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Presenting to the Legislative Committees
2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Education, Elementary and Secondary
Education, Elementary and Secondary
Academic standards and materials, alignment
House Bill 8
Advanced coursework and accelerated learning, district plan, requirements and permissive components
House Bill 190: House Committee Substitute (1)
Advanced coursework, requirements
House Bill 190
Advertisement for public notices, procedures and thresholds
House Bill 386
Age-appropriate child sexual abuse instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization
House Bill 382
Alternative publication procedures
House Bill 368
At-home private school students, interscholastic athletics participation, authorization
Senate Bill 120: House Floor Amendment (1)
At-home private school, transfer, restriction
House Bill 621
Autonomous vehicles, school bus restriction, student transportation
Senate Bill 38: House Floor Amendment (1)
Autonomous vehicles, school buses, prohibition
Senate Bill 241
Autonomous vehicles, student transport, prohibition
Senate Bill 38: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 252
House Bill 379
Bowman Skunk Works, aerospace education, recognition
Senate Resolution 91
Center for School Safety, wearable panic alert system, grants
House Bill 14
CERS, retiree health subsidies and employee contribution rates, increase
Senate Bill 10
Chaplains, school districts, public charter schools, background check, requirement
House Bill 454
Chaplains, school districts, public charter schools, employed or volunteer, requirement
House Bill 454
Charitable gaming, local school districts, licensing
House Bill 566: House Committee Substitute (1)
Child labor laws poster, school building, display requirement
Senate Bill 52
Senate Bill 120: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 457
Chinese government, funding, prohibition
House Bill 554
Choking prevention, anti-choking devices, emergencies
House Resolution 6
Choking prevention, anti-choking devices, Heimlich maneuver, emergencies
House Bill 44
Classic Learning Test, KEES supplemental amount, inclusion
Senate Bill 83
Complaint process, school materials, removal
House Bill 207
Comprehensive school and district improvement plans, state mandate, deletion
House Bill 48
Comprehensive school improvement plans, school criteria for requirement
House Bill 48: House Committee Substitute (1)
Comprehensive support and improvement schools, identification
House Bill 298
Comprehensive support and improvement schools, professional learning
House Bill 298
Comprehensive support and improvement schools, turnaround team
House Bill 298: House Committee Substitute (1)
Comprehensive support and improvement, state intervention schools, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Compulsory school attendance, exemption
Senate Bill 213
Senate Bill 213: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Contiguous school districts, merger
House Bill 297
Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance
House Bill 345
COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement
Senate Bill 177
Criminal background checks performed for federal agencies
House Bill 340
Districts of innovation, repeal
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Dual credit scholarship, eligibility
House Bill 193
Senate Bill 253
Dyslexia, local board of education, policy requirements
House Bill 272
Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Corinne Marie Murphy
Senate Resolution 180
Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Leigh Amber Snell
Senate Resolution 219
Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Lori McKeehan
Senate Resolution 182
Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Matthew Scott "Scottie" Collier
Senate Resolution 113
Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Priscilla Keller
Senate Resolution 176
Education Professional Standards Board, membership
Senate Bill 77
Senate Bill 77: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Education Professional Standards Board, public schools, authority
House Bill 91
Education Professional Standards Board, teacher preparation programs
House Bill 251
Education, youth, urban agriculture, promotion
House Bill 356: House Committee Substitute (1)
Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, complaint and appeal process
House Bill 653
Educationally unsuitable and age inappropriate materials, limiting access
House Bill 653
Educationally unsuitable materials, employees, willful violation, disciplinary action
House Bill 653
Efficient and Effective Districts Task Force, creation
Senate Concurrent Resolution 131
Electronic communication with students, restrictions
Senate Bill 181
Eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion
House Bill 565
Employer contributions to Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, income tax credit
House Bill 189
English language learner students, SEEK add-on, establishment
Senate Bill 142
Facilities use by students, individual privacy
Senate Bill 90
Facilities use by students of opposite biological sex, authorization
House Bill 513
Family impact statement, requirements
House Bill 248
Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision
House Bill 74
Financial literacy course, graduation requirement
House Bill 342
First graders, reading improvement plan, additional year, academic preparedness
House Bill 240: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Foreign source funding, report, requirements
House Bill 554
Gender-appropriate pronouns, parental request, usage
Senate Bill 90
Gender-neutral language, insertion
House Bill 11
Senate Bill 157
Senate Bill 158
Senate Bill 159
Senate Bill 173
House Bill 404
House Bill 509
House Bill 526
House Bill 619
House Bill 636
House Bill 637
House Bill 743
Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition
House Bill 182
Graduation requirements, physical education, athletics participation alternative
House Bill 301
Habitual truancy, transfers to at-home private school, removal of prohibition
House Bill 621: House Committee Substitute (1)
Health course, organ donation program, benefits
House Bill 239
Health services related to human sexuality, parental rights, modification
House Bill 513
Healthy relationship instruction, age-appropriate, requirement for all grades
House Bill 706
High quality instructional materials, requirements
Senate Bill 207: House Committee Substitute (1)
Historical instruction, African and Native American history requirements
House Bill 119
Home and hosptial instruction, inpatient facility, instruction eligibility
House Bill 132
Human growth and development instruction, requirements
House Bill 809: House Floor Amendment (1)
Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification
House Bill 397
Human sexuality instruction, parental right to opt student out of instruction
House Bill 380
Human sexuality programs, parental rights, opt out
Senate Bill 90
Human sexuality programs, parental rights, requirements, modification
House Bill 513
Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition
Senate Bill 151
House Bill 492
Immunization policy, prohibition of implementation mid-year
House Bill 647
Independent school districts, establishment
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
Insolvent school districts, merger
House Bill 297
Instructional programs for school-age children, exemptions
House Bill 679
Interlocal cooperative boards, management and control, audit
House Bill 584
Interlocal cooperative boards, requirements
House Bill 584
Interscholastic athletics, administrators and coaches, child dependency, neglect, and abuse training
Senate Bill 120
Interscholastic athletics, boys and coed lacrosse, pupils in grades seven and eight, prohibition
Senate Bill 120: House Committee Substitute (1)
Interscholastic athletics, coach training requirement, student athlete psychological concerns
Senate Bill 224
Interscholastic athletics participation consent forms, dependency, neglect, and abuse information
Senate Bill 120
Interscholastic athletics, varsity eligibility rule, establishment
House Bill 292
Interscholastic extracurricular activities, participation
House Bill 724
KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded
Senate Bill 45
KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion
Senate Bill 45
KEES supplemental amount, Classic Learning Test, removal
Senate Bill 83: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Harold McKinney
Senate Resolution 169
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Holly Bloodworth
Senate Resolution 145
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Juston C. Pate
Senate Resolution 151
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Michael Joseph Borchers
Senate Resolution 144
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Sharon Porter Robinson
Senate Resolution 110
Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Stephen Allen Trimble
Senate Resolution 168
Kentucky Department of Education, Going Pro Day, recognition
Senate Resolution 224
Kentucky Department of Education, instructional materials guide, development
House Bill 156
Kentucky Department of Education, nonresident pupil data, appeals process
House Bill 440
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship, convicted felon, scholarship eligibility
House Bill 750
Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship, registered sex offenders, scholarship eligibility
House Bill 750: House Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky guardian program, delay effective date, 2026-2027 school year
Senate Bill 68: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Kentucky Historical Society, America's 250th Anniversary
House Resolution 57
Kentucky School for the Deaf Governance Task Force, study of governance models
House Concurrent Resolution 28
Senate Concurrent Resolution 76
Kentucky School for the Deaf, superintendent, appointment
Senate Bill 214
House Bill 532
Kentucky Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Nick Carter, 2025
Senate Resolution 57
KHSAA transfer and eligibility process, report
House Joint Resolution 49
Kindergarten, additional year academic preparedness
House Bill 240: House Committee Substitute (1)
Kindergarten, full day of instruction
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
House Bill 530
Kindergarten, reading improvement plan, additional year, academic preparedness
House Bill 240
Kindergarten, universal screener, within final 10 instructional days, requirement
House Bill 240
Kindergarten, universal screener, within final 14 instructional days, requirement
House Bill 240: House Committee Substitute (1)
Ky Board of Education, interlocal cooperative board, reports, financial, educational accounts
House Bill 584
Learning pods, protections
House Bill 91
Learning pods, teacher certification requirements, exemption
House Bill 91
Limited English proficiency students, enhanced support program
House Bill 494
Local board of education, county district election divisions, reestablishing
Senate Bill 131
Local board of education members, relatives, hiring
Senate Bill 131
Local board of education, number of members, determination
Senate Bill 131
Local boards of education, causes for removal
Senate Bill 66
Local boards of education, code of ethics, requirement
Senate Bill 66
Local boards of education, educationally unsuitable materials, policy, require
House Bill 653
Local boards of education, eligibility
Senate Bill 66
Local boards of education, partisan requirement for office sought
House Bill 169
Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement
Senate Bill 68
Local boards of education, publication of budget, restore original language
Senate Bill 68: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Local boards of education, publication of budget, website, requirement
Senate Bill 68: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Local boards of education, virtual instructional materials, provision
House Bill 241: Senate Floor Amendment (4)
Local health department partnership, public school health programming, authorization
House Bill 809
Local health department partnership, public school health programs, modification
House Bill 809: House Floor Amendment (1)
Local P-16 councils, repeal
House Bill 711
Local school board, student journalism protection, adoption of policies
Senate Bill 40
Local school boards, student representative, requirement
House Bill 626
Local school district, critical shortage, rehire requirement
House Bill 441
Local school districts, disaster relief student attendance days, allowance
House Bill 241: House Committee Substitute (1)
Local school districts, disaster relief student attendance days, removal
House Bill 241: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Local school districts, funding for school counselors
House Bill 719
Local school districts, preamble to the Constitution of the United States, recitation, include
Senate Bill 19: House Floor Amendment (2)
Local school districts, salary increase for eligible employees
House Bill 271
Local school districts, school calendar incentives, low attendance days
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Local school districts, traditional Lord's prayer, recitation, removal
Senate Bill 19: House Floor Amendment (2)
Locally operated career and technical education centers, funding
House Bill 758
Making Our Schools Safe (MOSS) Day, recognition
House Resolution 26
Maternity leave, school district employees, establishment
House Bill 259
Menstrual discharge collection devices, distribution in schools
House Bill 231
Misconduct involving minors, investigation authority
House Bill 298: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Misconduct involving minors, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition
House Bill 36
House Bill 298: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Moments of silence and reflection, daily observation requirement
Senate Bill 19
House Bill 25
Moments of silence and reflection, requirements, deletion
Senate Bill 19: House Floor Amendment (1)
Moral instruction, public schools, requirements
House Bill 607
Music, education, honoring
Senate Resolution 42
New teacher induction programs, mandate, deletion
House Bill 48
Noncertified school graduates, KEES base amount, inclusion
Senate Bill 83
Noncertified school student, KEES award amounts, inclusion
House Bill 249
Non-certified teacher waiver, authorization, removal
Senate Bill 207: House Floor Amendment (2)
Nonresident pupil policies, requirements, establishment
House Bill 440
Nontraditional Instruction and Virtual Instruction Models Task Force, creation
House Bill 241: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Nontraditional Instruction and Virtual Instruction Models Task Force, scope, membership
Senate Concurrent Resolution 147
Nontraditional instruction plan, removal of authorization
House Bill 737
Omnibus bill
House Bill 8
Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions
House Bill 318
Option 9 teacher certification programs, substitute teaching employment
House Bill 170
Parental leave, establishment
Senate Bill 9: House Floor Amendment (2)
Part-time student enrollment in public schools, authorization
House Bill 440
Personal telecommunications device, student use, prohibition
House Bill 208
House Bill 208: House Floor Amendment (1)
Preschool, eligible three and four-year-olds, school district to provide
House Bill 300
House Bill 460
Professional development, certified personnel, compensation
House Bill 448
Professional development, creation of four-year reoccurring schedule
House Bill 48
Professional development training schedule, Kentucky Department of Education, creation
House Bill 230
Professional development training schedule, local board implementation
House Bill 230
Psychological injuries for educators, workers' compensation
House Bill 467
Puberty instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization
House Bill 380
Public charter schools, repeal
House Bill 541
Public education agencies, employee compensation, publication
Senate Bill 165
Public education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, omnibus bill
Senate Bill 165
Public entity, required political contact, prohibition
House Bill 715
Public hearings, rates beyond compensating rate, conduct within 21 days after advertisement
House Bill 368: House Floor Amendment (1)
Public school buildings, single-user toilet facilities, requirement
House Bill 270
Public school virtual programs, temporary enrollment cap, establishment
House Bill 784
Public schools, required learning capacities of Kentucky public students
Senate Bill 68
Public schools, statute and administrative regulation waiver process, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Public schools, Ten Commandments, display, requirement
House Bill 65
Race and protective hairstyles, discrimination in schools, prohibition in disciplinary codes
House Bill 125
Read Across America Day, commemoration
House Resolution 72
Read Across America Day, recognition
Senate Resolution 158
Restroom facilities privacy plan, students with privacy needs, requirement
House Bill 270
School AED fund, super speeder, fees
Senate Bill 57
School and district reporting requirements, flexibility in compliance to federal law
House Bill 48: House Committee Substitute (2)
School buildings, restroom facilities, gender-specific requirements
House Bill 163
School buildings, teacher housing, affordable housing, allowable uses
House Bill 807
School bus safety instruction requirements, establishment
House Bill 430
House Bill 430: House Committee Substitute (1)
School bus sensors and interior cameras, consideration
Senate Bill 31
School bus stop arm cameras, installation, civil penalty, enforcement
Senate Bill 38
Senate Bill 38: House Committee Substitute (1)
School bus stop arm cameras, installation, penalty increase, enforcement
Senate Bill 38: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
School bus stop arm cameras, notice requirement
Senate Bill 38: House Floor Amendment (2)
School bus stop cameras, placement and use
House Bill 258
School calendar, professional development, additional day
House Bill 230
School construction, Center for School Safety, consultation
House Bill 433
School discipline, assaults at school, employee leave benefits and rights, mandatory reporting
House Bill 779
School district applicants, disclosure of abusive conduct
House Bill 36
House Bill 298: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
School district applicants, employment history request, deadline
House Bill 36
House Bill 298: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
School district passenger vehicles, driver qualifications, regulation
House Bill 661
School districts, administrator salaries, limitation
House Bill 752
School districts, professional development training, report
House Bill 230
School districts, superintendent salary, limitation
House Bill 752
School employees, assault of school personnel causing physical injury, leave benefits
House Bill 779
School Mapping Data Program, administration
House Bill 777
School nutrition, community eligibility provision, reimbursement to school districts
Senate Bill 48
School resource officers, reimbursement
House Bill 728
School Supplies for Kentucky Teachers Program, establishment
House Bill 732
Schools, authorization to carry concealed deadly weapons
House Bill 204
Schools of innovation, contract with education service provider, removal
Senate Bill 207: House Floor Amendment (1)
Schools of innovation status, establishment
Senate Bill 5
Senate Bill 207
Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals
House Bill 47
Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students, poster
House Bill 47
SEEK, district eligibility, restrictions
House Bill 752
SEEK funding adjustment, nonresident pupil enrollment, virtual programs
Senate Bill 268: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Serious physical injury or death, investigation, requirements
House Bill 589
Sex discrimination, prohibition
Senate Bill 116
Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions
House Bill 50
Sexual extortion, age appropriate notice to students, posters
Senate Bill 73: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Sexual extortion, age appropriate notice to students, principals
Senate Bill 73: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals
Senate Bill 73
Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster
Senate Bill 73
Sick leave, use for observance of religious holidays not on school calendar
Senate Bill 9: House Floor Amendment (1)
Social media, student access, prohibition
House Bill 208
Social studies, LGBT history, inclusion
House Bill 268
Social studies, marginalized peoples in history, inclusion
House Bill 268
Southern Regional Education Board, Crisis Recovery Support Network, recognition and support
Senate Concurrent Resolution 43
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Grace-Nicole Danielle Burke
Senate Resolution 222
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Jacqueline Jaretta Grisby Burnside
Senate Resolution 173
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Jonathan R. VanHoose
Senate Resolution 213
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Kenneth Christopher LeMonds
Senate Resolution 217
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Mary Leigh Lewis
Senate Resolution 172
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Mike S. Stacy
Senate Resolution 209
Standards and Assessments Process Review Committee, confirmation, Phillip Ryan Prokes
Senate Resolution 211
State Instructional Materials Commission, establishment
House Bill 156
State-operated schools, purchasing and contracting authority
House Bill 491: House Floor Amendment (1)
Statewide assessments, requirements
House Bill 8: House Floor Amendment (1)
Student attendance days, waiver, 2024-2025 school year
House Bill 241
Student attendance days waiver, criminal activity dangers, establishment
House Bill 669
Student attendance days, waiver denial, 2024-2025 school year
House Bill 241: House Committee Substitute (1)
Student journalists and student media advisors, protections
Senate Bill 40
Student lunch period, 30 minute minimum duration
House Bill 167
Students, anaphylaxis treatment, possession and administration of intranasal epinephrine at schools
House Bill 384
Success Sequence, instruction, requirements
House Bill 294
Summative evaluations, reduction of frequency for tenured certified staff
House Bill 48
Superintendent investigations, local board report, requirement
Senate Bill 131
Superintendent removal process, requirements
Senate Bill 131
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program, awareness
Senate Resolution 18
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, appropriation
House Bill 600
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, fringe benefit costs, inclusion
Senate Bill 6: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, on-behalf costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Support Education Excellence in Kentucky Program, total costs, establishment
Senate Bill 6
Tax incentives, school employees
House Bill 1: House Floor Amendment (1)
Teacher certification, assessment requirement, removal
House Bill 205
Teacher employment eligibility, minimum assessment score
House Bill 324
Teacher planning time, required supervision and instruction, compensation
House Bill 168
House Bill 435
Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, repeal
Senate Bill 253
Teachers, employment contracts, access
House Bill 48
Teachers' retirement, service credit, optional makeup days, religious holidays
House Bill 507
Teachers' Retirement System, designate WeLeadCS as a participating employer
House Bill 73
Teachers' Retirement System, sick leave and maternity leave provisions
Senate Bill 9
Senate Bill 9: Senate Floor Amendment (2)
Ten Commandments, reading or posting in public schools
House Bill 116
Terroristic threatening, schools
House Bill 621: House Floor Amendment (1)
Three-cueing system of instruction, prohibition
House Bill 528
Tracible communication system, notice and instructions to parents within 10 days of school year
Senate Bill 181: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Tuition, public school, prohibition
House Bill 440
Ultra-processed foods, ban
House Bill 439
Undesignated glucagon, administration
House Bill 75
House Bill 174
House Bill 688
Urban agriculture, youth, promotion
House Bill 356
Virtual program, enrollment cap, prohibition
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Senate Bill 268
Virtual program, nonresident pupil enrollment, establish guidelines
Senate Bill 268: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Virtual program, nonresident pupil enrollment, establishment of guidelines
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Virtual program, SEEK fund withholding, prohibition
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Senate Bill 268
Virtual program, teacher class size load cap, exclusion
House Bill 241: Senate Committee Substitute (2)
Senate Bill 268: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Vital statistics, data collection, male and female, identification
Senate Bill 116
Voting places, use of school buildings, requirements
House Bill 684
House Bill 684: House Committee Substitute (1)
Wearable panic alert system, implementation
House Bill 14
Youth organizations, provision of information on school property
House Bill 603
Youth transportation network company services, regulation
House Bill 438
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM