An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to administrative regulations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 15 | AN ACT relating to instruction permits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 19 | AN ACT relating to privacy protection. |
HB 22 | AN ACT relating to geoengineering. |
HB 27 | AN ACT relating to planned communities. |
HB 37 | AN ACT relating to an exemption from sales and use tax for certain nonprofit institutions. |
HB 41 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps. |
HB 45 | AN ACT relating to campaign finance. |
HB 65 | AN ACT relating to the display of the Ten Commandments in schools. |
HB 116 | AN ACT relating to the Ten Commandments in public schools. |
HB 153 | AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University. |
HB 161 | AN ACT relating to identity documents. |
HB 167 | AN ACT relating to school lunches. |
HB 170* | AN ACT relating to Option 9 alternative teacher certification programs. |
HB 171* | AN ACT relating to special purpose governmental entities. |
HB 172* | AN ACT relating to vehicle wheels. |
HB 187 | AN ACT relating to investment in youth vaping prevention. |
HB 192* | AN ACT relating to income taxation of military pensions. |
HB 195 | AN ACT relating to tax incentives for first-time home buyers. |
HB 277 | AN ACT relating to the mental health of first responders. |
HB 315 | AN ACT relating to the acquisition of agricultural land. |
HB 324 | AN ACT relating to educators. |
HB 397 | AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction. |
HB 398* | AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health. |
HB 406 | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HB 414 | AN ACT relating to perinatal palliative care. |
HB 507 | AN ACT relating to service credit for the Teachers' Retirement System and declaring an emergency. |
HB 533 | AN ACT relating to gift cards. |
HB 621 | AN ACT relating to children. |
HB 634 | AN ACT relating to the selection and oversight of Article V convention commissioners. |
HB 638* | AN ACT relating to the Teachers' Retirement System. |
HCR 50 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force. |
HJR 15 | A JOINT RESOLUTION to return for permanent display on the New State Capitol grounds the granite Ten Commandments monument given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1971 by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. |
HB 398: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health. |
Bill | Title |
HB 2 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
HB 10 | AN ACT relating to maternal and child health. |
HB 11 | AN ACT relating to nicotine products. |
HB 30* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 33 | AN ACT relating to railroad operations. |
HB 42 | AN ACT relating to a sales and use tax exemption for veterans' service animals. |
HB 45 | AN ACT relating to privacy protection. |
HB 47 | AN ACT relating to restoring religious liberty. |
HB 57 | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services and declaring an emergency. |
HB 77* | AN ACT relating to the Interstate Massage Compact. |
HB 123* | AN ACT relating to income taxation of military pensions. |
HB 129 | AN ACT relating to taxation of veterans' wages. |
HB 139* | AN ACT relating to the KentuckyCYBER Program and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 156* | AN ACT relating to vehicle wheels. |
HB 194 | AN ACT relating to workplace violence against healthcare workers. |
HB 208 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 183 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 212 | AN ACT relating to the mental health of first responders. |
HB 217 | AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency. |
HB 218 | AN ACT relating to identity documents. |
HB 222 | AN ACT relating to tax incentives for first-time home buyers. |
HB 258 | AN ACT relating to the torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 278 | AN ACT relating to the protection of children. |
HB 304 | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
HB 346 | AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction. |
HB 349 | AN ACT relating to in line of duty disability benefits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 357 | AN ACT relating to firearms. |
HB 400 | AN ACT relating to veterinary medicine programs at comprehensive universities. |
HB 407 | AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities. |
HB 437* | AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health. |
HB 442 | AN ACT relating to an exemption of sales and use tax for certain nonprofits. |
HB 443 | AN ACT relating to land use. |
HB 471* | AN ACT relating to school pre-enrollment for military-connected students. |
HB 484 | AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. |
HB 490 | AN ACT relating to pharmaceutical drug price discrimination. |
HB 535 | AN ACT relating to civic education. |
HB 575 | AN ACT relating to the acquisition of agricultural land. |
HB 581 | AN ACT relating to retail filling stations. |
HB 608* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 609* | AN ACT relating to military affairs. |
HB 610* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 621 | AN ACT relating to the State Fair Board. |
HB 650 | AN ACT relating to Bible literacy courses in the public schools and declaring an emergency. |
HB 694 | AN ACT relating to one-time payments to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 700 | AN ACT relating to the protection of mothers and their children. |
HB 715 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky National Guard and declaring an emergency. |
HB 769* | AN ACT relating to alternative teacher certification programs. |
HB 777 | AN ACT relating to government contracts and declaring an emergency. |
HB 821 | AN ACT relating to the selection and oversight of Article V convention commissioners. |
HCR 31* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging local governments to facilitate the creation of long-term recovery groups prior to the occurrence of disasters. |
HJR 21 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the Edgar Harrell Memorial Highway in Trigg County. |
HJR 22 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the Fort Campbell 101st Airborne Division Memorial Highway in Trigg County. |
HJR 40 | A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress. |
HJR 41* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to designate the Valor Memorial Highway in Christian County. |
HJR 56 | A JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing the release of capital construction funds to the Department of Parks for improvements to Kentucky State Parks and declaring an emergency. |
HR 45 | A RESOLUTION expressing support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemning the violent events on October 7, 2023. |
HR 57 | A RESOLUTION urging Governor Andy Beshear to express support for Governor Greg Abbott and the State of Texas in their efforts to secure the border. |
HR 85* | A RESOLUTION recognizing September 17, 2024, as Constitution Day in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HR 137 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Louisville Fire Department firefighters, Louisville Metro Police Department officers, and Louisville emergency medical services personnel involved in the recent rescue on the Clark Memorial Bridge. |
HB 156: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to vehicle wheels. |
SB 369: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the Education and Labor Cabinet reorganization. |
SB 369: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the Education and Labor Cabinet reorganization. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to income taxation. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to the Bowling Green Veterans Center, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 9 | AN ACT relating to economic relief for local communities of the Commonwealth and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 19* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 25* | AN ACT relating to exemptions for totally disabled veterans with a permanent and total one hundred percent service-connected disability rating from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. |
HB 30 | AN ACT relating to public school facilities and declaring an emergency. |
HB 62 | AN ACT relating to real estate brokerage. |
HB 63* | AN ACT relating to the military. |
HB 87 | AN ACT relating to motor vehicle usage tax. |
HB 100 | AN ACT relating to the Legislative Research Commission. |
HB 103 | AN ACT relating to the torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 108* | AN ACT relating to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact. |
HB 112* | AN ACT relating to vehicle wheels. |
HB 124 | AN ACT relating to banning social media applications from state government technology and declaring an emergency. |
HB 141 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of emergency insulin programs and declaring an emergency. |
HB 144 | AN ACT relating to privacy. |
HB 150 | AN ACT relating to motor vehicle dealers. |
HB 157* | AN ACT relating to urban search and rescue and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 173 | AN ACT relating to education. |
HB 174 | AN ACT proposing to add a section to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to education funding. |
HB 177 | AN ACT relating to children and declaring an emergency. |
HB 192 | AN ACT relating to railroad operations. |
HB 195 | AN ACT relating to the Critical Access Care Pharmacy Program. |
HB 226* | AN ACT relating to reorganization. |
HB 236 | AN ACT relating to the fiduciary duties owed to the state-administered retirement systems. |
HB 331 | AN ACT relating to the emergency medical preparedness of schools. |
HB 355* | AN ACT relating to military affairs. |
HB 359* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 364 | AN ACT relating to paycheck protection. |
HB 377 | AN ACT relating to gift cards. |
HB 470 | AN ACT relating to the protection of children. |
HB 500 | AN ACT relating to agricultural land. |
HB 506* | AN ACT relating to post-retirement options for state and local employees. |
HB 547 | AN ACT relating to First Amendment rights in public schools. |
HJR 16* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of Kentucky Route 345 in Christian county as the Gold Star Families Memorial Highway. |
HJR 62 | A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government and limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government. |
HR 15* | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2023, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 88 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel. |
HR 99 | A RESOLUTION encouraging the Legislative Research Commission to appoint a task force during the 2023 interim to examine the applicability and acceptance of military occupational experience as it relates to the licensure qualifications of occupations licensed in Kentucky. |
HB 542: HCA (1) | AN ACT relating to workforce development. |
Bill | Title |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to public health and declaring an emergency. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to the valuation of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency. |
HB 8 | AN ACT relating to revenue measures and declaring an emergency. |
HB 18 | AN ACT relating to prohibited instruction and declaring an emergency. |
HB 20 | AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 23 | AN ACT relating to athletics. |
HB 28 | AN ACT relating to immunization disclosure. |
HB 29 | AN ACT relating to prohibiting the enforcement of a federal ban or regulation of firearms and declaring an emergency. |
HB 42 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of emergency insulin programs and declaring an emergency. |
HB 43* | AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency. |
HB 51 | AN ACT relating to COVID-19 precautions in educational settings and declaring an emergency. |
HB 56 | AN ACT relating to death benefits for first responders, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 90 | AN ACT relating to coverage for diabetes treatment. |
HB 91 | AN ACT relating to the issuance and renewal of occupational licenses to military spouses. |
HB 95* | AN ACT relating to the selling and fitting of hearing instruments. |
HB 96* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 97* | AN ACT relating to ophthalmic dispensers. |
HB 155 | AN ACT relating to constables. |
HB 164 | AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters. |
HB 203 | AN ACT relating to consumer protection through regulation of pharmacy-related trade practices. |
HB 206 | AN ACT relating to peace officer certification. |
HB 214 | AN ACT relating to judicial districts and circuits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 215 | AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments. |
HB 241 | AN ACT relating to appropriations providing financing and conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the Transportation Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HB 253 | AN ACT relating to children's health. |
HB 261 | AN ACT relating to assessment of motor vehicles for property tax purposes and declaring an emergency. |
HB 263 | AN ACT relating to criminal abuse. |
HB 276 | AN ACT relating to athletic competitions. |
HB 277* | AN ACT relating to teachers. |
HB 281 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters providing funding for disaster recovery and relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 305 | AN ACT relating to educational opportunity accounts. |
HB 308 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant program to promote investments in Kentucky businesses, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 315 | AN ACT relating to broadband deployment, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 319* | AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. |
HB 344 | AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses. |
HB 345 | AN ACT relating to military leave. |
HB 354 | AN ACT relating to prescriptive authority and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 395 | AN ACT relating to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources and declaring an emergency. |
HB 397 | AN ACT relating to disaster days for schools impacted by the western Kentucky tornadoes and declaring an emergency. |
HB 457 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy or pharmacist services. |
HB 465* | AN ACT relating to special military unit license plates. |
HB 475 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options. |
HB 476 | AN ACT relating to local taxation. |
HB 499 | AN ACT relating to employee child-care assistance and declaring an emergency. |
HB 634* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 635* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 636* | AN ACT relating to military affairs. |
HB 719* | AN ACT relating to mechanic's and materialman's liens. |
HCR 40* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Kentucky's Congressional delegation to include Kentucky's Veterans Affairs Medical Centers into the Center for Compassionate Innovation, a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs pilot program enabling the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment for veterans with a traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder. |
HJR 4 | A JOINT RESOLUTION applying for an Article V convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for federal government officials and members of Congress. |
HJR 42* | A JOINT RESOLUTION granting the family of the last remaining World War II veteran in Kentucky, upon his or her passing, the option of the veteran to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and receive a funeral with full military honors. |
HJR 105 | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a Livingston County bridge in honor and memory of Jim R. Smith. |
HR 7 | A RESOLUTION memorializing the forty-ninth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. |
HR 8 | A RESOLUTION supporting the Hyde Amendment and encouraging its adoption by the United States Congress in its 2022 session. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's farmers for helping provide citizens with the most nutritious and affordable food in the world, and recognizing February 20 to 26, 2022, as Food Check-Out Week in Kentucky. |
HR 49 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2022, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 53 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens. |
HR 63 | A RESOLUTION supporting the State of Israel and opposing the international Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement which seeks to harm the State of Israel. |
HR 71 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Kentucky's native daughter, United States Navy Commander Billie J. Farrell, for her extensive service and congratulating her on becoming the 77th Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Constitution. |
HR 77 | A RESOLUTION urging Congress to take appropriate steps in mitigating cyberattacks and ransomware demands. |
HR 95 | A RESOLUTION condemning Russia's unprovoked military aggression and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Historical Society. |
HR 128 | A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2, 2022, as World Autism Awareness Day and April 2022 as National Autism Acceptance Month. |
SB 339: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to overlay districts. |
Bill | Title |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to reopening the economy in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in response to the state of emergency declared by the Governor of Kentucky beginning in March 2020 and continuing throughout the year of 2021 and declaring an emergency. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to medical procedures and declaring an emergency. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to civil actions and declaring an emergency. |
HB 4 | AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to reorganizations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to legislative oversight and declaring an emergency. |
HB 7 | AN ACT relating to the Advisory Council for Recovery Ready Communities. |
HB 10 | AN ACT relating to the limitation of liability during the COVID-19 pandemic and declaring an emergency. |
HB 12 | AN ACT relating to Women Veterans' Day. |
HB 14 | AN ACT relating to property taxes for veteran service organizations. |
HB 26* | AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. |
HB 36 | AN ACT relating to ensuring basic liberties regarding immunizations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 37* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 38* | AN ACT relating to the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact. |
HB 39* | AN ACT relating to audiology and speech-language pathology. |
HB 44 | AN ACT relating to mental health and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 46 | AN ACT relating to swimming pool operational standards. |
HB 48 | AN ACT relating to reimbursement for pharmacist services. |
HB 57 | AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 61 | AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters. |
HB 88 | AN ACT establishing celebratory commissions for the Kentucky State Parks centennial anniversary, the Old Fort Harrod State Park semiquincentennial anniversary, and the United States semiquincentennial anniversary. |
HB 91 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to abortion. |
HB 95 | AN ACT relating to prescription insulin. |
HB 101 | AN ACT prohibiting vaccination requirements for postsecondary education students. |
HB 103 | AN ACT relating to the reporting of abortion related information to the Vital Statistics Branch. |
HB 109* | AN ACT relating to the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. |
HB 139 | AN ACT relating to duty-related disability benefits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 149 | AN ACT relating to opportunities in education. |
HB 154 | AN ACT relating to prevention-oriented child abuse awareness instruction. |
HB 155 | AN ACT relating to abandoned infants. |
HB 156 | AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel tax. |
HB 170* | AN ACT relating to ophthalmic dispensers. |
HB 183 | AN ACT relating to the hospital rate improvement program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 206 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky National Guard Adoption Assistance Program and declaring an emergency. |
HB 216 | AN ACT prohibiting the payment of public agency funds to any entity that performs, induces, refers for, or counsels in favor of abortions. |
HB 218* | AN ACT relating to religion. |
HB 221 | AN ACT relating to child welfare investigations. |
HB 222 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy benefits in the Medicaid program and declaring an emergency. |
HB 234 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 242 | AN ACT relating to compliance with state and federal law. |
HB 251 | AN ACT relating to the maintenance of occupational licenses by military spouses. |
HB 277 | AN ACT relating to operator's licenses for the military. |
HB 315* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 316* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 328 | AN ACT relating to advertising devices and declaring an emergency. |
HB 333 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a tax credit to promote investments in Kentucky businesses. |
HB 348 | AN ACT relating to broadband and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 360 | AN ACT relating to businesses impacted by the COVID-19 response, making an appropriation therefor and declaring an emergency. |
HB 382 | AN ACT relating to fiscal matters, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 400 | AN ACT relating to legislative vacancies. |
HB 458* | AN ACT relating to the selling and fitting of hearing instruments. |
HB 460 | AN ACT relating to abortion and declaring an emergency. |
HB 471 | AN ACT relating to athletics. |
HB 475* | AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health. |
HB 501 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State Police. |
HB 532 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy benefit managers. |
HB 538 | AN ACT relating to executive orders issued by the President of the United States. |
HCR 81* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION to fully support Future Vertical Lift, a vital modernization initiative of the Department of Defense and the United States Army. |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION supporting the Hyde Amendment and encouraging its adoption by the United States Congress in its 2021 session. |
HR 21 | A RESOLUTION urging school districts to commemorate Constitution Day on or around September 17 as an annual event. |
HR 41 | A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HR 80 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Michael Dean Bowling. |
SB 120: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel wagering and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact. |
HB 8 | AN ACT relating to ground ambulance service providers and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 12 | AN ACT relating to prescription insulin. |
HB 17 | AN ACT relating to the Honor and Remember flag. |
HB 19 | AN ACT relating to time. |
HB 24 | AN ACT relating to the Bowling Green Veterans Center, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 27 | AN ACT relating to state symbols. |
HB 35 | AN ACT relating to the taxation of pension income, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 36 | AN ACT relating to property taxes for veteran service organizations. |
HB 51 | AN ACT relating to compliance with state and federal law. |
HB 58* | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 59 | AN ACT relating to farmer suicide prevention and awareness. |
HB 60 | AN ACT relating to veterinarians. |
HB 67 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Kentucky relating to abortion. |
HB 92* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 110* | AN ACT relating to the psychology interjurisdictional compact. |
HB 129 | AN ACT relating to public health, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 145 | AN ACT relating to motor vehicle titles. |
HB 146 | AN ACT relating to Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarships. |
HB 153 | AN ACT relating to mental health first aid training and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 160 | AN ACT relating to the sponsorship of Transportation Cabinet facilities and vehicles and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 184 | AN ACT relating to fire protection and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 196* | AN ACT relating to ophthalmic dispensers. |
HB 216* | AN ACT relating to interpersonal violence. |
HB 217* | AN ACT relating to licensed audiologists. |
HB 218* | AN ACT relating to audiology and speech-language pathology. |
HB 223 | AN ACT relating to torture of a dog or cat. |
HB 241 | AN ACT designating the second Wednesday in February as Family Resource and Youth Services Center Day. |
HB 263 | AN ACT relating to computer science education. |
HB 286 | AN ACT relating to the prescriptive authority of advanced practice registered nurses. |
HB 316 | AN ACT relating to the Council on Postsecondary Education. |
HB 318 | AN ACT relating to Women Veterans' Day. |
HB 333 | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky National Guard Adoption Assistance Program and declaring an emergency. |
HB 350 | AN ACT relating to opportunities in education. |
HB 378* | AN ACT relating to the filing of documents. |
HB 379* | AN ACT relating to electronic advertising. |
HB 392* | AN ACT relating to the legislative branch of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HB 398 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy or pharmacist services. |
HB 399 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy audits. |
HB 400 | AN ACT relating to pharmacy referral practices. |
HB 412 | AN ACT relating to duty-related disability benefits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 426 | AN ACT relating to alcohol local regulatory licensing fees. |
HB 428* | AN ACT relating to the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act. |
HB 449 | AN ACT relating to exemptions for disaster response businesses and employees. |
HB 453 | AN ACT relating to identity documents, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 463 | AN ACT relating to the creation of the Kentucky Center for Cannabis Research and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 475 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options. |
HB 484 | AN ACT relating to retirement and declaring an emergency. |
HB 521 | AN ACT relating to the Attorney General and declaring an emergency. |
HB 535* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 536* | AN ACT relating to veterans. |
HB 537* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 538* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 539* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 540* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HCR 40* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Congress to pass the Supporting Accurate Views of Emergency Services Act of 2019. |
HJR 62* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the "Between the Rivers Bridge" in Trigg County. |
HR 44 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky's Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day on January 23, 2020. |
HR 65 | A RESOLUTION pledging civility on and off the floor of the House of Representatives during the 2020 legislative session. |
HR 118 | A RESOLUTION supporting South Dakota resident William "Bill" Casper in his efforts to petition President Donald J. Trump to hold a state funeral for the final World War II veteran to be awarded the Medal of Honor. |
HB 378: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the filing of documents. |
HB 378: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the filing of documents. |
SB 21: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to veterinarians. |
SB 21: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to veterinarians. |
SB 177: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
SB 177: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HR 8 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dave Adkisson upon his retirement. |
HR 9 | A RESOLUTION honoring the life and accomplishments of William "Bud" Gregory Jr. |
HR 16 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House in honor and loving memory of Money Ed Cummins. |
HR 18 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Senator Ray B. White. |
HR 20 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Fredrick Anthony Meyer Jr. |
HR 22 | A RESOLUTION honoring Gina Rigsby on the occasion of her retirement. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring Robert Jenkins upon his retirement from the Legislative Research Commission for his many years of dedicated service to the Kentucky General Assembly. |
HR 33 | A RESOLUTION honoring Susan Cunningham upon the occasion of her retirement. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to school safety. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to the human rights of unborn children to not be discriminated against and declaring an emergency. |
HB 13 | AN ACT relating to fire protection and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 15 | AN ACT relating to the taxation of pension income, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 21 | AN ACT relating to family resource and youth services centers. |
HB 25* | AN ACT relating to domestic violence. |
HB 26 | AN ACT relating to procurement. |
HB 28 | AN ACT relating to nonprofit exemptions in taxation and declaring an emergency. |
HB 36 | AN ACT relating to the safety of canines and felines. |
HB 37 | AN ACT relating to an animal abuse registry. |
HB 38 | AN ACT relating to sanctuary cities and universities. |
HB 46 | AN ACT relating to the display of the national motto in public schools. |
HB 58 | AN ACT relating to the taxation of pension income, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 60 | AN ACT relating to legislative ethics. |
HB 62 | AN ACT relating to income tax checkoff programs and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 66* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 148 | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
HB 150 | AN ACT creating the Kentucky Golden Alert System. |
HB 153* | AN ACT relating to property taxes for veteran service organizations. |
HB 160 | AN ACT relating to foster care and adoption services. |
HB 163* | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, making and appropriation therefore, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 166 | AN ACT relating to a day of prayer for students. |
HB 180 | AN ACT relating to veterans at risk. |
HB 198 | AN ACT relating to the distribution of coal severance receipts. |
HB 205 | AN ACT relating to opportunities in education. |
HB 224 | AN ACT relating to durable medical equipment covered benefits and reimbursement under Medicaid. |
HB 245* | AN ACT relating to sheriffs' fees. |
HB 254 | AN ACT relating to freedom of speech at public postsecondary education institutions. |
HB 277* | AN ACT relating to license plates for disabled veterans. |
HB 316 | AN ACT relating to service member relief. |
HB 399* | AN ACT relating to children of military families. |
HB 406 | AN ACT relating to the Honor and Remember Flag. |
HB 436 | AN ACT relating to professions licensed by the Real Estate Authority. |
HB 483* | AN ACT relating to veterans' cemeteries. |
HCR 43 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Facebook, YouTube, eBay, and Amazon to re-examine their policies relating to the marketing efforts of industrial hemp businesses. |
HR 3 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Adrian King Arnold. |
HR 11 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the upcoming one hundredth anniversary of Kentucky Farm Bureau. |
HR 12 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 18 to 22, 2019, as FFA Week in Kentucky. |
HR 14 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 11, 2019, as National Milk Day. |
HR 24 | A RESOLUTION honoring Cassaundra Cooper for her years of service with the Legislative Research Commission. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John Edward "Bear" Coyle. |
HR 28 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Sandra Louise Deaton. |
HR 30 | A RESOLUTION celebrating the 210th birthday of Abraham Lincoln. |
HR 33 | A RESOLUTION honoring Catherine Rhoden-Goguen. |
HR 35 | A RESOLUTION honoring University of Louisville President Dr. Neeli Bendapudi. |
HR 41 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Donald Wayne Stephens Sr. |
HR 47* | A RESOLUTION honoring Cayce Mill Supply Co. on the auspicious occasion of its 100th anniversary. |
HR 50 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Russell Glen Mobley. |
HR 53* | A RESOLUTION honoring Riley Fort upon being named Distinguished Young Woman of Kentucky. |
HR 59 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Louisville Metro Police Detective Deidre Irene "Dee Dee" Mengedoht. |
HR 73 | A RESOLUTION honoring the birthday of President Ronald Reagan. |
HR 82 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky State University valedictorian Jessica Marquez Cordova. |
HR 89 | A RESOLUTION honoring Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton for her service as Kentucky's first African-American Lieutenant Governor. |
HR 91 | A RESOLUTION encouraging the Tennessee Valley Authority board of directors to delay its consideration of and voting on closing the Paradise Fossil Plant Unit 3 in Muhlenberg County. |
HR 99 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Career and Technical Education Month in Kentucky. |
HR 101 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the formation of the Engage and Empower Caucus. |
HR 104 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky’s Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day, February 13, 2019. |
HR 111 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of former Kentucky state legislator Dr. Nicholas Z. "Nick" Kafoglis. |
HR 118 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Jo Nell Carney Lee. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Norman W. Lawson, Jr. |
HR 149 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory of Dawson Moore and honoring all those children in the Commonwealth currently battling pediatric cancers. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Crushed Stone Association. |
HR 161 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Women's History Month in Kentucky. |
HR 175 | A RESOLUTION urging the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, to sign the Appalachian Sky Executive Order. |
HR 197 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dontaie Allen upon being named 2019 Kentucky Mr. Basketball. |
HR 206 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky cheerleaders upon winning their 24th national championship. |
HR 214 | A RESOLUTION honoring the celebration of 100 years of tradition and excellence of the University of Kentucky School of Music. |
HR 218 | A RESOLUTION honoring Governor Matt Bevin's legal team for their tireless work defending life. |
HR 219 | A RESOLUTION honoring Governor Matt Bevin for his support of pro-life legislation. |
HR 223 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Johnson Central High School academic team upon winning the 2019 Governor's Cup state championship. |
HR 225 | A RESOLUTION honoring Savannah Wheeler upon being named 2019 Kentucky Miss Basketball. |
HR 227 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Beechwood High School boys' basketball team. |
HR 232 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky football team on their 2018 season and celebrating their win in the Citrus Bowl. |
HR 237 | A RESOLUTION to thank and honor the Kentucky Association of Professional Educators. |
HR 239 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky debate team upon winning the 2019 national championship. |
SB 227: HCA (1) | AN ACT relating to abortion and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 73 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 32 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to terms of members of the General Assembly. |
HB 74 | AN ACT relating to pawnbrokers. |
HB 103 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety and declaring an emergency. |
HB 114 | AN ACT relating to TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 133 | AN ACT relating to the transportation of agricultural commodities and supplies. |
HB 134 | AN ACT relating to opportunities in education and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 136 | AN ACT relating to microbreweries. |
HB 146 | AN ACT relating to reorganization. |
HB 150 | AN ACT relating to the Farms to Food Banks Advisory Committee. |
HB 153 | AN ACT relating to overweight vehicles. |
HB 185 | AN ACT relating to death-in-line-of-duty benefits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 186 | AN ACT relating to taxing districts. |
HB 191* | AN ACT relating to consumer protection in eye care. |
HB 192* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 246 | AN ACT relating to medication-assisted therapy in community pharmacies. |
HB 253 | AN ACT relating to a teacher scholarship pilot program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 263 | AN ACT relating to home-based food products. |
HB 280 | AN ACT relating to drug treatment and prevention and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 286* | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 291* | AN ACT relating to the National Guard. |
HB 310* | AN ACT relating to the reporting of information by governmental entities. |
HB 314 | AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health standards and declaring an emergency. |
HB 326 | AN ACT relating to student accommodations in distinctly private facilities. |
HB 372 | AN ACT relating to protections of religious organizations. |
HB 432 | AN ACT relating to economic development oversight and declaring an emergency. |
HB 447* | AN ACT relating to animal torture. |
HB 454 | AN ACT relating to the human rights of unborn children and declaring an emergency. |
HB 455 | AN ACT to prohibit abortion if the unborn has or may have Down syndrome and declaring an emergency. |
HB 528 | AN ACT relating to joint custody. |
HCR 7 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to issue more migratory bird depredation permits and Kentucky Farm Bureau-administered subpermits to allow Kentucky farmers to legally take black vultures that are depredating their livestock. |
HCR 100* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the Congress of the United States and the Army Corps of Engineers to alter the current practice of drawing down the summer pool level of Kentucky Lake prior to Labor Day. |
HCR 180 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Department of Transportation to increase the distance found in 49 C.F.R. sec. 395.1(k) for the transportation of agricultural commodities and farm supplies for agricultural purposes from a 150 air-mile radius to a 200 air-mile radius. |
HJR 172* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of Kentucky Route 41 in Christian County in honor and memory of Herb Covington. |
HR 25 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Judge Richard J. FitzGerald. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky's Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day, January 18, 2018. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 17 to 24, 2018, as FFA Week in Kentucky. |
HR 37 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 16th as National Religious Freedom Day. |
HR 40 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 17, 2018, to be Hunger Free Kentucky Day. |
HR 44 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Fern Adkins. |
HR 45 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of former Kentucky State Representative Louis Johnson. |
HR 51 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 11, 2018, as Donate Life Kentucky Day. |
HR 53 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Marvin D. Mills. |
HR 69 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Lynne Marlene Klingeman Givens. |
HR 73 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Charles Wesley "Wes" Strader. |
HR 76 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Bart Ross Elder. |
HR 80 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Gordon Pat Adkins. |
HR 90 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Philomena C. (Yochem) Wayne. |
HR 95 | A RESOLUTION recognizing October 12, 2018, as National Farmers Day. |
HR 96 | A RESOLUTION memorializing the forty-fifth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. |
HR 99 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Frances Rebecca Clements Abell. |
HR 103 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the month of June as National Dairy Month. |
HR 108 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of James Paul David "Jim" Bunning. |
HR 117* | A RESOLUTION honoring Staff Sergeant Nicholas Davis upon being awarded the Soldier's Medal. |
HR 123 | A RESOLUTION honoring Pearse Lyons. |
HR 126 | A RESOLUTION expressing condolences and deepest sympathies in the aftermath of the Marshall County High School shooting and offering continuing support to the citizens of Marshall County. |
HR 134 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the important role the hospitality industry can play in preventing and disrupting child sex trafficking and encouraging Kentucky residents, employees, and agencies to book travel and events at hotels, venues, and travel agencies which are signatories of the Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct. |
HR 155 | A RESOLUTION expressing support for the Republic of Korea and the Winter Olympic Games, and supporting the trade agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea. |
HR 179* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Sharon Kay Thompson Gustafson. |
HR 189 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of William Franklin "Billy" Graham Jr. |
HR 202 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Ruth Ann Nethery. |
HR 204 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Kentucky Community and Technical College System's 20th anniversary. |
HR 206 | A RESOLUTION recognizing All Masons Day on February 28, 2018. |
HR 227 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Soybean Week in the Commonwealth and highlighting the versatility of soybeans. |
HR 229 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 8, 2018, as International Women's Day. |
HR 236 | A RESOLUTION celebrating Girl Scout Day. |
HR 245 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Officer Scotty Hamilton. |
HR 249 | A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to enact comprehensive support for caregivers to veterans of all eras. |
HR 251 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sturgill Simpson. |
HR 252 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Irish American Heritage Month for Kentucky. |
HR 256 | A RESOLUTION observing Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Kentucky and honoring Vietnam veterans for their courage and sacrifice while serving our great nation. |
HR 279 | A RESOLUTION honoring Joyce Honaker upon winning the 2018 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 292 | A RESOLUTION honoring Robert L. King upon his retirement. |
HR 295 | A RESOLUTION honoring Fred Clem. |
HR 296 | A RESOLUTION honoring former Kentucky State Representative Marie Rader. |
HR 302* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Officer Phillip L. Meacham. |
HR 306 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Rick Nelson upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 307 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative James Kay upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 308 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Kevin Sinnette upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 309 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Gerald Watkins upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 311 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Steve Riggs upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 312 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Darryl Owens upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 315 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Kenny Imes upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 316 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Matt Castlen upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 318 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Arnold Simpson upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 319 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jody Richards upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 320 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Sannie Overly upon her retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 321 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Will Coursey upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 322 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jim Wayne upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 325 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Robby Mills upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 326 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jim DeCesare upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 327 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Scott Wells upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 328 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Robert Benvenuti III upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 329 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Addia Wuchner upon her retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 337 | A RESOLUTION urging the 2018 Program Review and Investigations Committee to investigate the KentuckyWired Project during the 2018 Interim Session. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to right-to-work provisions involving a condition of employment or continuation of employment and declaring an emergency. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety and declaring an emergency. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to prevailing wage and declaring an emergency. |
HB 13 | AN ACT relating to veterans centers, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 14 | AN ACT relating to hate crimes. |
HB 16 | AN ACT relating to family member visitation rights. |
HB 152 | AN ACT relating to teacher certification. |
HB 168 | AN ACT relating to TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 174 | AN ACT relating to overweight vehicles. |
HB 237 | AN ACT relating to donations of food and grocery products. |
HB 239* | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Board of Optometric Examiners. |
HB 265* | AN ACT relating to overdimensional vehicle loads and declaring an emergency. |
HB 311 | AN ACT relating to employment at veterans' nursing homes. |
HB 375* | AN ACT relating to unemployment insurance for military spouses. |
HB 405* | AN ACT relating to an exemption of income taxation for military pensions. |
HB 407 | AN ACT relating to childhood sexual abuse or assault. |
HCR 7 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to amend Title II of the Social Security Act to repeal the Government Pension Offset Provision. |
HCR 48* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States Food and Drug Administration to withdraw its proposed standard for NNN levels on ingredients and constituents in smokeless tobacco products. |
HCR 50 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More (RECLAIM) Act to accelerate disbursement of $1 billion in available funding in the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund to revitalize coal communities hardest hit by the downturn of the coal industry. |
HCR 90* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the United States government to designate a portion of the Edward T. Breathitt Pennyrile Parkway as Interstate 169. |
HJR 22* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the Corporal Windell J. Simmons Highway in Christian County. |
HR 28 | A RESOLUTION urging Congress to lift restrictions on the coal industry. |
HR 38 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Matt Snorton. |
HR 44 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a welcoming state that celebrates the growing diversity of its residents and acknowledges that refugees, immigrants, and all newcomers enhance the culture and the economy. |
HR 62 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 13, 2017, as Epilepsy Awareness Day in Kentucky. |
HR 68* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Hopkinsville High School Band upon winning the Kentucky Music Educators Association AAAA State Championship. |
HR 106 | A RESOLUTION designating June 27, 2017, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day and designating June 2017 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Month. |
HR 108 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Anita Sue Esham Muckelroy. |
HR 110 | A RESOLUTION condemning the rally taking place in Pike County of the Traditionalist Worker Party/Nationalist Front/National Socialist Movement on April 28-29, 2017. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Kenneth G. and Betty Hurst. |
HR 129 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Rev. Wayne B. Smith. |
HR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring Danielle Gibson and Will Casto. |
HR 150 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Katherine Johnson. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the work of the Kentucky 225th Anniversary Commission. |
HR 184 | A RESOLUTION celebrating the KHSAA Sweet Sixteen on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. |
HR 187 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sheila Mason upon winning the 2017 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 199 | A RESOLUTION honoring Judge James "Jim" M. Shake upon the occasion of his retirement from the Circuit Court bench. |
HR 218* | A RESOLUTION to date House of Representatives resolutions and House of Representatives legislative citations in the Year of our Lord. |
Last updated: 3/11/2025 9:25 PM (EDT)