Bills and Amendments by Sponsor - House

An asterisk(*) next to a bill denotes primary sponsorship.



Aull, Chad

House Bill 42*, 61, 114, 118
House Resolution 7
House Bill 1 : HFA (1) (2)


Baker, Shane

House Bill 16, 19, 37, 41, 47*, 48*

Banta, Kim

House Bill 1, 41, 46*, 49*, 50*, 51*, 52*, 53*, 54*, 55*, 90, 92, 96, 186
House Resolution 6

Bauman, Jared

House Bill 1, 19, 134*, 135*, 136*

Blanton, John

House Bill 15, 16, 19, 30*, 41

Bojanowski, Tina

House Bill 55*, 168*

Bowling, Adam

House Bill 1

Branscum, Josh

House Bill 1, 41
House Joint Resolution 5*

Bratcher, Steve

House Bill 61*

Bray, Josh

House Bill 1, 186
House Joint Resolution 10*

Bridges, Randy

House Bill 1, 153

Brown Jr., George

House Bill 103*, 104*, 119*, 120*, 121*, 122*, 123*, 124*, 125*, 126*, 127*, 128*, 129*, 130*, 138*

Burke, Lindsey

House Bill 77*
House Resolution 7*


Callaway, Emily

House Bill 1, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 56, 64, 65, 87*, 88*, 89*, 192

Calloway, Josh

House Bill 16, 22, 23, 37, 60, 64*, 65*, 66*, 94, 140*, 141, 142, 143, 154*, 155*, 177

Camuel, Adrielle

House Bill 28,
House Bill 1 : HFA (8)

Chester-Burton, Beverly

House Bill 43*, 104, 121, 123*, 124*, 125*, 126*, 127*, 128*, 129*, 130*, 138*

Clines, Mike

House Bill 1, 108*, 184*


Decker, Jennifer

House Bill 16, 19, 37*, 48, 56, 153

Dietz, Stephanie

House Bill 1, 96*, 97*, 98*, 99*, 100*, 101*

Doan, Steven

House Bill 16, 60*, 87, 133*, 142, 177, 179*,
House Bill 1 : HFA (5)

Donworth, Anne

House Bill 1 : HFA (11)

Dossett, Myron

House Bill 16, 153

Dotson, Ryan

House Bill 16, 19, 23*, 47, 173*

Duvall, Robert

House Bill 71*, 118, 131, 186*, 187*, 188*, 189*, 190*


Elliott, Daniel

House Bill 1


Fister, Daniel

House Bill 15, 16, 24*, 25*, 56, 153, 161, 192

Flannery, Patrick

House Bill 1, 15, 26*, 41, 86, 108*

Fleming, Ken

House Bill 1, 49*, 152, 186

Frazier Gordon, Deanna

House Bill 1, 15, 41, 56*, 70, 182*, 186
House Joint Resolution 10*

Freeland, Chris

House Bill 1, 153

Fugate, Chris

House Bill 1, 15, 30, 56, 116, 153, 185*


Gooch Jr., Jim

House Bill 19, 137*

Griffee, Peyton

House Bill 26, 41, 112*, 113*, 134

Grossberg, Daniel

House Bill 19, 20, 21, 43, 67*, 68*, 69*, 138, 183*
House Resolution 11*

Grossl, Vanessa

House Bill 1, 26, 41, 48, 56, 70*, 177, 186


Hale, David

House Bill 1, 16*, 192

Hampton, Tony

House Bill 1, 56

Hancock, Erika

House Bill 15,
House Bill 1 : HFA (3) (4)

Hart, Mark

House Bill 1, 16*, 17*, 19, 87, 142, 177, 186

Heavrin, Samara

House Bill 1, 107*, 118

Hodgson, John

House Bill 16, 18*, 19*, 20*, 21*, 22*, 26, 31*, 41*, 45*, 140, 143, 155, 161, 177*

Holloway, Kim

House Bill 90*, 146, 153

Huff, Thomas

House Bill 1, 15, 16, 19, 26, 33*, 62, 112, 113, 134


Imes, Mary Beth

House Bill 16, 19, 153*, 159*


Jackson, Kevin

House Bill 1, 48, 118*, 131*, 161*, 192

Johnson, DJ

House Bill 1, 16, 19, 27, 48, 50, 71*, 72*, 73*, 92*, 118


King, Kim

House Bill 1, 56, 92, 153

Koch, Matthew

House Bill 1

Kulkarni, Nima

House Bill 102*, 103*, 104*, 105*, 106*, 107*, 109*, 110*, 111*


Lawrence, William

House Bill 1, 15, 16, 41, 62

Lehman, Matthew

House Bill 74*, 75*, 76*

Lewis, Chris

House Bill 1, 134, 135, 136

Lewis, Derek

House Bill 28*, 29*, 39*, 41

Lewis, Scott

House Bill 118, 161

Lockett, Matt

House Bill 1, 16, 19, 96, 153, 163*


Maddox, Savannah

House Bill 16, 60*, 62*, 63*, 139*, 144*, 178*
House Resolution 9*

Massaroni, Candy

House Bill 16, 19, 41, 44*, 62, 63, 64*, 65*, 140*, 141*, 142, 154, 155*, 180*, 181*
House Resolution 6*

McCool, Bobby

House Bill 1, 16, 19, 56

McPherson, Shawn

House Bill 1, 48, 118, 161, 192*

Meade , David

House Bill 1, 15, 56*, 153

Meredith, Michael

House Bill 118*, 131*, 152*

Miles, Suzanne

House Bill 1, 15

Moore, Adam

House Bill 1 : HFA (6) (7)

Moser, Kimberly Poore

House Bill 78*, 79*, 186*


Neighbors, Amy

House Bill 1, 39*, 40*, 61*, 117*, 118, 161

Nemes, Jason

House Bill 1, 15, 90*, 118, 143*


Osborne, David W.

House Bill 1, 15, 27*
House Resolution 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*


Payne, J.T.

House Bill 1, 15, 153, 193*

Petrie, Jason

House Bill 1*, 15*, 118

Pollock, Michael Sarge

House Bill 15, 41, 145*, 153

Proctor, Marianne

House Bill 16, 19, 62, 64, 65, 90, 141, 142*, 177


Rabourn, Felicia

House Bill 15, 16, 62*, 63*, 86, 91*, 139*, 141

Raymer, Rebecca

House Bill 16, 118

Riley, Steve

House Bill 1, 48, 89, 118, 161, 192

Roarx, Rachel

House Bill 80*, 96,
House Bill 1 : HFA (9) (10)

Roberts, T.J.

House Bill 1, 15, 16, 22, 25, 26, 27, 41, 42, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 81*, 82*, 83*, 84*, 85*, 86*, 133, 139, 141*, 142*, 143*, 144, 169*, 175*, 176*, 177*, 186
House Joint Resolution 8*

Rudy, Steven

House Bill 1*, 15*, 153*
House Concurrent Resolution 12*
House Resolution 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*


Sharp, Scott

House Bill 15, 41, 186

Smith, Tom

House Bill 1, 19, 30, 41, 161

Stevenson, Pamela

House Resolution 7*


Tackett Laferty, Ashley

House Bill 30, 146*, 147*, 148*, 149*, 150*, 151*, 165*, 166*, 167*

Tate, Nancy

House Bill 16, 19, 64, 65, 174*

Thomas, Walker

House Bill 1, 15, 19, 41, 153, 161, 170*, 171*, 172*, 192*

Thompson, Aaron

House Bill 1, 48, 191*

Tipton, James

House Bill 16, 36*, 37*, 38*, 48, 70*, 162*, 193*

Truett, Timmy

House Bill 1, 15, 22, 41, 48*, 56, 65, 114*, 116, 132, 156*
House Joint Resolution 10


Upchurch, Ken

House Bill 1, 19, 56, 153, 157*, 161


Wesley, Bill

House Bill 16, 41, 56, 164*, 191*
House Joint Resolution 10

Whitaker, Mitch

House Bill 1, 26, 32*, 34*, 35*

White, Richard

House Bill 16, 25, 26, 63, 64, 65, 96, 115*, 116*, 153, 158*

Williams, Wade

House Bill 1, 93*, 94*, 95*, 101, 153

Willner, Lisa

House Bill 57*, 58*, 59*

Wilson, Nick

House Bill 96, 132*

Witten, Susan

House Bill 19, 160*, 161

Last updated: 1/9/2025 6:56 PM (EST)