Education, Elementary and Secondary

Accountability system, postsecondary readiness indicators

Alternative certification options, eligible for hire letter, process

Alternative certification options, review

Alternative placements, appeal authority, delegation

Alternative publication procedures

Alternative teacher certification, Option 6 provisional certification, duration

Alternative teacher certification, Option 7 provisional certification, duration

Athletic eligibility, nonresident students, establish

Bullitt East Chargers Football, 2022 state champions, recognition

Candidates for office, partisan requirement for office sought

Central High School, 150th anniversary, recognition

Classic Learning Test, KEES supplemental amount, inclusion

Classified personnel, education requirements for employment

Classified staff, instructional activities, eligibility

Classified staff, instructional activities eligibility, deletion

Commissioner of education, employment contract, annual review

Commissioner of education, Senate confirmation, requirement

Commonwealth Education Continuum, P-20 education, collaboration and integration

Complaint process, harmful to minors, programs and events

Complaint process, harmful to minors, school materials

Conduct disclosure, immunity

Contiguous school districts, merger of

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

COVID-19 precautions, opt-out, medical device, vaccine, and testing requirements, emergency

COVID-19 vaccine, not to be required for school attendance

COVID-19 vaccine, prohibition on requirement for school attendance

Department of Criminal Justice, SafeKY, advisory council, member

Department of Education, information posting, technical correction

Dependent, abused, or neglected children, duty to report, risk of physical or emotional harm

Dual credit scholarship, course eligibility

Dual credit scholarship, courses, addition

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Dual credit scholarship, rate ceiling, increase

duPont Manual High School, 2022 KHSAA Girls Cross Country champions, recognition

Dyslexia, local board of education, policy requirements

Dyslexia, study project, Kentucky Department of Education

Edelen, Hannah, recognition

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Amy Shearer Lingo

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Christopher John Fryer

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Corinne Marie Murphy

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Elijah Daye Edwards

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Jacqueline Mayfield

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Justin Kyle Mitchell

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Lisa Marie Rudzinski

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Merideth Murphy Pittman

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Priscilla Keller

Educational unsuitable material, complaint and appeal process

Educationally unsuitable materials, limiting access

Educators employment liability insurance program, establishment

Educators employment liability insurance, third-party administrator contract, removal

Elevate teaching marketing program, deletion

Eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion

Emergency teacher certification, eligibility, extension

Energy savings contracts, decommissioning buildings, public schools

Federal accountability requirements, urging expansion

Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision

Fern Creek High School, 100th anniversary, recognition

Foster care student toolkit, creation

Frederick Douglass Broncos Football, 2022 state champions, recognition

Gender-neutral language, insertion

GoTeach KY Ambassador program, deletion

GoTeachKY program, expansion

Hazing, criminal offense, elements

Helen Cottongim, Boone County School District, honoring

High school diploma or equivalent, not required for employment of classified personnel

High school graduation, FAFSA completion, requirement

Historical instruction, African and Native American history requirements

History of racism, curriculum, inclusion

Holocaust instruction, survey on

Human sexuality, contraception and family planning services, parental notice

Human sexuality education, parental consent

Immunization policy, prohibition of implementation mid-year

Insolvent school district, merger provisions for

Interim teaching certificate, eligibility

Interscholastic athletics, nonresident student eligibility restriction, removal

Interscholastic extracurricular activities, participation

Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, establishment

KEES scholarship, eligibility, hazing

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, gender representation requirement, deletion

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, membership

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, membership, revision

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, minority representation requirement, deletion

Kentucky Board of Education, at-large member, addition

Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Lee Trover Todd

Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Randolph J. Poe

Kentucky Board of Education, dismissal of Commissioner Jason E. Glass, urge

Kentucky Board of Education, membership requirements

Kentucky Board of Education, student voting member, addition

Kentucky Department of Education, property transaction regulation and guidance, review

Kentucky Educator Placement Service System, definition

Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program, alternative education program, establishment

Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program, assessment and accountability, terms

Kentucky Guard Youth Challenge Program, establishment

Kentucky School for the Deaf, Deaf Education Month

KHSAA interscholastic athletics, portable automated external defibrillators, requirement

Kindergarten, full day of instruction

Learning pods, protections

Learning pods, teacher certification requirements, exemption

Liability insurance, certified employees, district provision

Local boards of education, peace officers, employment contracts, training reimbursement

Local board of education, secretary, superintendent not to be appointed

Local boards of education, public-private partnerships

Local boards of education, vapor and tobacco product, possession, penalties

Local property tax, motor vehicle exemption

Local school board, student journalism protection, adoption of policies

Local school boards, student representative, requirement

Local school boards, teacher representative, requirement

Lottery Trust Fund Task Force, creation

Martin County High School Cardinals, boys basketball, regional champions, recognition

Mental health application, availability to students and teachers

Misconduct allegation, disclosure requirement, timeframe

Misconduct allegation, personnel file, timeframe, requirement

Misconduct allegations, reporting, requirements

Moments of silence and reflection, daily observation requirement

Name and pronoun use, parental rights

New building construction or expansion funding, contingent on compliance with AED mandate

Noncertified school graduates, KEES base amount, inclusion

Nonpublic schools, background checks, requirements

Nonpublic schools, reference checks, requirements

Online job posting system, development

Parental consent, student health and mental healthcare

Parental rights, protection

Parental rights, public schools

Personnel exit survey, requirement

Portable automated external defibrillators, off-campus school events, optional

Portable automated external defibrillators, public school buildings and events, requirement for

Portable automated external defibrillators, training in use of

Postsecondary readiness indicator, requirements, prohibition

Preschool, eligible three and four year olds, school district to provide

Preschool, eligible three and four year olds, school districts to provide

Privacy rights of students, local board of education, policies to protect

Private and parochial schools, certified, school calendar requirement

Private and parochial schools, school calendar requirement

Professional development, facilities and property, optional

Professional development, performance-based pilot program, implementation

Professional development training schedule, Kentucky Department of Education, creation

Professional development training schedule, local boards implementation

Property transactions, restrictions, temporary waiver

Proposed constitutional amendment, educational costs outside public schools

Psychological injuries for educators, workers' compensation

Public charter school, applications

Public charter school, contract terms and governance, modification

Public libraries, sale of electronic literary products by publishers, contract terms

Public schools, common comprehensive reading program, requirement

Race and protected hairstyles, reasonable school safety policies

Race and protective hairstyles, discrimination in schools, prohibition in disciplinary codes

Reference checks, nonfaculty coaches, requirement

Road construction projects at schools. Transportation Cabinet approval

Road improvements, costs, district reimbursement

Sacred Heart Academy, 2023 State Girls' Basketball champions, honoring

School AED Fund, establishment

School building project bidding, minimum amount, increase

School building project contract reporting, requirement

School building project quotes, requirement

School bus drivers, commercial driver's licenses, physical examination requirement

School bus sensors and interior cameras, consideration

School calendar, additional day

School calendar, requirement for certified private and parochial schools

School calendar, requirement for private and parochial schools

School discipline, assaults at school, employee leave benefits and rights, mandatory reporting

School discipline, off campus incidents, deletion

School discipline provisions, interpretation

School district applicant, employment history request, deadline

School district applicants, reference checks

School district mental health services, parent refusal, reporting child at-risk

School district property transactions, restrictions, temporary waiver

School districts, information provided, requirement

School employees, sick and personal leave, required documentation, personal statement

School expulsion, review process, requirement

School fiscal impact statement, legislation, requirement

School personnel, abusive conduct, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition

School personnel, abusive conduct, records, retention

School personnel, state criminal background check, requirement

School personnel, student name and pronoun usage

School policy, violation of teacher principles, prohibition

School property, transfer or sale to state agency, authorize

School property, weapons, sign notification requirement, removal

School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, proclamation

School safety, private and parochial schools, school resource officers

Schools, abusive conduct, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition

Schools, authorization to carry concealed deadly weapons

Sex offenders, loitering within 1,000 feet of specific locations, prohibition

Statewide employment system, data collection, requirement

Statewide reading research center, establishment

Student alternative placement, superintendent, determination

Student behavior, removal from classroom, option

Student birth certificate, policy prohibition

Student disciplinary actions, parental notification

Student discipline, alternative placement, option

Student discipline, intoxicating tetrahydrocannabinol product, requirement

Student discipline, off campus assault, requirement

Student expulsion, alternative placement, option

Student expulsion, review process, requirement

Student home or hospital instruction, eligibility

Student information systems, proactive admissions pilot program for high school seniors

Student journalists and student media advisors, protections

Student privacy, ensuring

Student removal from classroom, procedures

Student rights, change of teachers

Student suspensions, hearing process, requirement

Student threats, expulsion, requirement

Superintendent steering committees, parent members, nonemployees of a school district

Supplemental appropriations, education

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky program, average daily membership, transition

Teacher compensation and work environment, Legislative Research Commission, study

Teacher computers, gender-neutral language

Teacher planning time, supervision and instruction required, compensation

Teachers' religious rights, protections

Teachers' retirement, service credit, makeup days

Teachers' Retirement System, sick leave balance reporting

Teachers, substitute certification

Teaching profession marketing program, establishment

Transgender students in public schools, suicide rates, report mandated

Transient school students, transportation request, determination

Transient students, kindergarten, eligibility

Transient students, school enrollment, option

Transient students, siblings, eligibility

Trauma-informed approach plan requirement

Trauma-informed approach plan, review, requirement

Trauma-informed teams and plans, child abuse and neglect awareness and prevention, inclusion

Undsignated glucagon, administration

Urban agriculture, youth, promotion

US Constitution and democracy, student knowledge, partnership to improve and develop

Valley High School chess team, 2022 national high school champions, honoring

Warren Central High School, 2023 State Boys' Basketball champions, honor

Weapons prohibition, optional

Work Ready Scholarship, dual credit courses, deletion

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:03 PM (EST)