Insurance, Health

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Additional information in participating provider directory - SB 135: SFA(2)
Alternative underwriting mechanism - HB 315: SFA(13)
Approval to reenter health market - HB 315: HFA(5)
Autism - SB 63: HFA(2)
  • coverage for - SB 63: HCS
  • health insurance coverage for - SB 90
  • health insurance coverage for children with - SB 63
  • redefine term - SB 63: HFA(6)
Benefit plans, coverage for diabetes - HB 380: SCA(1)
Bone density testing for osteoporosis - HB 864: HFA(2)
  • reconsruction surgery, coverage - HB 864: HFA(1)
  • reconstruction surgery, coverage - HB 864
  • dental services for - SB 128: SCS, SFA (3)
  • preventive services for - SB 128: SCS
  • vision services for - SB 128: SCS, SFA (3)
  • health insurance program - HB 255: HCA(1),(2)
  • Health Insurance Program, benefit schedule - HB 255: HFA(1)
  • Preventive Health Program application - SB 128: HFA(1)
  • preventive health services - SB 2
Cochlear implants, coverage for - SB 135: HFA(2)
  • for autistic children - SB 63: SFA(2)
  • for treatment for pervasive development disorder, required - SB 63: SFA(1)
Define autism - SB 63: HFA(3),(4)
Diabetes, mandatory coverage - HB 380; HB 380: HCS
Disclose to enrollee current provider information - SB 135: HFA(1)
Discrimination based on genetic information, prohibition - SB 334
Domestic violence victims, denial of coverage prohibited - HB 864; HB 864: HFA (1)
  • medical services - HB 315: SFA(16),(25)
  • services covered under health benefit plans - HB 315: SFA(6)
Endometriosis diagnosis and treatment, coverage - HB 864; HB 864: HFA (1)
Facility to provide statement of services and charges - HB 315: SFA(24)
Failure by insurer to pass on discount, an unfair trade practice - HB 457: HCS
Franchise plan - SB 337
  • test, definition of - HB 315: SFA(31)
  • test, results of - HB 315: SFA(30)
  • test, use of - HB 315: SFA(29)
  • testing, impact on health insurance - SR 161
  • acceptance plan supporting insurer - HB 315: SCA(2)
  • acceptance plan, appropriation - HB 315: HFA(3)
  • acceptance plan, assessments - HB 315: HFA(2),(10)
  • benefit plan, confidentiality in - HB 315: SFA(5)
  • benefit plans, genetic testing - HB 315: SFA(11)
  • benefit plans, payment for emergency care with no prior approval - SB 227
  • Consumer Protections and Responsibilities Act - SB 315
  • facility, itemized statement - HB 315: SFA(10)
  • insurance, retired policemen and firefighters of urban-county government - HB 719
Hearing screening tests for infants, coverage of - HB 456
  • deductible plan for use in medical savings account, establishment of - HB 278
  • risk conditions - HB 315: SCA(1)
HMOs, liability - SB 322
Information to policyholders, disclosure of - HB 315: SFA(7)
Insurers, permit reentry into Kentucky market - HB 315: SFA(14)
Itemized statement - HB 315: HFA(1),(8)
  • Child Health Insurance Program - SB 128: SCS
  • Children's Health Insurance Program - SB 128: SFA(2), HCS; HB 255: HCS
  • Kare, Executive Orders 97-146 and 97-238 - HB 340
Ky. Children's Health Insurance Program - SB 128; HB 255
Local school districts - HB 870; HB 315: HFA (6)
Make technical changes to SB 63 and HB 315 - SB 227: HFA(5)
  • care plans, disclosures - SB 135: SFA(1)
  • care plans, liability in - HB 315: SFA(8)
  • care, list of participating providers - SB 135
Mandated benefits, financial impact statement for - HB 555: HCA(2)
Motorcyclists, require health insurance before helmet use is optional - HB 106: HFA(8)
Nondiscrimination - HB 315: SFA(3)
Nonstandard plans, insurers offering - HB 315: SFA(9)
  • cancer drugs, permit reimbursement - HB 618
  • cancer drugs, reimbursement - HB 618: HFA(2)
Omnibus-revision - HB 315: HCS(2)
Osteoporosis, bone density testing for - HB 864: SFA(7)
Patient protections - SB 427
Policies, supplemental - SB 63: HFA(1)
Preventive health services - HB 315: SFA(19),(28)
Provider-sponsored integrated health delivery network - HB 338
Reconstructive breast surgery, coverage for - HB 718
Reform measure - HB 315: SCS
School employees, fringe benefit programs - HB 894
Self-insured plans, guaranteed acceptance plan exemption - HB 315: HFA(7)
  • cessation therapy - HB 864: SFA(7), HFA (2)
  • health care provider, continuation of care for - HB 315: SFA(17),(27)
Standard plans - HB 277
  • employee fund, participation in guaranteed acceptance program - HB 315: HFA(11)
  • program, for children - SB 128: SFA(1)
  • deduction for - SB 110: SCA(2), SFA (1)
Therapeutic respite care, disallow - SB 63: HFA(5)
Unfair trade practices, health care provider discounts - HB 457
  • district commissioners, allow benefits for - HB 75: HCS
  • district commissioners, health insurance for - HB 75
  • district commissioners, salary and training for - HB 75: HFA(1)
Worker's compensation, managed care plans, patient protections - HB 847

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