An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.
Bill | Title |
SB 2 | AN ACT relating to correctional facilities. |
SB 79* | AN ACT relating to state personnel. |
SB 126* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences. |
SB 160 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps. |
SB 266* | AN ACT relating to the Department of Kentucky State Police. |
SCR 34* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION honoring the life of Patrick "Pat" J. Crowley. |
SCR 223 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing America's River Roots Festival as an official 250th celebration event for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
SJR 68 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the Johnnie L. Turner Memorial Highway in Harlan County. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former President Jimmy Carter. |
SR 125 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring Senator Aaron Reed as the first Navy SEAL to serve in the Kentucky Senate. |
SR 144* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Michael Joseph Borchers to the Kentucky Board of Education. |
SR 227 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States Army. |
SR 244* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Dr. James Votruba. |
SB 100: SFA (3) | AN ACT relating to tobacco, nicotine, or vapor product licensure. |
SB 100: SFA (4) | AN ACT relating to tobacco, nicotine, or vapor product licensure. |
SB 268: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to virtual education. |
HB 2: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the taxation of currency and bullion currency and declaring an emergency. |
HB 552: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to economic development. |
HB 552: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to economic development. |
HB 606: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to economic development. |
HB 622: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
HB 775: SFA (4) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters. |
Bill | Title |
SB 10* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 20 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
SB 126* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences. |
SB 129* | AN ACT relating to modified new revenues for income tax. |
SB 139* | AN ACT relating to investment advisers. |
SB 196* | AN ACT relating to optional retirement benefits for hazardous duty employees participating in the County Employees Retirement System's hybrid cash balance plans. |
SB 219 | AN ACT relating to network participation by medical laboratories. |
SB 287* | AN ACT relating to branch budget recommendations. |
SB 288* | AN ACT relating to branch budget recommendations. |
SB 289* | AN ACT relating to branch budget bills. |
SB 290* | AN ACT relating to state personnel. |
SB 368* | AN ACT relating to short-term rentals. |
SJR 25* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of Kentucky Route 371 in Kenton County as the Michael Scott "Bubba" Wilson Memorial Highway. |
SR 1 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator Damon Thayer to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 2 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator John Schickel to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 4 | A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Denise Harper Angel upon her retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 81* | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 23, 2024, as Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists Day in Kentucky. |
SR 94 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 20th Black History Celebration and recognizing that Black history is American history. |
SR 105 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Kara Renae Hanks. |
SR 122* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Kara Renae Hanks. |
SR 167 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jessie "Jess" J. Adkins. |
SR 168* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory and honor of former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and Kentucky native Don Gullett. |
SR 207 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Louisville Fire Department firefighters, Louisville Metro Police Department officers, and Louisville emergency medical services personnel involved in the recent rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge. |
SR 236* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Candace McGraw to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents. |
SR 237* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Ashley Flaugher Himes to the Northern Kentucky University Board of Regents. |
SR 239* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Calvary Christian School on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. |
SR 288* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Matthew Russell Hinton to the Kentucky Agricultural Development Board. |
HB 122: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to revenue and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 15 | AN ACT relating to consumer data privacy. |
SB 54 | AN ACT relating to Kentucky educational excellence scholarships. |
SB 109* | AN ACT relating to investment advisers. |
SB 112* | AN ACT relating to the confidentiality of tax information. |
SB 153* | AN ACT relating to state government. |
SCR 165 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Certificate of Need Task Force. |
SJR 96* | A JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the release of capital construction funds for the State Fair Board. |
SR 122* | A RESOLUTION honoring Beechwood High School Football Coach Noel Rash upon the occasion of his retirement from coaching. |
SR 137 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving and memory of Bill Patrick, former Executive Director of the Kentucky County Attorney's Association. |
SR 159 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the record number of women legislators serving in the 2023 General Assembly. |
SR 195 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Martin County High School Cardinals, 2023 KHSAA Boys Basketball 15th Region Champions. |
SR 229* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Brad Zapp to the Northern Kentucky University Board of Regents. |
SB 158: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to juvenile justice and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 162: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to public safety, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 5: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
HB 360: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
HB 553: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 5 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 48* | AN ACT relating to recovery of prior appropriations. |
SB 78* | AN ACT relating to statues and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 98 | AN ACT relating to the control of vehicular traffic. |
SB 149* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences. |
SB 194* | AN ACT relating to individual income tax, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 195* | AN ACT relating to appropriations. |
SB 200* | AN ACT relating to students enrolled at Kentucky State University and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 285* | AN ACT relating to the confidentiality of tax information. |
SR 11 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Richard "Rick" Longoria. |
SR 18 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James Bernard Yates Sr. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens. |
SR 36* | A RESOLUTION expressing the condemnation of any unjust practices and violations of human rights against the people of Cuba, and their families, domestic and abroad. |
SR 67 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of William "Bill" Amey Jr. |
SR 110 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky State University. |
SR 140 | A RESOLUTION honoring Coach Bill Cronin upon the occasion of his retirement as head football coach for Georgetown College. |
SR 144 | A RESOLUTION urging the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to reconsider the recent federal requirements for the certification of commercial driver's license holders. |
SR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring Mary Catherine Bunning on her 90th birthday. |
SR 153 | A RESOLUTION affirming support for Ukrainian sovereignty, the people of Ukraine, and their right to self-determination. |
SR 160 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Norma F. Deneen. |
SR 169 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jordan Wesley Morgan. |
SR 180 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Kathee A. Lemker. |
SR 212 | A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Wil Schroder upon the occasion of his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 235* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of William "Billy" Rex Bradford. |
SR 236* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Cathy Barwell. |
SR 268 | A RESOLUTION honoring the extraordinary service of Senator C.B. Embry Jr. to the Commonwealth of Kentucky upon his retirement from the General Assembly. |
SR 284* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jill Brock. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 194: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to individual income tax, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 195: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to appropriations. |
HB 76: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
HB 144: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 219: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to lung cancer screening. |
HB 243: SFA (1) | AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, and support of the Legislative Branch of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HB 244: SFA (1) | AN ACT making appropriations for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Judicial Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, boards, commissions, subdivisions, and other state-supported activities. |
HB 259: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to employees of the Kentucky State Police and declaring an emergency. |
HB 291: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the transactions between the Legislative Research Commission and the executive branch. |
HB 297: SFA (4) | AN ACT relating to the retirement and declaring an emergency. |
HB 301: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to elections. |
HB 499: SFA (4) | AN ACT relating to employee child-care assistance and declaring an emergency. |
HB 573: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to healthcare workers and declaring an emergency. |
HB 659: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to revenue measures. |
Bill | Title |
SR 4 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 13 brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces slain in the terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. |
SR 13 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. |
Bill | Title |
SB 9 | AN ACT relating to the protection of born-alive infants and declaring an emergency. |
SB 22* | AN ACT relating to statues and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 24* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 36 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to time and place of meetings of the General Assembly. |
SB 27 | AN ACT relating to historic properties and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 89* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences. |
SB 96* | AN ACT relating to the dissemination of personally identifying information. |
SB 169* | AN ACT relating to duty-related disability benefits. |
SB 214* | AN ACT relating to cessation of participation by Kentucky Employees Retirement System employers, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SJR 56* | A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and for members of Congress. |
SR 8 | A RESOLUTION commending Taiwan for its relations with the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
SR 10* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Connie Jo Salyers. |
SR 11* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of John Dewey Salyers. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Wanda Goodwin Thomas. |
SR 25 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Eleanor Carol Leavell Barr. |
SR 37* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of retired Kentucky State Trooper Sandra Marie Taylor. |
SR 49* | A RESOLUTION honoring Terry Carl upon his retirement as Kenton County Jailer. |
SR 55 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Charles William "Bill" Nighbert. |
SR 67 | A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
SR 76 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Mason County Judge/Executive Joseph Patrick Pfeffer. |
SR 81 | A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month and honoring keynote speaker of the annual Black History Celebration, Georgia State Representative Billy Mitchell. |
SR 92* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Ken Perry to the Northern Kentucky University Board of Regents. |
SR 134 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Katherine Sue Scott. |
SR 213 | A RESOLUTION honoring those who act for social justice. |
SR 241* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Ralph Anthony Drees. |
SR 243 | A RESOLUTION honoring the memory of Senator Georgia Davis Powers and her contributions to women's history. |
SB 15: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to microbreweries. |
SB 15: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to microbreweries. |
HB 8: SFA (3) | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Employees Retirement System's employers, declaring an emergency, and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 249: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to revenue, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 372: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to tax incentives. |
HB 382: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 405: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to appropriations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 556: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 3* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 58* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 77 and 240 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to limiting the Governor's ability to grant pardons and commute sentences. |
SB 81 | AN ACT relating to milk marketing. |
SB 95* | AN ACT relating to sales and use tax exemptions. |
SB 167* | AN ACT relating to branch budget recommendations. |
SB 168* | AN ACT relating to budget forms. |
SB 169* | AN ACT relating to branch budget bills. |
SB 170* | AN ACT relating to branch budget bills. |
SB 171* | AN ACT relating to appropriations. |
SB 182* | AN ACT relating to the dissemination of personally identifying information. |
SB 206* | AN ACT relating to planning commissions. |
SB 209* | AN ACT relating to the Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee. |
SB 230* | AN ACT relating to guardians ad litem and counsel for minors and disabled adults and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 249* | AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency. |
SR 12* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Scott High School Girls' Cross Country Team upon winning the 2019 Class 2A State Championship. |
SR 20 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 15, 2020, to be Hunger Free Kentucky Day. |
SR 32 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Walker Montgomery. |
SR 45 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of George Louis Tapp. |
SR 78 | A RESOLUTION honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. |
SR 88 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Nathaniel Jones. |
SR 105* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Matthew Russell Hinton to the Agricultural Development Board. |
SR 125 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 4, 2020, as Kentucky Nurses Day in the Commonwealth. |
SR 128 | A RESOLUTION celebrating Black History Month and honoring the life and legacy of Colonel Charles Young. |
SR 143 | A RESOLUTION celebrating Charles Young's posthumous promotion to Brigadier General. |
SR 160 | A RESOLUTION honoring Juanita Green upon the occasion of her 106th birthday. |
SR 169 | A RESOLUTION honoring the courageous and sacrificial acts of esteemed Americans who took a stand to ensure that all citizens have the right to vote in this great American democracy. |
SR 178* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Dr. James Ray Rich. |
SR 221* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Stephen P. Brunson to the Kentucky Housing Corporation Board of Directors. |
SR 298* | A RESOLUTION honoring Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky and adjourning in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. |
SR 299 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Charles Edward "Charlie" Wilson. |
SR 320 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Christopher B. Caddell. |
SR 327 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Donna Stockton Early. |
SR 329* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Eileen Harper. |
SB 167: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to branch budget recommendations. |
HB 32: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the taxation of tobacco products. |
HB 32: SCA (2) | AN ACT relating to the taxation of tobacco products. |
HB 32: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the taxation of tobacco products. |
HB 351: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to governmental operations and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SR 1* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Clyde W. Middleton. |
Bill | Title |
SB 5* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 10* | AN ACT relating to agency cessation of participation in the Kentucky Retirement Systems and declaring an emergency. |
SB 40 | AN ACT relating to causes of actions for building code violations. |
SB 60* | AN ACT relating to elections. |
SB 147* | AN ACT relating to sales and use tax exemptions. |
SB 202* | AN ACT relating to local tourist and convention commissions. |
SB 205* | AN ACT relating to guardians ad litem and other court-appointed counsel and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 221* | AN ACT relating to submission of budget recommendations. |
SB 222* | AN ACT relating to the structure of branch budget bills. |
SB 253* | AN ACT relating to broadband services in the Commonwealth and declaring an emergency. |
SJR 44 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating honorary names for various roads and bridges and directing the placement of honorary roadside signs. |
SJR 95* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of Kentucky Route 371 in Kenton County as the "Senator Richard L. 'Dick' Roeding Memorial Highway." |
SJR 102 | A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and for members of Congress, and requesting Congress to similarly propose such amendments. |
SR 25 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Adrian King Arnold. |
SR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of former United States Senator Walter Darlington "Dee" Huddleston. |
SR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Martin J. "Sonny" Mills. |
SR 37 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Sandra Louise Deaton. |
SR 57 | A RESOLUTION honoring University of Louisville President Dr. Neeli Bendapudi. |
SR 74 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Louisville Metro Police Detective Deidre Irene "Dee Dee" Mengedoht. |
SR 87 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Kentucky Main Street Program. |
SR 96 | A RESOLUTION honoring Emma Johns upon being named 2019 Miss Kentucky Teen USA. |
SR 129 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Aaron Thompson. |
SR 131 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Donald L. Hall upon the occasion of his retirement. |
SR 227* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Shad Michael Sletto to the Education Professional Standards Board. |
SR 262 | A RESOLUTION to thank and honor the Kentucky Association of Professional Educators. |
SB 205: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to guardians ad litem and other court-appointed counsel and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 205: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to guardians ad litem and other court-appointed counsel and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 205: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to guardians ad litem and other court-appointed counsel and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 346: SCA (1) | AN ACT amending the 2018-2020 executive branch biennial budget, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 1 | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 3 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to crime victims' rights. |
SB 4* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 10 | AN ACT relating to judicial redistricting. |
SB 15* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 30 | AN ACT relating to crime victims' rights. |
SB 44* | AN ACT relating to reemployment of retirees with county police departments. |
SB 58* | AN ACT relating taxation. |
SB 59* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 60* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 61* | AN ACT authorizing a Murray State University capital project, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 62* | AN ACT relating to branch budget bills. |
SB 63* | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters. |
SB 64* | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters. |
SB 65* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 66* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 67* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 70* | AN ACT authorizing a University of Louisville capital project, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 130* | AN ACT relating to campus crime reporting. |
SB 146* | AN ACT relating to elections. |
SB 205* | AN ACT relating to sales and use tax. |
SCR 171 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Childhood Cancer Caucus within the Kentucky General Assembly. |
SR 14 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Richard L. "Dick" Roeding. |
SR 23 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Lynne Marlene Klingeman Givens. |
SR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James Paul David "Jim" Bunning. |
SR 46 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kelly Knight Craft upon being named United States Ambassador to Canada. |
SR 56 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Judge Richard J. FitzGerald. |
SR 127* | A RESOLUTION honoring former Kentucky State Senator Clyde Middleton on the occasion of his 90th birthday. |
SR 141 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February as Black History Month. |
SR 143 | A RESOLUTION expressing condolences and deepest sympathies in the aftermath of the Marshall County High School shooting and offering continuing support to the citizens of Marshall County. |
SR 147 | A RESOLUTION honoring Elmore "the Rejecter" "Big E" Smith. |
SR 148 | A RESOLUTION honoring Travis "Machine" Grant. |
SR 161* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Joseph J. Koester to the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority. |
SR 179* | A RESOLUTION acknowledging the three winners of the College Board's Eighth Annual Advanced Placement District Honor Roll: Hart County Schools; Owensboro Public Schools; and the Diocese of Covington Education Office, which has received the honor for multiple years. |
SR 181 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Edward W. FitzGerald. |
SR 193* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Delana Sue Sanders to the Kentucky Claims Commission. |
SR 194* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Carlo R. Wessels to the Kentucky Claims Commission. |
SR 220 | A RESOLUTION honoring Rachael Denhollander. |
SR 225 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Mary Juanita McCann Herron. |
SR 235 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Kentucky Community and Technical College System's 20th anniversary. |
SR 264 | A RESOLUTION recognizing April of 2018 as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. |
SR 265 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Dr. Pearse Lyons. |
SR 266 | A RESOLUTION honoring Jack Baker, a 98-year-old veteran who served in First Army, America's first and oldest field army, in conjunction with the unit's 100th anniversary. |
SR 275 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Vincent "Van" Warren. |
SR 289 | A RESOLUTION recognizing missing persons and the victims of unsolved murders in Kentucky. |
SR 304 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Officer Scotty Hamilton. |
SR 312* | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky Controller Edgar C. Ross for receiving the prestigious Louis L. Goldstein Leadership Award. |
SR 355 | A RESOLUTION honoring Senator Joe Bowen upon his retirement from the Senate. |
SB 61: SCA (1) | AN ACT authorizing a Murray State University capital project, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 66: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 88: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to city mandates. |
HB 6: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a tax credit to promote investments in rural Kentucky businesses and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 74: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to pawnbrokers. |
HB 265: SCA (1) | AN ACT amending the 2018-2020 state/executive branch budget bill, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 362: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency. |
HB 366: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to revenue measures, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 487: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 2* | AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency. |
SB 3* | AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information and declaring an emergency. |
SB 9 | AN ACT relating to judicial redistricting. |
SB 14 | AN ACT relating to trafficking in heroin. |
SB 52* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 104* | AN ACT relating to prospective retirement benefits and declaring an emergency. |
SB 112* | AN ACT relating to funding for the State Police Retirement System, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
SB 126* | AN ACT relating to the final compensation calculation for state and county employees entering the retirement systems on or after September 1, 2008. |
SB 207* | AN ACT relating to revenue. |
SB 208* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 209* | AN ACT relating to revenue. |
SB 210* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 211* | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
SB 212* | AN ACT relating to revenue. |
SB 226* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 237* | AN ACT relating to wages and hours. |
SR 15 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Dr. James Douglas Crase. |
SR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Rodney "Biz" Cain. |
SR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Stephen Robert "Bob" Hornback. |
SR 37 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Paul Martin Clark Sr. |
SR 63 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February as Black History Month. |
SR 72 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Michael Robert Litafik. |
SR 104 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Lieutenant General Harold "Hal" Gregory Moore Jr. |
SR 145 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Andy Thacker. |
SR 162 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Samuel "S.T." Tilden Wright Jr. |
SR 163 | A RESOLUTION honoring 102-year-old Juanita Green, who is celebrating her 103rd birthday on March 12, 2017. |
SR 178 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Robert Collin Kratz, M.D. |
SR 183 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sheila Mason upon winning the 2017 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
SR 250 | A RESOLUTION observing Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Kentucky and honoring Vietnam veterans for their courage and sacrifice while serving our great nation. |
SR 281* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Carlo R. Wessels to the Kentucky Claims Commission. |
SR 293* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Benjamin Ernest Brandstetter to the Council on Postsecondary Education. |
SR 300 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Louisville Metro Police Officer Nick Rodman. |
Bill | Title |
SB 2 | AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency. |
SB 7 | AN ACT relating to the use of public resources. |
SB 8 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky and to amend Sections 97, 112, and 113 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to judicial redistricting. |
SB 9* | AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. |
SB 10* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 25 | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
SB 33 | AN ACT relating to cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in schools. |
SB 45* | AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information. |
SB 46* | AN ACT relating to local government pension plans. |
SB 49 | AN ACT relating to oaths. |
SB 57 | AN ACT relating to use of experimental treatments for terminal illnesses. |
SB 64 | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator fees. |
SB 72* | AN ACT relating to interim appropriation procedures. |
SB 73* | AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan. |
SB 94* | AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. |
SB 115 | AN ACT relating to trafficking in heroin. |
SB 138* | AN ACT relating to firefighters. |
SB 172* | AN ACT relating to retirement benefit election. |
SB 195* | AN ACT relating to firefighters and declaring an emergency. |
SB 246* | AN ACT relating to the Department of Kentucky State Police and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 247* | AN ACT relating to genomic research and medicine and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 295* | AN ACT relating to revenue. |
SB 296* | AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Governor's School for Entrepreneurs and making an appropriation therefor. |
SR 27 | A RESOLUTION recognizing all Kentucky school bus drivers for their service to the Commonwealth and its children. |
SR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Lynda Morris Thomas. |
SR 68 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder. |
SR 71 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Elhanan Pete Grigsby Jr. |
SR 73 | A RESOLUTION honoring Jonathan Grate for his 21 years of service with the Legislative Research Commission, General Assembly, and the Judiciary Committee, and wishing him well with his next adventure in the Executive Branch wherein he will serve as the esteemed Deputy Secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet. |
SR 78* | A RESOLUTION to recognize the 50th anniversary of NorthKey Community Care. |
SR 89 | A RESOLUTION commemorating 100 years of workers' compensation in Kentucky, a voluntary, continuing, and changing program for improving economic security and safety for employees and protecting employers from liability for litigation in workplace negligence claims. |
SR 100 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Georgia Montgomery Davis Powers and placing a bronze plaque on her desk in the Senate. |
SR 115 | A RESOLUTION honoring Madisonville Community College President Dr. Judith L. Rhoads on the occasion of her pending retirement on March 18, 2016. |
SR 144* | A RESOLUTION honoring Boone County Deputy Sheriff Rachel L. Straus. |
SR 155 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Nevada State Senator Debbie Smith. |
SR 161 | A RESOLUTION declaring March 1, 2016, Live United Day in Kentucky. |
SR 181 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Specialist Christopher A. Landis. |
SR 182* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Daniel Tyler Lee. |
SR 183 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Captain Matthew David Roland of the United States Air Force. |
SR 184 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Master Sergeant Aaron Carl Torian. |
SR 185 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Captain Adam C. Satterfield. |
SR 186 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Private First Class Joshua Gray. |
SR 217 | A RESOLUTION honoring Brigadier General Norman E. Arflack (Ret.) for his service to the Kentucky Senate and for his appointment as Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs. |
SR 219 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Ernestine P. Thomas. |
SR 226 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School boys' basketball team for winning the 99th Whitaker Bank/KHSAA Boys' Sweet Sixteen Basketball Tournament. |
SR 227 | A RESOLUTION honoring a century of High School Basketball in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
SR 228 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky High School Athletic Association for over a century of serving students in the Commonwealth. |
SR 242 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sally Everman upon winning the 2015 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
SR 243 | A RESOLUTION honoring Scott Payton upon being the recipient of the 2016 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
SB 72: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to interim appropriation procedures. |
SB 92: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to veteran-owned businesses. |
SB 296: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the establishment of the Governor's School for Entrepreneurs and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 10: SCA (2) | AN ACT making appropriations for the Executive Branch of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and declaring an emergency. |
HB 52: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
HB 55: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to local government. |
HB 80: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to government operations. |
HB 172: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to survivor benefits in the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System. |
HB 238: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to public pension plan reporting. |
HB 303: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities. |
HB 366: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to roofing contractors. |
HB 535: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
SB 4 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. |
SB 5* | AN ACT relating to controlled substances. |
SB 9* | AN ACT relating to prevailing wage. |
SB 20* | AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information. |
SB 22* | AN ACT relating to public pension fund investments. |
SB 23* | AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan. |
SB 49 | AN ACT relating to judicial redistricting. |
SB 93* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 94* | AN ACT relating to debt and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 116 | AN ACT relating to chiropractors. |
SB 125 | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator's fees. |
SB 138 | AN ACT relating to motor carriers and declaring an emergency. |
SB 157* | AN ACT relating to retirement benefit calculations. |
SB 192 | AN ACT relating to controlled substances and declaring an emergency. |
SCR 97 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION recognizing Kentucky's aluminum industry as a vital, signature component of the Commonwealth's manufacturing base. |
SCR 147 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Department of Defense to reconsider proposed cuts to Fort Knox and Fort Campbell. |
SR 23 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Michael Hall Turner. |
SR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Anthony Lynn "Tony" Grider. |
SR 37 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Charlann Harting Carroll. |
SR 75 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Senator Wendell Hampton Ford. |
SR 77 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Chester Delbert Potter. |
SR 85* | A RESOLUTION honoring Covington police officers Sergeant Justin Wietholter and Specialist Michael Lusardi. |
SR 118 | A RESOLUTION celebrating the 75th anniversary of Colonel Harland Sanders' original recipe chicken and recognizing KFC for its contributions to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and everywhere around the world. |
SR 120 | A RESOLUTION honoring February 12, 2015, as Bow Tie Day in the Senate. |
SR 127 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Flora Lee "Sally" Bowers Dwyer. |
SR 148 | A RESOLUTION encouraging all Kentuckians to recognize February 23 to March 1, 2015, as United Against Opiate Abuse and Heroin Week, and supporting efforts to fight opiate abuse and heroin addiction throughout this great Commonwealth. |
SR 188 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lexington Theological Seminary. |
SR 209 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Zona Robbins Walker. |
SR 217 | A RESOLUTION honoring First Lieutenant Richard I. St. Onge III. |
SR 230 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Linda W. Palmer. |
SR 231 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Armand Angelucci. |
SB 67: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to concealed carry licenses. |
HB 178: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to income tax refund designations and related programs, and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 202: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to taxation. |
HB 306: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to public pension plan reporting. |
HB 306: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to public pension plan reporting. |
HB 340: SCA (1) | AN ACT relating to the expansion of the film tax credits. |
Bill | Title |
SB 2* | AN ACT relating to debt. |
SB 3 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. |
SB 4* | AN ACT relating to the Legislators' Retirement Plan. |
SB 6* | AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information. |
SB 8 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. |
SB 10* | AN ACT relating to voter identification. |
SB 11* | AN ACT relating to trafficking in heroin. |
SB 27* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 58* | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 53, 91, 93, 95, and 245 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the Treasurer. |
SB 62 | AN ACT relating to the prevention of overdose deaths. |
SB 63* | AN ACT relating to the workers' compensation special fund and Funding Commission. |
SB 84* | AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. |
SB 87 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 88 | AN ACT relating to boards of health. |
SB 93* | AN ACT relating to forfeiture of retirement benefits. |
SB 94* | AN ACT relating to anesthesiologist assistants. |
SB 98 | AN ACT relating to adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation. |
SB 101* | AN ACT relating to the publication of local government legal advertisements. |
SB 116* | AN ACT relating to intellectual property. |
SB 142* | AN ACT relating to retirement benefit spiking. |
SB 187 | AN ACT relating to court costs. |
SB 195 | AN ACT proposing amendments to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly. |
SB 205* | AN ACT relating to elections. |
SB 216* | AN ACT relating to public agencies. |
SR 5 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Justice Thomas B. Spain. |
SR 8 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Henry Lawson Walker II. |
SR 9 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of James W. Shaughnessy, Sr. |
SR 12 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Henry Lawson Walker II. |
SR 15 | A RESOLUTION honoring former Kentucky State Senator Joseph Meyer upon his retirement as Secretary of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet. |
SR 34 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 14, 2014, to be Kentucky Food Bank Day. |
SR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Carolyn Guthrie. |
SR 68 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of Opal Phillips upon being the recipient of a 2013 Volunteers Are the Foundation of Hospice Award. |
SR 71 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 23, 2014, as Kentucky Hospice Day. |
SR 79* | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring five exceptional members of the Northern Kentucky Technical Rescue Team. |
SR 86 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Florian Meeks, Jr. |
SR 87* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Justice Wilfrid Albert "Wil" Schroder. |
SR 113* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President Steve Stevens upon his retirement. |
SR 116* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of the city of Ludlow, Kentucky, upon the occasion of its 150th anniversary. |
SR 144 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of the Chevrolet Corvette upon the Corvette Stingray being named 2014 North American Car of the Year. |
SR 150 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 18, 2014, as "Scouts Day at the Capitol" and honoring Boy Scouts Sayre Turner, Nick Oliver, Nathan Vick, and Scouts from all over Kentucky. |
SR 162 | A RESOLUTION honoring and remembering Private Franklin Runyon Sousley, on the anniversary of his participation in hoisting the United States flag at Iwo Jima during World War II. |
SR 181 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives, the Kentucky Medical Association, and the Kentucky Academy of Family Physicians on the passage of 2014 Senate Bill 7. |
SR 183 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of Frank X Walker upon winning the 2014 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work in Poetry. |
SR 192* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Sergeant Daniel Tyler Lee. |
SR 221 | A RESOLUTION declaring March 12, 2014, Live United Day in Frankfort. |
SR 289* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Jane Meyers Ruttle. |
SR 296 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Geneva Worley. |
SR 310 | A RESOLUTION honoring founding Kentucky Community and Technical College System President Michael B. McCall upon the announcement of his retirement. |
SR 326* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Covington Catholic High School basketball team upon winning the 2014 KHSAA Boys' Sweet Sixteen Basketball Tournament. |
SR 370 | A RESOLUTION honoring Joe Craft for his pledge and support for the development of the Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics at Morehead State University. |
SB 63: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the workers' compensation special fund and Funding Commission. |
SB 63: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the workers' compensation special fund and Funding Commission. |
SB 84: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. |
SB 84: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to motor vehicles. |
HB 364: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to reemployment of retired police officers. |
HB 364: SFA (2) | AN ACT relating to reemployment of retired police officers. |
HB 407: SFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the financing of public-private partnerships and declaring an emergency. |
HJR 7: SFA (2) | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating honorary names for various roads and bridges and directing the placement of honorary roadside signs. |
Bill | Title |
SR 4 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Markey Cancer Center for achieving National Cancer Institute designation. |
SR 7* | A RESOLUTION honoring St. Elizabeth Healthcare and their Edgewood facility on their U.S. News and World Report "Best Hospital" ranking for 2013-2014. |
SR 9 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Gerald "Jerry" Deters. |
SR 11* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Anthony Joseph "AJ" Kramer. |
SR 21 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Mrs. Josephine Pendleton. |
SR 29 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of David A. Gooch. |
Bill | Title |
SB 2 | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 3 | AN ACT relating to exemption of religious organizations from the insurance code. |
SB 5* | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. |
SB 7* | AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for legislators. |
SB 10 | AN ACT relating to debt. |
SB 12 | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 14 | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 26 | AN ACT relating to debt. |
SB 38 | AN ACT relating to Medicaid provider credentialing and declaring an emergency. |
SB 39 | AN ACT relating to the expansion of Medicaid eligibility and declaring an emergency. |
SB 40 | AN ACT relating to health care exchanges and declaring an emergency. |
SB 42 | AN ACT relating to concealed carry licenses. |
SB 49* | AN ACT relating to mechanic's liens. |
SB 55* | AN ACT proposing to amend Section 95 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the election of state officers. |
SB 57* | AN ACT relating to the disclosure of public retirement information. |
SB 104* | AN ACT relating to project labor agreements. |
SB 105* | AN ACT relating to wages and hours. |
SB 114 | AN ACT relating to commercial driver's licenses. |
SB 128 | AN ACT relating to veterans designations on operators' licenses and personal identification cards. |
SB 129 | AN ACT relating to firearms and declaring an emergency. |
SB 144* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 157 | AN ACT relating to drug-free workplaces. |
SB 165* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 168* | AN ACT relating to retirement. |
SB 181 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
SJR 25 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of United States Highway 42 in Boone County in honor of singer, songwriter, and actor James Kenneth "Kenny" Price. |
SR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of the Wilfong family of Jonancy, Kentucky, whose lives were taken in a tragic house fire, and expressing condolences to the family and loved ones for their loss. |
SR 28 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of our beloved friend and former colleague, Representative E. Porter Hatcher, Jr. |
SR 31 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Louisville Football Cardinals, 2013 Allstate Sugar Bowl Champions. |
SR 32* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of all Kentuckians who are serving or have served in the United States Navy Hospital Corps. |
SR 47 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Trooper Anson Blake Tribby. |
SR 56 | A RESOLUTION in loving memory and honor of Katherine "Kathy" Hanly King. |
SR 82 | A RESOLUTION declaring February 20, 2013, as Public Library Day in the Kentucky Senate. |
SR 99 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Private First Class Dustin D. Gross. |
SR 100 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the one hundredth anniversary year of Ford Motor Company building cars and trucks in Louisville, Kentucky, which has been a significant part of the economic, social, and cultural heritage of the City of Louisville and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and congratulating Ford Motor Company for its achievements. |
SR 113 | A RESOLUTION supporting the efforts of the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation. |
SR 115 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Specialist David W. Taylor. |
SR 117 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Bremer Alexander Ehrler, former Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
SR 125 | A RESOLUTION honoring Captain Shannon D. Ison, upon being awarded the Silver Star, our nation's third highest award for valor. |
SR 159* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Arnold Taylor to the Council on Postsecondary Education. |
SR 160* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of David B. Sloan to the Mine Safety Review Commission. |
SR 170* | A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Leo Calderon to the Kentucky Board of Education. |
SR 176* | A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Otto D. Wolff as an administrative law judge in the Department of Workers' Claims. |
SR 199* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in recognition of educator Andrew Barczak. |
SR 212 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Flossie Melton Williams. |
SR 217 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of former Representative Clarence E. Jackson. |
SR 233* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor of Army Aviator, Major D. Shane Finison and commending him for 14 years of service to our nation in the United States Army. |
SR 253 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in honor and loving memory of Brenda Carole Kiser. |
Last updated: 3/28/2025 8:47 PM (EDT)