State Agencies
WWW Version
- hearings, burden of proof, when higher standard required - SB 150: SFA (1)
- office of the courts, establish new requirements - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, SCS, SFA (2)
- Office of the Courts, racial impact statement - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492
- regulations promulgated by state agencies, legislative committee procedures for - HB 130; SB 131: HFA (1); SB 150: HCS
Alcoholic Beverage Control, direct shipping license, establishment of - HB 580
Auditor of Public Accounts, fiscal oversight relating to fire departments as defined in KRS 95A.055 - HB 122: SFA (1)
- for Health and Family Services, child dependency, neglect, or abuse, requirement to report - HB 25
- for Health and Family Services, delete birth surveillance registry advisory committee - SB 7: SCS
- for Health and Family Services, delete citizen advisory bodies - SB 7: SCS
- for Health and Family Services, delete perinatal advisory committee - SB 7: SCS
- for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care, establish - HB 342
- for Health and Family Services, employee training - SB 218
- for health and family services, establish new requirements - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, HFA (1), SCS, SFA (2)
- for Health and Family Services, establishing fees - HB 327; HB 327: HFA (1)
- for Health and Family Services, establishment of new requirements for - HB 1: HFA (3)
- for Health and Family Services, family child-care homes, regulation, of - HB 564
- for Health and Family Services, financial exploitation, allow reporting to - HB 93: HCS
- for Health and Family Services, reporting by broker-dealers, requiring - HB 93
- for Health and Family Services, reporting by investment advisors, requiring - HB 93
- for Health and Family Services, review and recommend - HB 364: HFA (1)
Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education, volunteer fire department aid - HB 95
Confiscated firearms, destruction of - HB 411
- fee legal service contracts,opioid actions, exclusion of - HB 198: HFA (11)
- fee legal services contracts, requirements to award - HB 198: HFA (1), HFA (3)
- boycott prohibition clause, requiring - HB 350
- early termination, payment for, prohibition - HB 198: HFA (12)
- early termination, prohibit payment for - HB 198: HFA (8), HFA (9)
- Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance with - HB 91
County consolidation, Department for Local Government, assistance from - HB 125
Credit for reinsurance, Department of Insurance, administrative regulations, authorizing - HB 464; HB 464: SCS
Definitions, add gender-neutral language - HB 615
- for Community Based Services, educational stability of foster children - HB 527; HB 527: HCS
- for Local Government, electronic copies of city audits and financial statements - SB 91
- for Local Government, Local Government Economic Assistance Funds, city audits, inclusion - SB 91: SFA (1)
- of Agriculture, reorganization of - HB 146
- of Corrections, racial impact statements - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492
- of Education, dyslexia resources, development of - HB 187; HB 187: HCS, SCS; SB 270
- of Education, emergency revolving school loan fund account, monitoring of - HB 141
- of Education, essential skills curriculum, development of - HB 3
- of Education, financial literacy materials, require development of - HB 132; HB 132: SCS
- of Education, financial literacy standards, requiring development of - SB 32; HB 56
- of Education, professional development pilot program, studying - SB 73
- of Education, revised and exact allotment of funds, requirement to prepare - HB 142
- of Education, trauma-informed toolkit, requirement for - HB 604
- of Financial Institutions, financial exploitation, allow reporting to - HB 93: HCS
- of Financial Institutions, jurisdiction - SB 225
- of Financial Institutions, require reporting of exploitation to - HB 93
- of Fish and Wildlife Resources, hunting and fishing licenses, volunteer firefighters - HB 106
- of Kentucky State Police, racial impact statements - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492
- of Parks, voluntary contributions with vehicle registration, collection - HB 331
- of Revenue, PVA compensation fund, administration of - HB 556
- of Revenue, scholarship tax credit, creation - HB 6: SFA (1); SB 36; HB 134
- and Workforce Development Cabinet, criminal background check of employees, requirement for - SB 155: SCS; HB 592: SCS
- and Workforce Development, Division of Child Care, establish - HB 342
- Professional Standards Board, alternative certification program, veteran eligibility - HB 590
- Professional Standards Board, attach to Kentucky Department of Education - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Professional Standards Board, duties of - SB 74
- Professional Standards Board, executive director, repeal of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Professional Standards Board, guidance counselors, changing terminology for - HB 426
- Professional Standards Board, transfer of sick leave from school district employees - HB 590
Emergency administrative regulations, extension of expiration date - HB 130: HCS
Employees, pay equity statistics, Secretary of Personnel to provide - HB 297
- and Environment Cabinet, Labor Cabinet, and Public Protection Cabinet, reorganization of - HB 264
- and Environment Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 129
Enforcement actions, changes in jurisdiction - HB 515
- Branch Ethics Commission, employees of, changes to - HB 78
- Branch Ethics Commission, hearings, KRS Chapter 13B, exemption from - SB 150
- Branch Ethics Commission, KRS Chapter 13B hearing procedures, exemptions - SB 150: SFA (2)
- Branch Ethics Commission, "officer" and "public servant," clarify definitions of - HB 300: HCS
- Branch Ethics Commission, "officer" and "public servant," expand definitions of - HB 300
- Branch Ethics Commission, reconstitution of - HB 78
- director, reference to, removal of - HB 481
- and Administration Cabinet, confirming Executive Order 2017-0889 - HB 244
- and Administration Cabinet, contingency fee legal services contracts, Web site posting of - HB 198; HB 198: HFA (1), SCS
- and Administration Cabinet, Government Contract Review Committee, report to - HB 198; HB 198: HFA (1), SCS
- and Administration Cabinet, investigation of mismanagement by executive branch officers - SB 83
- and Administration, small business, economic development - SB 226
- Commission, Firefighters Foundation Program Fund, administrative duties - HB 461
- commission, fiscal oversight relating to fire departments as defined in KRS 95A.055 - HB 122: SFA (1)
- Commission, treatment of fire departments created under KRS Chapter 273 - HB 122
Gender neutral language, including - SB 192; HB 484
Gender-neutral language, addition of - HB 525
General Assembly, retirement and pensions, closure of Legislators' Retirement Plan - HB 336
Government property, concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lifting prohibitions on - HB 210
Governmental units, regulation of electronic prescribing, standards, requiring - SB 143
- and Family Services Cabinet, adoption forms, electronically accessible, providing for - SB 148
- and Family Services, kinship care program, permanent establishment - HB 230
- and Family Services, kinship care program, permanently establish - SB 31
- and Family Services, palliative care, council and program, establishing - SB 149; SB 149: HCS
Hotels and venues that are signatories of the Tourism Child-Protection Code, encouraging use of - HR 134; SR 149
Human Rights Commission, racial impact statements - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492
Inspector general's authority, Labor Cabinet - HB 382
Internet service providers, Kentucky Model Procurement Act, Consumer Protection Act - HB 418
- Branch Budget - HB 203; HB 203: FCCR, HCS, SCS
- Retirement Plan, restricted companies, divestment from - HB 350
- and Public Safety Cabinet, weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410
- and Public Safety, opioid assessment detention, administrative regulations - HB 428; HB 428: HCS, HFA (1)
- and Safety Cabinet, Kentucky CASA network fund, administration of - SB 204
- Board of Education, establish financial literacy standards - HB 132: HFA (3)
- Board of Education, identification of student as career-ready - HB 588
- Board of Education, nontraditional instruction program, promulgate regulations for - SB 73: HCS
- Board of Education, school seizure action plan, regulations for - HB 147; HB 147: SCS
- Board of Education, school seizure education program, regulations for - HB 147
- Career Center, public employment office locations, mandating - HB 257
- Communications Network Authority, KentuckyWired contracts - SB 195; HB 414
- Department of Education, homeschool student portfolio, annual review to determine growth - HB 574
- Department of Education, Kentucky Peer Support Network, annual funding report for - SJR 52: SCS
- Department of Education, Kentucky Peer Support Network Project, statewide implementation of - SJR 52
- Department of Education, Kentucky Peer Support Network, secure grant funding - SJR 52: SCS
- Department of Education, School Safety and Crisis Line, establishing - HB 143; HB 143: HCS
- Department of Revenue, Kentucky CASA network fund designation, requirements of - SB 204
- Employees Retirement System, restricted companies, divestment from - HB 350
- Heritage Land Conservation Fund, funds to be used for administration of fund programs - SB 129: SCS
- Higher Education Assistance Authority, Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship, administration of - SB 231
- honey marketing, establish certification standards - SB 234
- Law Enforcement Council, Kentucky Law Enforcement Foundation Program, administrative duties - HB 461
- Retirement Systems, adjustment of line-of-duty death benefits - HB 32
- Retirement Systems, agency cessation of participation - SB 66: SCS; HB 362: SCS
- Retirement Systems, board elections, electronic ballots for - SB 113: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (11)
- Retirement Systems, include interest at actuarial rate on refunded erroneous contributions - SB 81
- Retirement Systems, KERS election to participate, gender-neutral language - SB 66
- State Police, animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 417
- State Police, child abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 600
- Teachers' Retirement System, survivor's benefits, marriage - HB 127
KentuckyWired, urge investigation of - HR 337
Labor Cabinet, wage and hour actions - SB 35: HCS
- Branch Budget - HB 204; HB 204: HCS, SCS
- Ethics Commission, sexual harassment, procedures - HB 610
- Research Commission, employee sexual harassment policy, establishment of - HB 449
- Research Commission, Legislative Record, electronic distribution of - HB 537; HB 537: HFA (1)
- Research Commission, sexual harassment, complaint process - HB 610
- Research Commission, sexual harassment, task force establishment - HB 9: HFA (2)
- Research Commission, task force on sexual harassment, establishment - HB 610
Local Update of Census Addresses program, urging Congress to encourage participation - HCR 9
- of Adult Education, creation of - HB 552
- of Kentucky Nature Preserves, powers and duties - SB 129: SCS
Omnibus administrative revision relating to numerous occupational boards - HB 465
Open records, "public agency," definition of, exemption in - HB 232
Palliative care, council and program, establishment - HB 58
Parole Board, racial impact statements - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492
Pay fishing lakes, establish regulatory authority, licensing - HB 295
Pension surcharge on state employment contracts - HB 338
Personally identifiable information security law, technical corrections to - SB 33; HB 188
- Board, elimination of - HB 553
- Board, gender-neutral language - SB 216; HB 613
- Board, hearing officer requirements, exemption - SB 131: SFA (1)
- Board, hearings, KRS Chapter 13B, exemption from - SB 131
- Cabinet, internal mobility program - SB 34
- Cabinet, secretary, establish sexual harassment policy - HB 449
- employees, state-sponsored life insurance, eligibility for - HB 158
- housing authorities, membership - HB 223
- Service Commission, reconsideration of orders, multistate transactions - HB 27
- Service Commission, reexamination of - HJR 5
- works projects, contracts, guidelines for awarding - HB 471
- of Election Finance, deadline for filing supplemental annual report, change to - HB 97: SCS
- of Election Finance, restrictions on certain organizations and expenditures, additional - HB 439
- of Election Finance, supplemental annual, reporting requirements - HB 97
- organizations, discrimination, prohibiting - HB 372
- organizations, penalization, prohibiting - HB 372: HCS
Repeal, SB 151 (2018 Ky. Acts ch. 107) - HB 6: SFA (10), SFA (11); HB 75: SFA (4); SB 113: HFA (11), HFA (12); HB 306: SFA (2), SFA (3); HB 356: SFA (1); HB 402: SFA (2); HB 557: SFA (1)
- of State's office, reorganization, Executive Order 2017-01 - HB 251
- of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, enforcement of Model Procurement Code - SB 83
Six year road plan, last four years of - HJR 74; HJR 74: HCS, SCS
- Board of Education, selection of school superintendents - HB 242
- Board of Education, sexual abuse awareness and protection - SB 39; HB 239
- Board of Elections, deadline for certain candidates filings, changes to - HB 97: FCCR, SCS; HB 359
- Board of Elections, electronic poll books, training on - HB 579
- Board of Elections, electronic poll books, use of - HB 579
- Board of Elections, extending filing deadline for certain candidates - HB 346
- Board of Elections, extension of filing deadline for certain candidates - HB 347
- Board of Elections, filing deadline for statement of candidacy form, to conform - HB 97: SFA (1)
- Board of Elections, filing deadline for statement-of-candidacy form, change to - HB 97: FCCR
- Board of Elections, meeting date of county board of elections - HB 270
- Board of Elections, meeting dates of county board of elections - HB 304: HCS
- Board of Elections, regulatory authority over fire district trustee election signage - HB 95: HFA (1)
- Board of Elections, reimbursement of costs of elections - HB 271
- Board of Elections, voter preregistration at age 16 - SB 227
- employees, elimination of merit system - HB 553
- Police, associate's degree or 60 hours, officer completion prior to end of probation period - HB 512
- Police, firearm registration and sales, administrative regulations - HB 502
- property and programs, naming for state official or employee, waiting restrictions on - SB 72; SB 72: SCS (2)
- property and programs, waiting period for naming for state official or employee - HB 151
State-administered retirement systems, disclosure of benefit information if earning more than $100 K - HB 168: SFA (2)
Sunshine Week, March 11-17, 2018 - HR 220
Teachers' Retirement System, death before retirement, gender-neutral language - SB 15
Teacher's Retirement System, restricted companies, divestment from - HB 350
Time, rule for computing - HB 256
- Cabinet, Biennial Highway Construction Plan, FY 2018-2020 - HB 202; HB 202: HCS, SCS
- Cabinet Budget - HB 201; HB 201: HCS, SCS
- Cabinet, honorary road naming, omnibus resolution - HJR 196: HCS, SCS
- Cabinet, operator's licenses, work release prisoners - SB 37; SB 37: SCS
Unemployment insurance, benefits, rates, and successorships - HB 252
Utility assessments, credit to the account of the Public Service Commission - SB 128
Veterans' Affairs, veterans' center beds, allocation of - HJR 183
Workplace Standards, apprenticeship tax credit for small business - HB 479