Public Health

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Abortion, fetal pain prevention - HB 385
Breast-feeding, promotion and encouragement - HB 299
Cabinet for Health Services, administrative regulations promulgated by - SB 87
  • to produce a legislator, prohibition of - HB 265: HFA(3)
Cloning, prohibition on - HB 265: HFA(1),(2)
Commemorative vital certificates, registrar to issue - SB 60; SB 60: HCS
Contraceptives, public funding, require parental consent before dispensing - SB 140
Destructive research on human embryo, prohibit - HB 152
Drug abuse and drug diversion, task force to study - HCR 135
Electronic central registry - HB 126
  • administrative regulations, use to protect human health and environment - SB 71: SFA(1)
  • plan for chemical weapons materials disposal, contents and approval of - SB 162; HB 474
Epinephrine, emergency medical technicians and paramedics authorized to administer - SB 60: HFA(1)
Federal prescription drug discount program, study of, Cabinet for Health Services - HJR 16
  • department employees, hazardous duty coverage - HB 101
  • information infrastructure, Congress, urge funding of - SJR 24
  • regulations, exempt certain religious schools - HB 291
HIV, system used by health care providers to report cases of - SB 107: HFA(1)
Individual care plans, schools, requirements for - HB 378
Lead poisoning, prevention of - HB 521
  • intermediate care facility services for the mentally retarded, tax on - HB 444
Medicare and Medicaid, congress, urge full funding by - SCR 85
Obesity and drug addiction, universities, urge study of - HJR 132
Primary care centers, school-based services, requirements for - HB 328: HFA(1)
  • policy, disabled and frail elderly, preferences of - HB 26: SCS
  • policy, disabled and frail elderly, rights and responsibilities of - HB 26; HB 26: HCS
  • health care services, primary care centers, provision of - HB 328
  • health care services, primary care centers, requirements for - HB 328: HCS
  • registrar, local registrar, death certificate records maintained and copied by - HB 333
  • Registrar, Vital Statistics Office, efficient operation of - SJR 83
Substance abuse, involuntary commitment - HB 192
Terrorism, risk assessment and readiness to respond to - HB 272
  • program, emergency responders to participate in - HB 529; SB 60: HCS
  • program, emergency responders, priority procedures for - HB 529: HCS
  • records data, Open Records Act, disclosure under - HB 308: HCS
  • records, security of - HB 308

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