Trade Practices and Retailing
WWW Version
Agricultural products, license fee for logo or labeling statement, removal of -
HB 696
beverage retail license, evidence of possessory interest, criteria for issuance -
SB 303
beverages, purchasing attempts, driver's license suspensions -
SB 47
checks, fee for -
SB 36
: SFA(1)
checks, merchant's fee for -
SB 36
Checks, acceptance by retailer, unfair trade practice -
HB 788
Cigarette wholesaler licensing and unfair cigarette sales, transfer enforcement of -
SB 139
: HCA(1)
Commission on Small Business Advocacy, creation of to review regulations -
HB 588
Counterfeit goods, commerce in prohibited -
HB 789
Death row, advertising campaign featuring -
HR 161
Deferred deposit transaction, legislative intent as to -
HB 73
: SCA(1)
Employment agencies, repeal of KRS Chapter 340 on licensing and regulation of -
HB 620
Ephedrine, sale of -
HB 933
Firearms, safe storage of -
SB 103
Fraud relating to rented personal property -
HB 690
Home service business, criminal background check for employees -
HB 962
Ignition interlock devices -
SB 298
: SFA(2)
Junk faxes, prohibition of -
HB 720
Merchant's bad check fee, limit on -
SB 36
: HCA(1)
Preference when purchasing Kentucky products, 5%, state to give -
HB 826
Retail businesses located in Kentucky, regulation of deceptive practices, exempt -
HB 67
Shoplifting statute, elimination of civil penalty provision -
HB 232
and promotional advertising, deceptive practices, regulation of -
HB 67
: HFA(1)
and promotional advertising, regulation of deceptive practices -
HB 67
HB 67
promotional materials -
HB 67
: HFA(2)
type size for odds disclosures -
HB 67
: SFA(1)
Telemarketing, omnibus revision -
SB 205
Telephone directories, out of state advertisers, requirements for -
HB 361
Tipped employees, hourly wage rate for -
HB 751
UCC, filing fee clerk's office -
SB 11
: HFA(1)
Utilities and affiliates, transactions between, regulation of -
SB 389
HB 982
Yellow pages, out of state business addresses -
HB 361
: HCA(1)
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