An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to administrative regulations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 9 | AN ACT relating to boards of the Kentucky General Assembly and declaring an emergency. |
HB 49* | AN ACT relating to marriage and family therapists. |
HB 59* | AN ACT relating to psychologists. |
HB 90 | AN ACT relating to maternal health and declaring an emergency. |
HB 152 | AN ACT relating to a Medicaid supplemental payment program for public ground ambulance providers. |
HB 186 | AN ACT relating to the donation of food. |
HB 195 | AN ACT relating to tax incentives for first-time home buyers. |
HB 203* | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
HB 228 | AN ACT relating to the rights of incarcerated children. |
HB 243* | AN ACT relating to review of financial incentives. |
HB 244* | AN ACT relating to coverage of feeding or eating disorders. |
HB 245* | AN ACT relating to coverage for emergency ground ambulance services. |
HB 298 | AN ACT relating to schools identified for comprehensive support and improvement in schools. |
HB 305* | AN ACT relating to health care. |
HB 342 | AN ACT relating to financial literacy. |
HB 343 | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HB 387 | AN ACT relating to metropolitan sewer districts. |
HB 406 | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HB 478 | AN ACT relating to emergency response fees. |
HB 526* | AN ACT relating to education. |
HB 582 | AN ACT relating to economic relief for local communities of Kentucky. |
HCR 50 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force. |
Bill | Title |
HB 2 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
HB 10 | AN ACT relating to maternal and child health. |
HB 35* | AN ACT relating to psychologists. |
HB 43 | AN ACT relating to fire protection. |
HB 45 | AN ACT relating to privacy protection. |
HB 55* | AN ACT relating to the limited liability entity tax. |
HB 56* | AN ACT relating to licensed professionals. |
HB 57* | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services and declaring an emergency. |
HB 58* | AN ACT relating to economic fiscal matters. |
HB 100 | AN ACT relating to birth certificates. |
HB 147* | AN ACT relating to local property tax rate levies. |
HB 208 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 253 | AN ACT relating to animal control officers. |
HB 258 | AN ACT relating to the torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 345* | AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 388* | AN ACT relating to local government and declaring an emergency. |
HB 443 | AN ACT relating to land use. |
HB 446 | AN ACT relating to public school transportation. |
HB 460* | AN ACT relating to the prevention of physical harm. |
HB 492* | AN ACT relating to local fiscal administration. |
HB 561 | AN ACT relating to child care. |
HB 569 | AN ACT relating to criminal history. |
HB 664* | AN ACT relating to aviation and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 700 | AN ACT relating to the protection of mothers and their children. |
HB 710* | AN ACT relating to the retirement systems covered under the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority. |
HB 711* | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
HB 712* | AN ACT relating to economic development. |
HCR 68 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the establishment of the Kentucky Housing Task Force. |
HCR 81* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force. |
HR 45 | A RESOLUTION expressing support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemning the violent events on October 7, 2023. |
HR 89* | A RESOLUTION recognizing the week of February 26 to March 3, 2024, as Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Kentucky. |
HR 137 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Louisville Fire Department firefighters, Louisville Metro Police Department officers, and Louisville emergency medical services personnel involved in the recent rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge. |
HB 492: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to local fiscal administration. |
HCR 81: HFA (1) | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force. |
HCR 81: HFA (5) | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force. |
HCR 81: HFA (6) | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to income taxation. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to juvenile justice and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 37* | AN ACT relating to pass-through entity tax. |
HB 43* | AN ACT relating to the Recognition of EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact. |
HB 44* | AN ACT relating to sales and use tax on marketing services. |
HB 45* | AN ACT relating to economic fiscal matters. |
HB 46* | AN ACT relating to depreciation. |
HB 62 | AN ACT relating to real estate brokerage. |
HB 75 | AN ACT relating to hospital rate improvement programs and declaring an emergency. |
HB 141 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of emergency insulin programs and declaring an emergency. |
HB 144 | AN ACT relating to privacy. |
HB 155 | AN ACT relating to banning social media applications from public agency technology and declaring an emergency. |
HB 174 | AN ACT proposing to add a section to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 191 | AN ACT relating to vacancies in office. |
HB 195 | AN ACT relating to the Critical Access Care Pharmacy Program. |
HB 196* | AN ACT relating to the safety and mental health of students. |
HB 200* | AN ACT relating to the healthcare workforce, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 207 | AN ACT relating to internal police communications. |
HB 262 | AN ACT relating to driving under the influence and declaring an emergency. |
HB 403* | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services and declaring an emergency. |
HB 405* | AN ACT relating to the Social Work Licensure Compact. |
HB 419* | AN ACT relating to state geographic information. |
HJR 37 | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Energy and Environment Cabinet to adopt revisions to the state air quality implementation plan to remove the reformulated gas requirement for Jefferson County and applicable parts of Oldham and Bullitt Counties. |
HJR 38 | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing and urging the Cabinet for Health and Family Services take actions to improve emergency medical services and declaring an emergency. |
HR 4* | A RESOLUTION honoring the life and accomplishments of former Kentucky Governor John Young Brown Jr. |
HR 15 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2023, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 24* | A RESOLUTION declaring the week of February 27 to March 5, 2023, as Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Kentucky. |
HR 51 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2023 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. |
HR 88 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to the valuation of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency. |
HB 8 | AN ACT relating to revenue measures and declaring an emergency. |
HB 12 | AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency. |
HB 20 | AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 31 | AN ACT relating to discriminatory practices against a person. |
HB 43 | AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency. |
HB 44 | AN ACT relating to local school districts. |
HB 63 | AN ACT relating to school security. |
HB 125* | AN ACT relating to veterans' income taxation. |
HB 127* | AN ACT relating to court-ordered mental health treatment. |
HB 136 | AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 143* | AN ACT relating to economic fiscal matters. |
HB 176* | AN ACT relating to tax amnesty and declaring an emergency. |
HB 203 | AN ACT relating to consumer protection through regulation of pharmacy-related trade practices. |
HB 218 | AN ACT relating to expungement. |
HB 290 | AN ACT relating to student discipline at public postsecondary education institutions. |
HB 296* | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services and declaring an emergency. |
HB 308 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant program to promote investments in Kentucky businesses, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 314 | AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments. |
HB 319 | AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. |
HB 354 | AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 399 | AN ACT relating to local government. |
HB 457 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy or pharmacist services. |
HB 475 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options. |
HB 476 | AN ACT relating to local taxation. |
HB 499 | AN ACT relating to employee child-care assistance and declaring an emergency. |
HB 505* | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HB 573 | AN ACT relating to healthcare workers and declaring an emergency. |
HB 589* | AN ACT relating to legislative ethics. |
HB 603* | AN ACT relating to legislative ethics. |
HB 777* | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HCR 112 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION relating to the establishment of a task force to complete a study to identify strategies for maintaining an adequate supply of healthcare workers in the Commonwealth. |
HCR 124 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the President of the United States to issue an executive order to remove the federally mandated reformulated gasoline requirements for all affected areas nationwide, including Jefferson County and parts of Bullitt and Oldham Counties, for the remainder of 2022. |
HJR 5* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing mental health professional licensure boards to strongly consider entering into an interstate compact with other states, easing reciprocity procedures with other states, or establishing reciprocity procedures with other states to increase the mental health workforce in Kentucky, and declaring an emergency. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's farmers for helping provide citizens with the most nutritious and affordable food in the world, and recognizing February 20 to 26, 2022, as Food Check-Out Week in Kentucky. |
HR 49 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2022, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 53 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens. |
HR 63 | A RESOLUTION supporting the State of Israel and opposing the international Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement which seeks to harm the State of Israel. |
HR 77 | A RESOLUTION urging Congress to take appropriate steps in mitigating cyberattacks and ransomware demands. |
HR 92* | A RESOLUTION declaring the week of February 21 to 27, 2022, as Eating Disorders Awareness Week in Kentucky. |
HR 95 | A RESOLUTION condemning Russia's unprovoked military aggression and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine. |
HR 96 | A RESOLUTION honoring the celebration of Black History Month and recognizing the accomplishments and contributions of Lawrence Smith. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Historical Society. |
HR 128 | A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2, 2022, as World Autism Awareness Day and April 2022 as National Autism Acceptance Month. |
HR 143* | A RESOLUTION recognizing and commending Binet School and Dr. Trisha Hernandez Gallagher. |
HB 314: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments. |
HCR 126: HFA (1) | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the mayor of the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and the Metro Council to form a task force that receives input from all stakeholders, including business and community leaders, to provide any recommendations regarding the statutory framework of the consolidated local government form. |
Bill | Title |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. |
Bill | Title |
HB 7 | AN ACT relating to the Advisory Council for Recovery Ready Communities. |
HB 10 | AN ACT relating to the limitation of liability during the COVID-19 pandemic and declaring an emergency. |
HB 19 | AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency. |
HB 26 | AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. |
HB 44* | AN ACT relating to mental health and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 48 | AN ACT relating to reimbursement for pharmacist services. |
HB 50 | AN ACT relating to mental health parity. |
HB 57 | AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 133 | AN ACT relating to recall petitions. |
HB 139 | AN ACT relating to duty-related disability benefits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 140 | AN ACT relating to telehealth. |
HB 145 | AN ACT relating to student discipline at public postsecondary education institutions. |
HB 149 | AN ACT relating to opportunities in education. |
HB 183 | AN ACT relating to the hospital rate improvement program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 276 | AN ACT relating to temporary nurse aides and declaring an emergency. |
HB 278 | AN ACT relating to Paycheck Protection Program loans and declaring an emergency. |
HB 309 | AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments. |
HB 317* | AN ACT relating to the Commission on Human Rights. |
HB 318* | AN ACT relating to fire districts. |
HB 333 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a tax credit to promote investments in Kentucky businesses. |
HB 338 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship program. |
HB 364 | AN ACT relating to the creation of the Race and Access to Opportunity Committee of the Kentucky General Assembly. |
HB 405* | AN ACT relating to appropriations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 438* | AN ACT relating to Medicaid provider credentialing. |
HB 543* | +AN ACT relating to the Treasurer. |
HB 575* | AN ACT relating to tax expenditures. |
HB 587* | AN ACT relating to the West End Opportunity Partnership and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 588* | AN ACT relating to property in a development area. |
HCR 7 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Severe Mental Illness Task Force. |
HJR 57 | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish a work group to assess the feasibility of implementing a bridge insurance program, to review current Temporary Assistance for Needy Families expenditures, and to consider opportunities for public-private partnerships to better meet the needs of public assistance beneficiaries. |
HR 26* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Dr. Bobby "Bob" Miller DeWeese. |
HR 41 | A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HR 80 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Michael Dean Bowling. |
HB 309: HFA (7) | AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments. |
HB 309: HFA (8) | AN ACT relating to consolidated local governments. |
HB 438: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to Medicaid provider credentialing. |
SB 159: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to reorganization. |
Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)