Animals, Livestock, and Poultry

Animal impoundment, bonding, euthanasia, court hearings, proceedings for

Bee species that are group or solitary pollinators, remove distinction between

Black bears threatening human safety, taking of

Brands and marks, technical corrections

Captive cervids, transportation of

Conservation officers, peace officer powers for

Cruelty to animals, prohibition and forfeiture of ownership

Dairy farmers, milk prices, formula evaluation

Dairy industry, promotion of

Diseased animal, eliminate killing of

Equine board, agency's breeding authority, clarify memberships of

Equine board, clarify definition, add members on

Equine excellence fund, creation of, constitutional amendment to allow VLTs

Equine health and welfare board, add members to

Equine, natural resources, tax exemptions

Farmstays, inclusion in farm animal activity sponsors

Farmstrays, inclusion in farm animal activity sponsors

Fighting, expand crimes relating to

Fish and Wildlife offenses, omnibus revision

Fish and wildlife, omnibus revision

Fish and wildlife, servicepersons, license exemptions for

Food production, honoring Kentucky farmers

Honeybee as the official state agricultural insect, designation of

Horse processing, urge Congressional support for

Horses, soring, prohibition of

Kentucky Equine Breed Authority, creation of

Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Board, establish

Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Council, establishment of

Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission, creation of

Kentucky Livestock Care Standards Commission, duties of

Kentucky Milk Commission, duties of

Kentucky quarter horse, appaloosa and Arabian development fund, creation of

Liens, bankruptcy, municipal utility, priority of

Livestock Care Standards Commission, creation of

Livestock commission, citizen member, selection method

Livestock commission, organic farmer, consideration of

Livestock commission, standards, broaden factors for

Office of the State Veterinarian, captive cervids, transportation permit for

Pollinator habitat, reclamation site revegetation requirements, inclusion of

Rabies Awareness Month, June 2010, designate

Rabies Awareness Month, June 2010, designation

State Board of Agriculture, membership of

Stockyards, disinfecting requirements

Stockyards, sales receipts for

Stray cattle, taking up and posting of

Stray equines, taking up and posting of

Veterinarians, animal abuse, reporting of

Wine and Vine Fest, designation of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)