Proceedings of the Senate


Senate Bill: 100, 117, 118, 119


Senate Bill: A&R(S) - 78, A&R(S) - 107, CC(S) - 100, CC(S) - 117, CC(S) - 118, CC(S) - 119, EcDevTL(S) - 103
Senate Concurrent Resolution: Ed(S) - 43
Senate Bill: NR&E (S) - 108, StGov(S) - 104, StGov(S) - 109, V,MA&PP(S) - 105

To Senate Floor

Senate Resolution: 42

2nd reading, to Rules

Senate Bill: 26, 59scs, 61, 64scs sfta, 73, 76

Posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day

Senate Bill: 26, 59scs, 76

Passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day

Senate Bill: 313


Senate Bill: 17, 37scs sfa(1), 43scs, 126scs


Senate Resolution: 21, 38


Senate Bill: 52

Floor amendment filed

Senate Bill: 14sfta(1) sfa(2)

Floor amendment adopted

Senate Bill: 37scs, 37sfa(1)to cs, 43scs, 126scs

Last updated: 2/7/2025 3:52 PM (EST)