Local Mandate
WWW Version
911, Lifeline CMRS service charge, abolishment of - HB 559
Absentee ballots, in-person and mail-in - HB 474
Adults, agreed-upon procedures engagement - SB 144
Age of consent, offenders 10 years older than victims prohibited - HB 101
Agricultural and forest products, 80,000-pound weight limit, extend to county roads - HB 563
Amusement and recreational employees, exempt from wages and hours consistent with federal law - SB 35
Annexation of unpopulated territory, standing for contest of - SB 97; SB 97: HCS
Appellate judges, retention elections, certification of - HB 43
- in the third degree, peace officers, contact with bodily fluids - HB 193: HCS, SCS
- on a service animal, first degree, inclusion of asistance animals - HB 442
- weapon, under 21, banning sale to or ownership of - HB 498
Auxiliary containers, restrictions placed upon regulation of - SB 82
Benefits, changes to medical and income benefits and other procedural changes - HB 2: SCS
Break the Silence special license plate, establishment of - HB 123
Cell phones, possession in jail - HB 207
- communications facilities, include in definition of key infrastructure assets - HB 324: HCS
- phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of - HB 59
Charitable organization, leasehold interest, exemption of - HB 162; HB 162: SCS
Cigarettes, impose healthcare reimbursement assessment on - SB 29
Cities, mandates on, prohibition of - SB 88
City pensions - SB 92
Clerks, duties, information and submission requirements - HB 310
Coal severance revenues, distribution of - HB 542
Communicable diseases, assault in the third degree, peace officers, contact with bodily fluids - HB 193
Comprehensive tax reform - HB 29
Confiscated firearms, destruction of - HB 411
- local governments, clarify powers of cities within - SB 176
- local governments, powers of cities within - HB 89
Constables, restrict police powers of, without certification - HB 420
Constituional amendment proposal, casino gaming - SB 241
Constitution of Kentucky, proposal to call convention for purpose of revising or amending - HB 76
- amendment, abolish House of Representatives and Senate - HB 571
- amendment, extension of terms of members of the General Assembly - SB 165
Construction contractor, exemption - SB 205
Contractors, extend protection to - HB 22: SCS
Contracts, boycott prohibition clause, requiring - HB 350
Controlled substances, theft, by caregiver - HB 110: HCS
Counties containing consolidated local governments, municipal incorporation - SB 115
- board of elections, reasons for vacancy, recommendation of replacement - HB 304; HB 304: HCS
- consolidation, treatment of districts - HB 243
Crime victims leave from employment - HB 268
- fleeing, Class C felony, elements of - SB 242
- possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, classify as gross misdemeanor - HB 83
Deadly weapons, concealed carry without license - HB 36
Department of Parks, voluntary contributions with vehicle registration, collection - HB 331
Direct shipping license, establishment of - HB 580
Disposal of property obtained through forfeiture, restrictions on use of proceeds - HB 437
District Court judges, term of office, extension of - HB 472
DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requiring - HB 178
- vessels, registration with county clerk, display of sticker, January 1, 2019 - HB 183
- vessels, registration wtih county clerk - HB 82
Domestic violence - SB 133
Driving under the influence, third or subsequent offense, forfeiture of vehicle - HB 612
Drone surveillance or use of armed drones by certain entities, prohibition - HB 22
Drones, trespass upon key ingrastructure assets, prohibiting - HB 324
Early voting, omnibus bill - SB 14
Earned paid sick leave provided by employers, requirement for - HB 182
Election, change time to even-numberred years - HB 23
Elections of governing bodies of certain districts, filling of vacancies - HB 186
- discrimination, requirement of criminal history on job applications, prohibition - HB 28
- protection for National Guard members, clarification of - HB 291
Exploitation, adults, controlled substances - HB 110; HB 110
Felon in possion of firearm, previous conviction, emhanced penalty - SB 210
Felony expungement, reckless homicide - SB 16
Firearm accessory, accelerate rate of fire, prohibit sale or transfer - HB 409; HB 602
Firearms and ammunition, authority to regulate, consolidated local governments - HB 387
First time motor vehicle registration, paperwork, filing of - HB 344
- courts of origin for warrant, cost of incarceration, responsibility of - HB 466
- incentive grant fund, creation of - HB 396
Fraud crimes, felony threshold, raising of - HB 126
Gang Violence Prevention Act - HB 169; HB 169: HCS, SCS
Green, Terry Allen " T.A. " , memorialzing - SR 18
- misdemeanants, define detention procedures for - HB 83
- receipts, tangible personal property tax recovery fee, exclusion of - HB 436
Hunting, use of unmanned aircraft systems, prohibiting - SB 42
Hybrid and electric vehicles, highway usage fee - HB 45
Immigration laws, enforcement, requirement for - HB 240
Initernet service providers, personally identifiable information, restriction on availability - HB 332
Inmate services - SB 133
Inmates, requirements for - SB 133: SCS
Insurance fraud, private cause of action, requirements for - HB 323: SCS
- service providers, Kentucky Model Procurement Act, Consumer Protectoin Act - HB 418
- service providers, personally identifiable information, restriction on availability - SB 11
Investments, limitations on - HB 75
- Retirement Systems, board elections, electronic ballots for - SB 113: HCS, HFA (11)
- State Police, animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 417; HB 417
Labor Cabinet, wage and hour actions - SB 35: HCS
- enforcement and firefighter funds, fringe benefits - SB 90; SB 90: SCS; HB 140: HCS, SCS
- Enforcement Foundation Program fund, annual supplement, increase of - HB 140
License extension, requirement for - HB 100
- governement premiums tax, schedule for refunds, establishing - HB 402
- transient room taxes, travel or accommodations intermediary fee, exempting - HB 383
Lost or stolen firearm, failure to report - HB 412
Masking, prohibit in the commission of a crime - HB 510
Master plumbers, extension of license when deceased - HB 100: HCS
Military-related special license plates, allow online renewal of - HB 111
Motor vehicle registration, renewal, and reinstatement, set county clerk fees - SB 127
National Electrical Code, Kentucky amendments to electrical system standards in - SJR 158: SCS
Natural resources severance tax, credit for taxes paid to another state - HB 26
Nonparticipating health care providers, billing restrictions for - SB 236
Notaries public, commissioning of - SB 135; HB 266: SCS; HB 333
Occupational license taxes, maximum percentage for certain counties, removal of - HB 358
Open records, "public agency," definition of, exemption in - HB 232
Opiate and opioid agonist drugs, advertising of, prohibiting - HB 225
Opioids, tax imposed - HB 337
Paid maternity leave for employees, employers with fifty or more employees - HB 197
Parole sanction, in lieu of revocation - HB 457
Permission to fly drones near critical infrastructure, requirement for written consent, removal of - HB 324: SCS
Personalized license plates, change renewal schedule - HB 530
Persons convicted of hate crimes, possession of firearms by - HB 209
Planning and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
Police officers, requirements for promotion, clarification of - HB 275: SCS
Policies on cell phone use, create - HB 207: HCS
Possession of controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor, mandatory drug treatment - HB 62
Postmortem examination results, requirement for release - HB 84
Pregnancy and related conditions, prohibited discrimination, required accommodations - SB 38
Pretrial services - SB 133
Prevailing wage, create for public works - HB 233
Probation and parole violators, work release - HB 457
- tax, consolidated local government assesment moratorium program, participation of - SB 247
- tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans, proposed constitutional amendment - SB 40; SB 40; HB 79
- used in the deployment of advanced broadband technologies, property tax exemption - HB 521
Provide voter preregistration forms to secondary school officials, assistance with processing of - SB 227
- finance, bonds and leases, publication and methods of notice, conform - SB 191
- housing authorities, membership - HB 223
- works projects, contracts, guidelines for awarding - HB 1
Rape and sodomy, definition - SB 109
Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials - SB 113
- organizations, discrimination, prohibiting - HB 372
- organizations, penalization, prohibiting - HB 372: HCS
Rescue squad members, coverage for workers' compensation - SB 77
Responsible use cannabis program, establishment - SB 80
Restaurant tax, allow home rule class cities to levy for CERS contributions - HB 490
Restoration of voting rights, constitutional process of granting - SB 266
Schedules for employees - HB 308
School property, concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lifting prohibitions on - HB 210
- crimes against a victim who is a person with an intellectual disability, increase in penalty - SB 19; SB 19: SCS
- offender registrants, living with a minor, prohibiting - HB 356
- offender registrants, restriction of - HB 70; HB 70: HCS
- offender registrants, restrictions on - SB 181; SB 181: SCS
- activity with animals, Class A misdemeanor - SB 239
- orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 190
- orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination - HB 195
Sexually explicit images, distribution of without consent - HB 71; HB 71
Specific intent, include in elements of offense - HB 71: SCS
Sports wagering, authorization for - SB 22; HB 536
- Board of Elections, reimbursement of costs of elections - HB 271
- minimum wage, increase - SB 17
- minimum wage, increasing - HB 303
- Police, firearm registration and sales, administrative regulations - HB 502
- procurement, process for, confidentiality - HB 216
- procurement, process for, confidentiality of - HB 216: HCS
Statewide transient room tax, 30 days or less, limiting - HB 285
Supplemental payments to police and firefighters - HB 461
Surviving spouse exemption, increase exemption amount for - HB 371
Tax and fee increases, review of - SB 25
Technical Corrections - HB 169: HCS
Telephone solicitation using deceptive caller id information, prohibit - HB 514
Time of election, move to even-numbered years - SB 4
- offenses involving family members, prohibition of early release for - HB 447
- penalty increase - HB 276; HB 276
Tourism incentive applications, suspension of - HB 366: HCS
Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable - HB 494
TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, direction to economic development activities - SB 9; SB 9; HB 114
- compensation, change benefits and technology for division - HB 252: HCS
- compensation, waiting week, elimination of - HB 467
- insurance, benefits, rates, and successorships - HB 252
- insurance for seasonal/on recall employees - HB 67
Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, statewide applicability of - HB 550
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of - HB 31; SB 184
Vacancies, special elections in consolidated local governments, allow reimbursement - HB 98; HB 98
Voting hours, extension of - SB 47
Wage and hour, conform with federal law - HB 184
weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410
Welding by mechanical engineers, exclusions from structural steel welding - HB 194
Wholesale tax, wine and distilled spirits, raising - HB 159
Wine direct shipper license, establishing - SB 244
- Compensation Funding Commission, five years for an audit and invest in securities - HB 388: HCS
- Compensation Funding Commission, omnibus provisions - HB 388
Workers Compensation Funding Commission, unclassified service for employees - HB 388: SCS
- compensation, medical and income benefits and procedural changes - HB 2
- compensation, psychological injuries - HB 309
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, local workforce area reports - HB 478
Wrongful discharge - HB 518