Sen. Yates, David Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session  2024 Regular Session  2023 Regular Session  2022 Regular Session  2021 Special Session  2021 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
SB 1 AN ACT relating to the film industry.
SB 11 AN ACT relating to wages.
SB 22 AN ACT relating to licensed professionals.
SB 26 AN ACT relating to parental rights.
SB 31* AN ACT relating to bus safety.
SB 32* AN ACT relating to veterans.
SB 33* AN ACT relating to marijuana.
SB 34* AN ACT relating to tax credits for support provided to victims of domestic violence.
SB 35* AN ACT relating to exceptions to restrictions on maternal healthcare.
SB 36* AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis.
SB 45 AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships.
SB 46 AN ACT relating to protective orders.
SB 47 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky child credit.
SB 48 AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools.
SB 49 AN ACT relating to heat injury prevention.
SB 64 AN ACT relating to key infrastructure assets and declaring an emergency.
SB 67 AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
SB 73 AN ACT relating to sexual extortion.
SB 74 AN ACT relating to coverage of annual mental health wellness examinations.
SB 78 AN ACT relating to a sales and use tax exemption for diapers.
SB 93 AN ACT relating to coverage for hearing loss.
SB 96* AN ACT relating to motor vehicle racing.
SB 97* AN ACT relating to human trafficking.
SB 98* AN ACT relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
SB 109 AN ACT relating to state holidays and declaring an emergency.
SB 112 AN ACT relating to fishing in privately owned lakes and ponds.
SB 113 AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University.
SB 117 AN ACT relating to city government.
SB 120 AN ACT relating to education.
SB 129 AN ACT relating to property.
SB 133* AN ACT relating to sanctioning bodies for boxing and wrestling exhibitions.
SB 134 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
SB 135* AN ACT relating to hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
SB 136 AN ACT relating to transportation and declaring an emergency.
SB 144 AN ACT relating to confiscated firearms.
SB 146* AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly.
SB 154* AN ACT relating to employment.
SB 179 AN ACT relating to nuclear energy development, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
SB 182* AN ACT relating to liability for injury or damage caused by the underage consumption of intoxicating substances.
SB 198* AN ACT relating to the protection of veterans' benefits.
SB 199* AN ACT relating to loss of consortium.
SB 227* AN ACT relating to highway work zones.
SB 228* AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.
SB 229* AN ACT relating to buildings serving as temporary shelters in times of emergencies.
SB 230* AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of marijuana.
SB 231* AN ACT relating to codes of ethics for local governments.
SB 232* AN ACT relating to insurance disclosures to dog bite and dog attack victims.
SB 233* AN ACT relating to elections.
SB 234* AN ACT relating to non-compete clauses.
SB 235* AN ACT relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders.
SB 241* AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles.
SB 261* AN ACT relating to alcohol and drug counselors.
SB 266 AN ACT relating to the Department of Kentucky State Police.
SCR 23* A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Kentucky's congressional delegation to support amending the Gun Control Act of 1968 to allow users of medical cannabis to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms.
SCR 43 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION expressing Kentucky's support for the Crisis Recovery Support Network coordinated by the Southern Regional Education Board, expressing support for Kentucky's participation in the network, and recognizing the network as a trusted support for Kentucky schools, districts, and postsecondary institutions to know they may call upon if the need arises.
SJR 25 A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Department of Revenue to evaluate and report on the cost of production of agricultural tax exemption number cards.
SR 22 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former President Jimmy Carter.
SR 39* A RESOLUTION recognizing February 14, 2025, as Wear Green for Gastroparesis Day.
SR 56* A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring Dung Tran for converting his business into a warming shelter during the winter storms.
SR 80* A RESOLUTION honoring Brandon Malone for his heroic actions on January 16, 2025, at McNeely Lake.
SR 237 A RESOLUTION urging the Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Department of Education, in partnership with the Secretary of State and education entities, to develop strategies and a timeline for improving Kentucky students’ knowledge and understanding of the constitutional republic of the United States of America and the democratic processes specified in the United States Constitution.
SR 241* A RESOLUTION congratulating University of Louisville men's basketball coach Pat Kelsey, 2025 Atlantic Coast Conference Coach of the Year.
HB 87: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to employment.
HB 580: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to alcohol and drug counselors.

2024 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
SB 12 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky child tax credit.
SB 13* AN ACT relating to crisis aversion and rights retention orders.
SB 14 AN ACT relating to beauty services.
SB 17 AN ACT relating to certificates of death.
SB 24 AN ACT relating to Medicaid managed care.
SB 29 AN ACT relating to property and casualty insurance and declaring an emergency.
SB 36 AN ACT relating to syringe services programs.
SB 38 AN ACT relating to providing free feminine hygiene products for elementary and secondary students.
SB 40 AN ACT relating to school meals at low-income schools and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 43* AN ACT relating to motor vehicle theft.
SB 44* AN ACT relating to highway work zones and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 45* AN ACT relating to Kentucky Alert Systems.
SB 48* AN ACT relating to theft by unlawful taking or disposition.
SB 49* AN ACT relating to boxing and wrestling.
SB 50 AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.
SB 52 AN ACT relating to technology in education and declaring an emergency.
SB 72* AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of intoxicating hemp products.
SB 73* AN ACT relating to marijuana.
SB 74 AN ACT relating to public health.
SB 89 AN ACT relating to Medicaid coverage for certified professional midwifery services.
SB 90* AN ACT relating to bus safety.
SB 91 AN ACT providing funding and establishing conditions for state government agencies and institutions, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
SB 92* AN ACT relating to the transportation of students and declaring an emergency.
SB 94* AN ACT relating to veterans.
SB 96 AN ACT relating to expungement.
SB 97 AN ACT relating to a sales and use tax exemption for diapers.
SB 99* AN ACT relating to exceptions to restrictions on maternal healthcare.
SB 104* AN ACT relating to insurance disclosures to dog bite and dog attack victims.
SB 123* AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages.
SB 127 AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
SB 130 AN ACT relating to discriminatory practices by state agencies.
SB 142 AN ACT relating to paid parental leave.
SB 143 AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote.
SB 152* AN ACT relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
SB 184* AN ACT relating to employment.
SB 185* AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.
SB 188 AN ACT relating to patient access to pharmacy benefits.
SB 205 AN ACT providing maternity leave for public school employees.
SB 214* AN ACT relating to tax incentives for support provided to victims of domestic violence.
SB 218 AN ACT relating to criminal history.
SB 301* AN ACT relating to assisted reproduction.
SB 304* AN ACT relating to codes of ethics for local governments.
SB 319 AN ACT relating to victims of crime.
SB 337 AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis and declaring an emergency.
SB 355* AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly.
SB 362* AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the possession of cannabis.
SB 363* AN ACT relating to tax rebates for certain state-owned facilities.
SB 365* AN ACT relating to loss of consortium.
SB 374* AN ACT relating to employees of the Department of Kentucky State Police.
SB 375* AN ACT relating to property.
SB 382* AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.
SCR 189* A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Foster Care and Adoption Efficiency Task Force.
SR 1 A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Damon Thayer to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 2 A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator John Schickel to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 4 A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Denise Harper Angel upon her retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 24* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Joey Bott.
SR 39 A RESOLUTION declaring August 2024 as Railroad Crossings Safety Awareness Month in Kentucky.
SR 45* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former University of Louisville Men's Basketball Coach Denny Crum.
SR 48* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Thomas B. Wine.
SR 60 A RESOLUTION honoring the agencies and organizations who combat human trafficking.
SR 61 A RESOLUTION designating January 11, 2024, as Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
SR 67 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Kathy Ratliff.
SR 75* A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Gerald Neal for receiving the Keepers of the Dream Freedom Award.
SR 83* A RESOLUTION recognizing February 14, 2024, as Wear Green for Gastroparesis Day.
SR 94 A RESOLUTION honoring the 20th Black History Celebration and recognizing that Black history is American history.
SR 143* A RESOLUTION honoring Ohio Valley Wrestling and celebrating the success of the television documentary "Wrestlers."
SR 150* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Colonel Eric L. Nelson.
SR 167 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jessie "Jess" J. Adkins.
SR 207* A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Louisville Fire Department firefighters, Louisville Metro Police Department officers, and Louisville emergency medical services personnel involved in the recent rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge.
SR 255 A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2024 as Kentucky Women's History Month throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
SB 44: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to highway work zones and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 7: SFA (3) AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles.
HB 7: SFA (5) AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles.
HB 10: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to maternal and child health.
HB 10: SFA (5) AN ACT relating to maternal and child health.
HB 320: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to civil procedure.
HB 320: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to civil procedure.

2023 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
SB 30 AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
SB 47 AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis.
SB 51* AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 53* AN ACT relating to emergency medical services oversight.
SB 59* AN ACT relating to drug paraphernalia.
SB 60 AN ACT relating to the operation of a motorcycle.
SB 67 AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers.
SB 73* AN ACT relating to wagering and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 76* AN ACT relating to special license plates.
SB 77* AN ACT relating to bus safety.
SB 78* AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to medical cannabis.
SB 94 AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority.
SB 147* AN ACT relating to creation of the Office of Safer Communities in the Department for Public Health and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 164 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to restoration of rights.
SB 229* AN ACT relating to child abuse.
SB 264* AN ACT relating to compensation of jurors.
SB 265* AN ACT relating to protective orders.
SB 266* AN ACT relating to intoxicating hemp products.
SB 267* AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Ashanti Alert System.
SB 268* AN ACT relating to financial support of a child or dependent after driving under the influence.
SB 269* AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of marijuana.
SR 14* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Kathy Jo Dowdle.
SR 26 A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Ralph Alvarado to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 33 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Hanan "Henry" Spilman Berg-Brousseau.
SR 38 A RESOLUTION condemning the January 6, 2021, United States Capitol riots.
SR 56* A RESOLUTION recognizing the fire districts serving Jefferson County for their excellent stewardship of public funds and their service in preserving life and property.
SR 107* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of DeSales High School Soccer Coach Lee Smith.
SR 137 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving and memory of Bill Patrick, former Executive Director of the Kentucky County Attorney's Association.
SR 159 A RESOLUTION recognizing the record number of women legislators serving in the 2023 General Assembly.
SR 167* A RESOLUTION honoring the Dupont Manual High School Dazzlers dance team, 2022 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Hip Hop Dance Division State Champions.
SR 168* A RESOLUTION honoring the duPont Manual High School Lady Crimsons, 2022 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Class 3A Girls Cross-Country champions.
SR 195 A RESOLUTION honoring the Martin County High School Cardinals, 2023 KHSAA Boys Basketball 15th Region Champions.
SR 234* A RESOLUTION honoring the Valley High School chess team on winning the 2022 Under 1200 Team National High School Chess Championship.
SB 30: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
SB 30: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
SB 30: SFA (3) AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
SB 268: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to financial support of a child or dependent after driving under the influence.
SB 268: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to financial support of a child or dependent after driving under the influence.
HB 191: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to vacancies in office.
HB 249: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to aggravating circumstances.
HB 594: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to the regulation of game machines.

2022 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
SB 5 AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
SB 8 AN ACT relating to child welfare and declaring an emergency.
SB 23* AN ACT relating to theft of mail matter.
SB 109 AN ACT relating to sexual offenses.
SB 124 AN ACT relating to transportation and declaring an emergency.
SB 137 AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency.
SB 145 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote.
SB 146 AN ACT relating to the State Fair Board and declaring an emergency.
SB 147 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 170 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to property exempt from taxation.
SB 153* AN ACT relating to childhood sexual assault or abuse.
SB 154* AN ACT relating to planning and zoning violations.
SB 163 AN ACT relating to student financial aid.
SB 171 AN ACT relating to civil rights.
SB 182* AN ACT relating to expungement.
SB 183* AN ACT relating to tax rebates for certain state-owned facilities.
SB 184* AN ACT relating to coroners.
SB 186* AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 213* AN ACT relating to wagering and making an appropriation therefor.
SB 237* AN ACT relating to the age requirement for selling or serving alcoholic beverages.
SB 238* AN ACT relating to cosmetology exams.
SB 244* AN ACT relating to registered sex offender information.
SB 261* AN ACT relating to workers' compensation.
SB 286* AN ACT relating to payments from insureds.
SB 305* AN ACT relating to marijuana.
SB 352* AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
SB 369* AN ACT relating to pretrial release.
SB 370* AN ACT relating to electric vehicle infrastructure tax credits.
SB 374* AN ACT relating to healthcare charges.
SB 375* AN ACT relating to the tax liability deferral related to child care costs.
SB 376* AN ACT relating to veterans.
SCR 133* A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to create the L.E.T.T.'s Grow Task Force.
SR 11 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Richard "Rick" Longoria.
SR 18 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James Bernard Yates Sr.
SR 22 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens.
SR 35* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of John Fitzpatrick King, Sr.
SR 57* A RESOLUTION recognizing the inaugural Bluegrass World of Wheels Custom Car Show in Louisville, Kentucky.
SR 67 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of William "Bill" Amey Jr.
SR 106* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James B. "Jim" Martin.
SR 110 A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky State University.
SR 131* A RESOLUTION in honor and loving memory of Dolores Jean Pile Triplett.
SR 140 A RESOLUTION honoring Coach Bill Cronin upon the occasion of his retirement as head football coach for Georgetown College.
SR 153 A RESOLUTION affirming support for Ukrainian sovereignty, the people of Ukraine, and their right to self-determination.
SR 154* A RESOLUTION honoring Kenwood Elementary School on being named a 2021 National ESEA Distinguished School.
SR 160 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Norma F. Deneen.
SR 169 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jordan Wesley Morgan.
SR 212 A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Wil Schroder upon the occasion of his retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 268 A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator C.B. Embry Jr. to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly.
SR 285* A RESOLUTION welcoming Kenny Payne back to the Commonwealth upon his selection as Head Men's Basketball Coach at the University of Louisville.
SR 294 A RESOLUTION honoring Tom FitzGerald for his years of service to the Kentucky Resources Council.
SR 295 A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Louisville Women's Basketball Team upon reaching the 2022 NCAA Women's Basketball Championship Final Four.
SR 299* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jerry Bell.
SR 319 A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Susan Westrom for her dedicated service to the Kentucky House of Representatives.
SR 320 A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Kelly Flood upon her retirement from the Kentucky House of Representatives.
HB 5 AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
SB 25: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to actions in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and declaring an emergency.
SB 25: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to actions in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and declaring an emergency.
SB 25: SFA (3) AN ACT relating to actions in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and declaring an emergency.
SB 25: SFA (4) AN ACT relating to actions in response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and declaring an emergency.
HB 4: SFA (4) AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.
HB 4: SFA (5) AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.
HB 4: SFA (6) AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance.
HB 106: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
HB 106: SFA (3) AN ACT relating to the termination of automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers.
HB 144: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

2021 Special Session Top

Bill Title
SR 4 A RESOLUTION honoring the 13 brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces slain in the terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan.
SR 5* A RESOLUTION recognizing September 7, 2021, as Lesley and Rhyan Prather Live and Be Day.
SR 11 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of James P. Jenkins on the occasion of his 90th birthday.
SR 12 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of James P. Jenkins, public servant.
SR 13 A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.

2021 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
SB 4 AN ACT relating to warrants authorizing entry without notice.
SB 13* AN ACT relating to prevailing wage.
SB 15 AN ACT relating to microbreweries.
SB 23 AN ACT relating to health disparity impacts.
SB 30 AN ACT relating to youth mental health protection and declaring an emergency.
SB 41 AN ACT relating to wages.
SB 52 AN ACT relating to sexual offenses by peace officers.
SB 78 AN ACT relating to the prescriptive authority of advanced practice registered nurses.
SB 80 AN ACT relating to peace officers.
SB 92 AN ACT relating to medicinal cannabis.
SB 110 AN ACT relating to prescription insulin and declaring an emergency.
SB 116 AN ACT relating to hate crimes.
SB 169 AN ACT relating to duty-related disability benefits.
SB 195* AN ACT relating to emergency medical personnel.
SB 237* AN ACT relating to expungement.
SB 239 AN ACT relating to competency to stand trial.
SB 246* AN ACT relating to veterans.
SB 247 AN ACT relating to oversight of the police for a consolidated local government and declaring an emergency.
SB 269 AN ACT relating to civil rights.
SB 270 AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and making an appropriation therefor.
SR 22 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Wanda Goodwin Thomas.
SR 25 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Eleanor Carol Leavell Barr.
SR 48* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Chase C. Gavin.
SR 67 A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
SR 76 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Mason County Judge/Executive Joseph Patrick Pfeffer.
SR 81 A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month and honoring keynote speaker of the annual Black History Celebration, Georgia State Representative Billy Mitchell.
SR 118* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Tyrran Wayne Scroggins.
SR 134 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Katherine Sue Scott.
SR 138* A RESOLUTION honoring the Jefferson Community and Technical College academic team upon winning the 2021 Community College Championship Tournament.
SR 143* A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Madelynn Noel Troutt.
SR 213 A RESOLUTION honoring those who act for social justice.
SR 240 A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Coach Howard Schnellenberger.
SR 243 A RESOLUTION honoring the memory of Senator Georgia Davis Powers and her contributions to women's history.
SB 5: SFA (1) AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency.
SB 5: SFA (2) AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency.

Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)