Retirement and Pensions


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Annual allowance, increase - HB 224
Beneficiary, change designation of - HB 10: HCS
classified employees - HB 498: HCS
military service - HB 330, 498, 510; HB 510: HCS
Claims against the state, payment of - HB 588
Concealed deadly weapon, out-of-state retired officer, carrying of - HB 237
Creditable compensation, clarify disability payments in - SB 51: HFA (1)
benefits, police and fire, 2nd and 3rd class - HB 402
in the line of duty, increase in allowance to survivor when - HB 687
Defined contribution plan, study feasibility of offering - HCR 173
Elected officials, retirement of - SB 30: HFA (1)
Employment of retired elected officials, suspension of retirement - HB 153: HCS
Estate, change beneficiary to - HB 10: HCS
Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision, urge Congress to repeal - HCR 106, 147
Grandfathered peace officer, certification of - HB 343
duty, definition of - HB 614
duty, include certain agriculture employees - HB 358
Judges and justices - HB 153: HFA (1)
retirement - HB 276: HCS (1)
retirement, service credit for five years - HB 443
retirement systems, beneficiaries, change of designation - HB 10
Teachers' Retirement System, hazardous duty positions - HB 664
active duty, local board of education employee, retirement contribution - HB 79: HCS (1), HFA (1)
active duty, local board of education employee, retirement contribution for - HB 79: HFA (2),(3)
Persons declared disabled by a private retirement prog, eligible for discounted hunting/fishing lic. - HB 409
and Firefighters' Retirement and Benefit Fund - SB 114
and firefighters' retirement and benefit fund, urban-county governments - HB 486
Public employee health insurance program, requirements for unescorted retirees - HB 648
Purchased service, Head Start employment - HB 18
Reemployment, elected officials - HB 153
educators, reemployment of - HB 210
judges, remove gender-specific language - HB 318
Retirement and health insurance benefits for police and firefighters, urban-counties - SB 108
Service on school board, purchase of credit - HB 393
State parks, discount for retired member - HB 141: HFA (2),(3)
retirement system, amend language to conform to budget language - HB 555: HCS
Retirement System, insurance and annuities - HB 555
retirement, disability benefits - SB 253
Teachers, medical insurance fund - SB 24
Urban-county retirement and survivor benefits, application and payout - SB 108: HCS
Volunteer firefighter pension plan, urge review of - HR 256
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