Crime Victims

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Action against perpetrator of sexual abuse - SB 53: HCS
Adults, abuse and exploitation of - SB 36; SB 36: SCS
Chain gang, establishment of - HB 268
  • sexual abuse investigation - SB 58
  • sexual abuse, investigation of - SB 58: SCS
Childhood sexual abuse, limitations of civil actions - SB 53
Citizenship and state residency - HB 659: SFA(1)
Commission on Corrections, membership - SB 410
Compensation, acts of terrorism - HB 659
  • of ethnic intimidation, elimination of - HB 455: SFA(7)
  • victim impact testimony - HB 303
  • defendants, evidence and communicable disease testing - HB 584
  • justice matters, free conference committee report - HB 455: FCCR
  • justice matters, omnibus revision - HB 455: SFA(13)
  • justice, omnibus revision - HB 455: HCS(1)
  • matters, omnibus revision - HB 455: SFA(4)
Criminals, mandatory testing for HIV - HB 98
Driving under the influence, prohibition of - HB 455: SFA(21)
Elder abuse and exploitation, study of - HCR 114: SCS
Ethnic intimidation, eliminate sexual orientation of the victim as a basis - HB 455: SFA(5)
Felony record, expungement of - HB 88
Parole board, membership, hearings - HB 736
Personal injury actions, omnibus revision of law governing - SB 411
Protective orders, scope, unmarried couples of opposite sex - SB 12
Restitution, payment of - HB 525
  • abuse offenders ineligible for probation - HB 188
  • Assault Nurse Examiner Advisory Council - HB 864: SFA(4)
  • offense, use of controlled substances during - HB 840
Spreading HIV or AIDS - HB 455: SFA(12),(16)
Victims, denial of health insurance coverage prohibited - HB 864; HB 864: HFA (1)
Violent offenders, definition - HB 33
Visitation of child by parent who murdered other parent - HB 489

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