace officers, identification program for - HB 619
Cities, police officer career retention program - HB 70
 deadly weapon, out-of-state retired officer, carrying of - HB 237
Confiscation of firearm or ammunition, unlawful, when - HB 354
Criminal homicide interrogation, recording of - HB 747
 benefits, 2nd and 3rd class cities - HB 402
 benefits, distribution of - SB 150
False statement to peace officer - SB 116
Force, use of, when permitted - SB 38, 52; HB 211, 236; SB 38: SFA (1)
Funding, KLEPF fund salary supplements - SB 118
Grandfathered peace officer, certification of - HB 343
Immigration, enforcement of federal law - HB 115; HB 115: HCS, HFA (1),(2),(3)
Interlocal agreements between counties, study of KLEPF program increases - HB 119
Labor organization, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 38
 Enforcement Foundation Program, standards and procedures - HB 351
 enforcement personnel, define and prescribe duties - HB 505
Missing persons, database and procedures for - HB 447
Peace officer, certification of - HB 351
Police, sheriffs, coroners, assistance in other jurisdictions - HB 504
Public building planning and mapping system - SB 171; SB 171: HFA (1),(2)
 benefits for police and firefighters, urban-counties - SB 108
 fund, benefits of urban-county governments - HB 486
Sex offenses and offenders - SB 16; HB 41
Sheriffs' fee, revision of - HB 537: SCS (1)