 banning, permit exceptions - HB 585: HFA (5)
Abuse reporting, attorney exemption - HB 652
Adoption, home study requirements - HB 169
 vehicle, include off-road motorcycles in definition of - HB 334: HFA (1)
 vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate - HB 164
 helmet law, suspension based on unserved felony warrants - HB 117: SFA (2)
 helmet requirement, restrict to public property - HB 334: HFA (3),(5)
ATV, helmet requirements - SB 171: HCS
 require helmets for operators and passengers under 16 on public property - HB 117: SFA (3); HB 334: HFA (4)
 require helmets for operators and passengers under 16, exempt agricultural use - HB 117: SCS (1), HCS
 restriction on operation by children under 16 - SB 187
Booster seat, use requirements - SB 171: HCS
 jury service - SB 106: HFA (1)
 mother excused from jury service - SB 106: HFA (2)
Breast-feeding, right in public places - SB 106
 booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 372; SB 188: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
 support, continuation through college or other schooling - HB 245
Child, placement restrictions, dependent, neglected, or abused - HB 3: SFA (3)
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, September designated as - HCR 119
Children left in vehicles, urge auto makers to install warning systems - HR 27
Compulsory school age, six to eighteen - HB 325
Conviction of unlawful alcohol-related transaction with a minor, driver's license revoked for - HB 736: HCS
Court record access - HB 3: HFA (1),(2)
 actions, juvenile witnesses - HB 406: HCS
 background checks, youth athletics, requirement for - HB 653
Deadly weapons, issuance of - HB 236: HFA (1)
Dental and oral health, designate funds for - HB 377
 license revocation, alcohol convictions of minors - HB 90: SFA (1)
 license, requirements for - HB 328
Drivers' licenses, educational requirements - HB 51
Dyslexia, definition of - HB 680
Early childhood testing, requirements for - SB 188; SB 188: HCS, HFA (2),(3); HB 117: SCS (1),(2), SFA (1)
Education funding, state agency children - HB 244
Elevated blood lead levels, testing and reporting of - HB 117: HCS
Embryonic research, nontherapeutic, prohibit use of public funds or facilities - HB 413
Expelled students, educational services for - HB 216
False statement to peace officer - SB 116
 parents, rights and responsibilities - HB 159; HB 159: HCS, HFA (1)
 parents, training in investigations required - HB 159; HB 159: HCS, HFA (1)
Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 94
Genetic and metabolic diseases, coverage of prescribed foods - SB 18
 driver licensing passenger restrictions, exemptions for driver's education - HB 90: SFA (3)
 driver's license, clarify passenger restrictions - HB 90: HFA (4),(5),(6)
 driver's license, clarify violations which extend levels - HB 90: HFA (3)
Graduation requirement, Kentucky history and geography - HB 186
 legislative task force on raising grandchildren by - SCR 18
 permissive caregiving authority for grandchildren - HB 45: SFA (2)
Health insurance, extension due to military service - HB 209
High school athletics, change of eligibility date for nineteen-year-olds participating in - SB 77; HB 432
Hospitalization, mental illness, consent at age 16, delete provision for - SB 222
Indoor tanning devices, use by minors, prohibition of - HB 151; HB 151: HCS
Informed consent, abortion, requirements - HB 490, 585; HB 585: HCS, HFA (1),(2),(3),(6)
Instruction permit and intermediate license, prohibit cell phone use - HB 90: HFA (1)
 driver's license, provisions of - HB 90; HB 90: SCA (1), HFA (2)
 driver's license; provisions of - SB 13
 code, age of criminal responsibility - HB 284
 Justice, records, access, facilities - HB 351
 court record access - HB 3: SCS
 policy review - HB 351: HFA (1)
 records access, attorney - HB 351: HFA (2)
 records, access, facilities - HB 351: HCS
KinCare Support Program, creation of - HB 45; HB 45: SCS, SFA (1)
Lead, elevated blood levels, testing and reporting of - HB 117
 and education consent affidavit, combination of the execution of - HB 45: HCS
 treatment for children and teens - SB 101
Meningococcal meningitis, provide information about - HB 475
Mercury in vaccines, require person to be informed of - SB 255
 treatment program, child care, location near - HB 297
 treatment program, schools, location near - HB 297
Negligent homicide, creation of offense - HB 613
Nuclear transplantation - HB 370
Off-road Motorcycle and ATV Commission, add members - SB 32; HB 309
Ohio County, honoring citizens for dedication to youth - SR 117
Physical activity, 30 minutes per day - HB 610
Policies, school attendance - HB 479
Postsecondary institution, residing within 1,000 feet, sex offenders prohibited - HB 257
Preschool education programs, attendance in - HB 124
Private child care providers - HB 380: HFA (1)
Proceedings, records, juvenile code - HB 436
Projects connecting youth with responsible adults, Department of Agriculture, support for - HR 246
Public morals offenses, establish crime of public indecency - HB 305
Residential services, location of, notice to public - HB 170
 nutrition, approved beverages, skim and 2% milk - SB 48
 or day care center, sex offender prohibited - HB 50
School-based health services, study - HCR 169
 abuse, penalty increase for - HB 157
 offender legislation - HB 3: SFA (2)
 offender registration - HB 3: SFA (1)
 offender registration, include distributors of child pornography - HB 255
 offenders, increase distance from and prohibit from school grounds - HB 157
Sex, conduct prohibited between certain criminal justice system employees and juvenile - HB 407: HFA (1)
 abuse, penalty increase for - HB 11
 Assault Awareness Month, recognizing March as - HR 163
 offenses against minors, increase penalty for attempt or solicitation - SB 217
 offenses, procuring of minors via an electronic communications system - HB 254
Shared parenting time, adjust child support for - HB 281
Standby guardian, designation of - HB 221
State custody, tobacco products, prohibit from family member - HB 92; HB 92: HCS
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, adopted by school council - HB 270: HFA (3)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, opt out provision - HB 270: HFA (4)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying program or curriculum, parents and students rights - HB 270: HFA (3)
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, definition of - SB 15; HB 270
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, program or curriculum, adopted by school council - HB 270: HCS
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, program or curriculum, parents' and students' rights - HB 270: HCS
 harassment, intimidation, or bullying, protection from - SB 15; HB 270; SB 109: HCS, HFA (1)
Students on prescription drugs, include in study - HCR 169: HFA (1)
 prescription drugs - HB 133: HFA (1)
 safety and well-being - HB 270: HFA (1),(2)
Students,drivers' licenses - HB 51: HCS
Sudden infant death syndrome - HB 351
Technology, No Child Left Offline initiative, commending - HJR 199
Termination of parental rights, attorney's fee in - HB 652: HFA (1),(2)
The Kentucky Youth Development Coordinating Council, establish - SJR 184; HJR 215
Time and the use of time and requirements for teachers, task force to study - HCR 207
Tobacco products, possession by minors - HB 359
Truancy, assessment of habitual - HB 379
Trucks, prohibit minors from riding in truck beds - SB 164; HB 598; HB 334: HFA (2); HB 372: HFA (1); HB 598: HFA (1)
Veterans' Affairs Department, disabled veterans, minors, representation of - HB 454
Violent offender, add qualifying offenses - HB 37
Visitation, minor children - HB 605; HB 605: HCS