Agricultural district - HB 271; HB 271: HCS
Alternative Minimum Tax, calculation of exclusion, assessment of minimum - HB 295: HFA (10)
 of promise to marry, abolish tort of - HB 292
 of promise to marry, tort of - SB 192
Court of Justice - HB 276
Date, remove initial deadline - HB 545
 clarify cooperatives ability to sell to non-members - HB 275: HCA (1)
 clarify cooperatives' ability to sell to non-members - HB 275: HFA (1)
Firefighter personnel, HB 440/HCS - HB 440: HFA (1)
Funeral establishments, licensure and definitions - HB 232: SCS
 neutral language added - HB 660
 neutral language, add - HB 659
Ginseng program - HB 248
Guardians and conservators - HB 293
Hay grading program - HB 247
HB117/SCS - HB 117: SFA (1)
HCR 189 - HCR 189: HCS
HR 19/SCS - HR 19: HFA (1)
Obsolete terminology, replace - HB 546
Personal ID cards, change incorrect references to - HB 712
Public employee health insurance program, clarify requirements of - HB 401: HCS
Retired judges - HB 318
Retirement system, insurance and annuities - HB 555
 59/GA - SB 59: HCS, HFA (1)
School personnel, replace obsolete terminology, make gender neutral - HB 547
Soybean referendums - HB 336
SR 150 - SR 150: SCS
Technical corrections - SB 68: SCS
Transportation Cabinet reorganization - SB 70: HCS
Trust administration, technical correction to remove gender-specific language - HB 294