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Appalachian/Ky Artisans Gateway Ctr. Authority, staffing & attachment to cabinet for admin. purposes - SB 26
Audits and audit standards, tourism and convention commissions, related to - HB 438: SCA(1)
Billboards, vegetation control permit, establishment of - SB 172
Buses, exempt from property tax - HB 704
Camping fees in state parks, exemption, disabled and disabled veterans - HB 905
Certified retirement communities, zero telephone call list - HB 896: SFA(2),(3)
Charter and tour buses, property tax exemption for - HB 704: HCA(1)
Civil War Battlefield Task Force, study - HJR 99
Collection of sales tax by an approved company - HB 811: HFA(1)
Development assistance for constructing lodging facilities. - HB 43
General Burnside Island State Park, feasibility and cost of new state park and lodge - HJR 61
Lake Herrington, feasibility and cost of new state park and lodge - HJR 61
  • supplemental guide signs - HB 693: SCA(1)
  • supplemental guide signs, procedures and definitions - HB 693
Local tourism and convention bureaus - HB 438: HCS
Lodging, "tourism attraction," definition of, modification of - HB 821
Official steam locomotive, Old #152, designation as - HB 222
Outdoor advertising devices, clarify viewing zone and routine maintenance - SB 172: HFA(1)
Provisions of tourism development agreement - HB 811; HB 209: HFA (1)
Recruitment of an NBA franchise, Governor, urging support - HR 140
Rehabilitation of historic structures - HB 43: HCA(1)
Retirement living, program to attract retirees to live in Kentucky - HB 896: HCA(1)
Seasonal employees - HB 287: SCA(1)
Supplemental account, appropriation of sales tax for - SB 252
  • Force on Funding for Wildlife Conservation, reauthorization of - SCR 16
  • Force on Wildlife Conservation, reauthorize, title amendment - SCR 16: SFA(1)
Tourism Development Cabinet, program to attract retirees to live in Kentucky - HB 896
  • and convention commissions - SB 133
  • and convention commissions, local, name change to include "recreational" - HB 438
  • room tax for multi-county tourism and convention commissions - HB 584: HCS
  • room tax in urban-counties - HB 656: HCS
  • room tax, county with city of second class, levy permitted - HB 584
  • room tax, delete provisions relating to multicounty tourist and convention commissions - HB 584: HFA(3)
  • room tax, increase for urban county governments by fiscal court - HB 656
  • room tax, prevent expenditures for construction or maintenance of out-of-state facilities - HB 584: HFA(1)

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