Rep. Fister, Daniel Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session  2024 Regular Session  2023 Regular Session  2022 Special Session  2022 Regular Session  2021 Special Session  2021 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 4 AN ACT relating to initiatives regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
HB 15 AN ACT relating to instruction permits and declaring an emergency.
HB 16 AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.
HB 24* AN ACT relating to conservation.
HB 25* AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
HB 37 AN ACT relating to an exemption from sales and use tax for certain nonprofit institutions.
HB 41 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps.
HB 56 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
HB 70 AN ACT relating to dietitians.
HB 153 AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University.
HB 160 AN ACT relating to manufactured housing.
HB 161 AN ACT relating to identity documents.
HB 187 AN ACT relating to investment in youth vaping prevention.
HB 192 AN ACT relating to income taxation of military pensions.
HB 253* AN ACT relating to the collection of local business taxes and fees.
HB 306 AN ACT relating to the licensing of professional engineers.
HB 310* AN ACT relating to a Doctor of Philosophy in Integrated Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture program at Kentucky State University.
HB 316 AN ACT relating to the protection of unborn children.
HB 397 AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction.
HCR 50 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force.
HR 80 A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2025 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

2024 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 5 AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
HB 9 AN ACT relating to postsecondary education and declaring an emergency.
HB 11 AN ACT relating to nicotine products.
HB 17 AN ACT relating to ophthalmic dispensers.
HB 23 AN ACT relating to smoke alarms.
HB 25* AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments.
HB 26* AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance and declaring an emergency.
HB 27* AN ACT relating to conservation district audits.
HB 45 AN ACT relating to privacy protection.
HB 80 AN ACT relating to the identification of lottery winners.
HB 96* AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
HB 130 AN ACT relating to soil and water conservation and declaring an emergency.
HB 141 AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.
HB 163 AN ACT relating to blood donation.
HB 169 AN ACT relating to emergency medical preparedness of schools.
HB 199 AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers.
HB 208 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding.
HB 212 AN ACT relating to the mental health of first responders.
HB 278* AN ACT relating to the protection of children.
HB 345 AN ACT relating to aerospace infrastructure, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 384 AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic.
HB 400 AN ACT relating to veterinary medicine programs at comprehensive universities.
HB 407 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
HB 443 AN ACT relating to land use.
HB 553 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky rural veterinary student loan repayment program and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 575 AN ACT relating to the acquisition of agricultural land.
HB 621* AN ACT relating to the State Fair Board.
HB 622 AN ACT relating to elections and declaring an emergency.
HB 694 AN ACT relating to one-time payments to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 700 AN ACT relating to the protection of mothers and their children.
HJR 40 A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress.
HR 45 A RESOLUTION expressing support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemning the violent events on October 7, 2023.
HR 76* A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2024 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

2023 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 4 AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 13 AN ACT relating to commercial driver's licenses.
HB 30 AN ACT relating to public school facilities and declaring an emergency.
HB 60* AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
HB 61* AN ACT relating to food products.
HB 74 AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.
HB 75 AN ACT relating to hospital rate improvement programs and declaring an emergency.
HB 80* AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance and declaring an emergency.
HB 115 AN ACT relating to service animals.
HB 129 AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers.
HB 150 AN ACT relating to motor vehicle dealers.
HB 163* AN ACT relating to elections.
HB 170 AN ACT relating to coverage for medical services.
HB 174 AN ACT proposing to add a section to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding.
HB 177 AN ACT relating to children and declaring an emergency.
HB 302 AN ACT relating to elections.
HB 331 AN ACT relating to the emergency medical preparedness of schools.
HB 470 AN ACT relating to the protection of children.
HB 500 AN ACT relating to agricultural land.
HR 15 A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2023, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
HR 51* A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2023 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
HR 88 A RESOLUTION honoring the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel.

2022 Special Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HR 4 A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky.
SB 1 AN ACT relating to disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.

2022 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities.
HB 3 AN ACT relating to public health and declaring an emergency.
HB 6 AN ACT relating to the valuation of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency.
HB 14 AN ACT relating to public education and declaring an emergency.
HB 18 AN ACT relating to prohibited instruction and declaring an emergency.
HB 20 AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat.
HB 23 AN ACT relating to athletics.
HB 28 AN ACT relating to immunization disclosure.
HB 29 AN ACT relating to prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban or regulation of firearms and declaring an emergency.
HB 30* AN ACT relating to food products.
HB 36* AN ACT relating to the taxation of firearms and ammunition.
HB 43 AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency.
HB 79 AN ACT relating to mental health.
HB 90 AN ACT relating to coverage for diabetes treatment.
HB 102* AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
HB 123 AN ACT relating to public contracts.
HB 130 AN ACT relating to freedom of speech at public postsecondary education institutions.
HB 132 AN ACT relating to the ad valorem taxation of prefabricated home inventories.
HB 155 AN ACT relating to constables.
HB 203 AN ACT relating to consumer protection through regulation of pharmacy-related trade practices.
HB 211 AN ACT relating to jails.
HB 250 AN ACT relating to Kentucky State University, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 261 AN ACT relating to assessment of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency.
HB 268 AN ACT relating to freestanding birthing centers.
HB 273* AN ACT relating to amusement rides and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 290 AN ACT relating to student discipline at public postsecondary education institutions.
HB 305 AN ACT relating to educational opportunity accounts.
HB 308 AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant program to promote investments in Kentucky businesses, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 326 AN ACT relating to the Honor and Remember flag.
HB 344 AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses.
HB 354 AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 361 AN ACT relating to water fluoridation programs.
HB 381 AN ACT relating to hospital after-care for veterans.
HB 392 AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities.
HB 395* AN ACT relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and declaring an emergency.
HB 442 AN ACT relating to newborn safety devices.
HB 447 AN ACT relating to property taxation.
HB 451* AN ACT relating to motor fuel standards.
HB 452 AN ACT relating to public postsecondary education institutions.
HB 457 AN ACT relating to pharmacy or pharmacist services.
HB 475 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options.
HB 476 AN ACT relating to local taxation.
HB 566* AN ACT relating to the transportation of persons.
HB 605* AN ACT relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and declaring an emergency.
HJR 4 A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress.
HR 26 A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's farmers for helping provide citizens with the most nutritious and affordable food in the world, and recognizing February 20 to 26, 2022, as Food Check-Out Week in Kentucky.
HR 49 A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2022, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
HR 53 A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens.
HR 77 A RESOLUTION urging Congress to take appropriate steps in mitigating cyberattacks and ransomware demands.
HR 84* A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
HR 95 A RESOLUTION condemning Russia's unprovoked military aggression and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine.
HR 125 A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Historical Society.
HR 128 A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2, 2022, as World Autism Awareness Day and April 2022 as National Autism Acceptance Month.

2021 Special Session Top

Bill Title
HR 4 A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001.

2021 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to reopening the economy in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in response to the state of emergency declared by the Governor of Kentucky beginning in March 2020 and continuing throughout the year of 2021 and declaring an emergency.
HB 2 AN ACT relating to medical procedures and declaring an emergency.
HB 3 AN ACT relating to civil actions and declaring an emergency.
HB 4 AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly.
HB 5 AN ACT relating to reorganizations and declaring an emergency.
HB 9 AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency.
HB 10 AN ACT relating to the limitation of liability during the COVID-19 pandemic and declaring an emergency.
HB 14 AN ACT relating to property taxes for veteran service organizations.
HB 17 AN ACT relating to state employee compensation.
HB 91 AN ACT proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to abortion.
HB 92 AN ACT relating to free-standing alternative birthing centers.
HB 95 AN ACT relating to prescription insulin.
HB 96 AN ACT relating to the performance of an abortion upon a minor and declaring an emergency.
HB 101 AN ACT prohibiting vaccination requirements for postsecondary education students.
HB 103 AN ACT relating to the reporting of abortion related information to the Vital Statistics Branch.
HB 133 AN ACT relating to recall petitions.
HB 145 AN ACT relating to student discipline at public postsecondary education institutions.
HB 149 AN ACT relating to opportunities in education.
HB 155 AN ACT relating to abandoned infants.
HB 175 AN ACT relating to unlawful discriminatory practices.
HB 190 AN ACT relating to the sale of grocery items by food service establishments and declaring an emergency.
HB 207 AN ACT relating to energy source availability.
HB 209 AN ACT relating to the donation of game meat.
HB 216 AN ACT prohibiting the payment of public agency funds to any entity that performs, induces, refers for, or counsels in favor of abortions.
HB 217 AN ACT relating to emergencies and declaring an emergency.
HB 218 AN ACT relating to religion.
HB 233* AN ACT relating to motor fuel standards and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 234* AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 254 AN ACT relating to the sexual exploitation of minors.
HB 256 AN ACT relating to the establishment of historical commissions.
HB 272 AN ACT relating to utility services.
HB 307 AN ACT relating to cannabinoid products.
HB 348 AN ACT relating to broadband and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 360 AN ACT relating to businesses impacted by the COVID-19 response, making an appropriation therefor and declaring an emergency.
HB 361 AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms and declaring an emergency.
HB 415 AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages and declaring an emergency.
HB 460 AN ACT relating to abortion and declaring an emergency.
HB 501 AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State Police.
HB 518 AN ACT relating to the State Fair Board and declaring an emergency.
HB 535 AN ACT relating to stream and wetland mitigation and making an appropriation therefor.
HJR 27 A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to set a limit on the number of terms of office for members of Congress.
HR 28* A RESOLUTION to date House of Representatives resolutions and House of Representatives legislative citations in the Year of our Lord.
HR 41* A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
HR 80 A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Michael Dean Bowling.

Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)