Animals, Livestock, and Poultry

Unofficial WWW Version

  • Control Advisory Board - HB 471: SCA(1)
  • control, health departments exemption - HB 471: SFA(2)
  • cruelty in the second degree, exceptions for - SB 282: SFA(3)
  • health care products, exemption from sales and use tax - HB 119: HCS
    Aquaculture study, task force, increase membership on - HJR 72: HCS
    Buffalo, sales and use tax, exempt - HB 45
    Cruelty to animals in the second degree, fine, increase upper limit - SB 282
    • animals declared - HB 510: HCS
    • wildlife, transportation permits for - HB 510: SCS
    Dead animals, disposal of in watercourse, prohibited - SB 405; HB 830
    Dog control, dog wardens and animal control officers - HB 626
    • and cats, sterilization - HB 472
    Dogs, licensing requirements - HB 774
    Egg marketing law amended - HB 258
    Elk, protection of reintroduced - SB 187
    • water used for, exemption from sales and use tax - HB 433: SFA(1)
    • specialist, use of drugs - HB 31: SCA(1), SFA (2)
    Euthanasia, by a certified animal control agency or technician - HB 31: HCS
    Fence damaged, notification of - HB 904: HCS
    Fences, notification of damage to - HB 904
    Ferret, domesticated, no permit required - HB 776
    Fighting by, confiscation of - SB 282: SFA(2)
    Guide and companion dogs, training of - SB 433
    • exempt from sales and use tax - SB 4
    Llamas and alpacas, sales tax exemption, deletion of sunset provision - HB 101
    Pets in nursing homes, allow - SB 420
    Revise fines - SB 282: SCS
    Service animals, killing or injuring - SB 378; HB 81
    • feeding operations, local ordinances - HB 709: HFA(1)
    • feeding operations, permit requirements - SB 445
    • feeding operations, regulation of - SB 443; HB 709: HCS, HFA (3),(4)
    Swine, operations and waste, regulation of - HB 709
    Vicious dog, control of - HB 626: HCS

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