Driving |
- history records, maintain for seven years if convicted of DUI - HB 327: SFA(7)
- history records, maintain for ten years if convicted of DUI - HB 327: SFA(5)
- under the influence, increase penalty with 0.15 blood alcohol level - HB 327: HFA(12)
- under the influence, increased penalties for - HB 921
- under the influence, legal notice on second conviction - SB 403
- under the influence, omnibus bill - HB 327: HCS(1)
- under the influence, omnibus revision - HB 327: SFA(4), HFA (3),(10),(13),(18)
- under the influence, penalty for - HB 327: SFA(3), HFA (17)
- under the influence, prohibition of - HB 327: SCS
- under the influence, treatment programs for - HB 327: SFA(1),(2)