Last Action | 02/29/24: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S) |
Title | AN ACT relating to terrorist activity and declaring an emergency. |
Bill Documents | Introduced |
Bill Request Number | 2379 |
Sponsor | L. Tichenor |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to direct school districts and public schools to act to protect Jewish students from credible threats of violence or violence motivated by antisemitism; prohibit a school district, public school, or student organization from providing material support or resources to a designated terrorist organization; provide that if a school determines that an affiliated student organization has provided material support or resources, the school district shall notify law enforcement and defund and disband the student organization; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to direct public postsecondary education institutions to act to protect Jewish students from credible threats of violence or violence motivated by antisemitism; provide that an institution or a student or faculty organization registered or affiliated with the institution shall not provide material support or resources to a designated terrorist organization; provide that if an institution determines that an affiliated student or faculty organization has provided material support or resources, the school district shall notify law enforcement, defund the student or faculty organization, and terminate the student or faculty organization's registration or affiliation with the institution; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to provide that when there is an allegation that unlawful conduct is targeting an individual or group based on any actual or perceived connection to any aspect of Jewish identity, the relevant authorities shall also consider whether the alleged unlawful discriminatory conduct or practice was motivated by antisemitic intent; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to provide that any foreign alien who endorses or espouses terrorist activity in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall be subject to immediate arrest and deportation, EMERGENCY. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Public schools, duty to act to protect Jewish students from violence and antisemitism Education, Higher - Public postsecondary education institutions, protection of Jewish students from violent antisemitism Effective Dates, Emergency - Antisemitism, public schools and postsecondary institutions, deportation of foreign alien Federal Laws and Regulations - Support of designated terrorist organization, public education, duty to report to law enforcement United States - Terrorist activity, grounds for arrest and deportation Universities and Colleges - Public postsecondary education institutions, protection of Jewish students from violent antisemitism Immigration - Foreign aliens, endorsement of terrorist activity, subject to arrest and deportation Public Safety - Public schools, duty to act to protect Jewish students from violence and antisemitism Children and Minors - Public schools, duty to act to protect Jewish students from violence and antisemitism Public Protection - Public schools, duty to act to protect Jewish students from violence and antisemitism |
02/27/24 |
02/29/24 |
Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)