Aged Persons and Aging

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Adequate number of surveyors for long-term care facilities, funding for - SR 41; HR 91
  • and long-term care facilities, immunizations required at - HB 63
  • day centers, delete requirement for employees - HB 63: HCS
  • day health services, delete requirement for employees - HB 63: HCS
  • services, added copy of information required for - SB 111: HCS
  • services, delete staffing patterns from advertisement content - SB 111: SFA(3)
  • living communities, requirements for certification of - HB 148
  • living community, adherence to fire and life safety codes required by - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)
  • living community, assistance in finding alternative housing required by - HB 148: HFA(3),(4)
  • living community, certification review frequency increased for - HB 148: HCS
  • living community, information required upon move-out notice by - HB 148: HFA(2)
  • living community, lease agreement provisions added for - HB 148: HFA(2)
  • living community, lease provisions regarding move-out for - HB 148: HFA(3),(4)
  • living community, provisions for grievance process for - HB 148: HCS
  • living community, square footage increased for - HB 148: HFA(1),(2)
  • living facilities, delete requirement for employees - HB 63: HCS
Boarding homes, residents, needs exceeding definition of boarder, retention, agreement - HB 753
Crimes against persons 65 and older, no probation - SB 85
Hate crimes based on age, enhancement of criminal penalties for - HB 264
Home health aides, abuse registry for - HB 421; HB 421: HFA (1)
Individual holding durable power of attorney, qualification as guardian or conservator - HB 227
  • family care homes, delete increase in number of residents of - HB 262: HCS
  • family care homes, eligibility for and number of residents of - SB 60; HB 262
  • care facilities, gifts from residents, policy required - HB 980
  • care facilities, staff salary increase - HJR 90: HCA(1)
Long-term-care facilities, delete requirement for employees - HB 63: HCS
  • recipients, advance directive required by - HB 657
  • transportation, omnibus revision - HB 488
Office of Senior Protection, Department of Law - HB 159
Overtime pay, exemption for employees who provide companionship services - SB 382; SB 382: SFA (1)
Power of attorney, provisions concerning - HB 387
Prescription Drug Assistance Program, creation of - HB 364
  • of long-term care task force, increase membership of - SCR 39: SFA(1)
  • Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Office and Advisory Council, Exec. Ord.99-80 - HB 80
  • Office of Aging Services, Executive Order 99-80 - HB 80
  • living, program to attract retirees to live in Kentucky - HB 896; HB 896: HCA (1)
  • program to attract retirees to live in Kentucky - HB 896: HCA(1)
Retirement, program to attract retirees to live in Kentucky - HB 896
  • citizens and the workforce, task force to study - HJR 73; HJR 73: HCS
  • citizens centers, cabinet-owned, transfer of ownership of - SB 212
  • citizens, prohibition against smoking in - HB 1020
  • services for Alzheimer's, advertising requirement for - SB 111
  • services for Alzheimer's, display of advertising required for - SB 111: SCA(1)
State health insurance participants, advance directive required by - HB 657
Subcommittee on Veteran's Affairs, reestablishment of, - SCR 3; HCR 6
  • force on study of end of life issues, delete 2 whereas clauses - HCR 44: SFA(2)
  • force to study end of life and pain management issues - HCR 44: SCS
  • force to study end-of-life care, creation of - HCR 44
  • force to study quality of long-term care, added member to - SCR 39: HFA(1)
Tax credit for qualified caregiving expenses - SB 360
Tax-exempt property, freeze of assessments for - SB 135
  • nursing homes, Hardin and Jefferson Counties required as next locations - HB 406: HCS
  • nursing homes, Jefferson County required as next location - HB 406
  • nursing homes, location - HB 406: HFA(1)
Zero telephone call list - SB 201: SFA(1); HB 361: SFA (1); HB 896: SFA (2),(3)

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