Traffic Safety


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blocking roadway, removal of vehicle and cargo - SB 44
resulting in death or serious injury, mandatory DUI testing of drivers involved - HB 67
Accidents, blocking roadway, removal of vehicle and cargo - HB 272
All-terrain vehicles, no person under age 16 shall operate and helmets required for operation of - HB 164
Animal-drawn vehicles, driver's manual for operators of - HCR 129
ATV helmet law, suspension based on unserved felony warrants - HB 117: SFA (2)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Byways Commission, establish - SB 59: HFA (5); SB 69: HFA (1); SB 70: HFA (2); SB 117: HFA (2); SB 134: HFA (2)
Bicycling and pedestrian activities, study directed - SCR 98
Blood and urine tests, require of all drivers involved in school bus or fatal accidents - SB 17
CDL testing, omnibus revisions - HB 707: HFA (1)
Center left turn lanes, clarify allowed uses of - HB 710: HFA (1),(2)
Certificates for driving, establish proceeds for application and issuance - SB 248
Child booster seats, require and make violations a primary offense - HB 372; SB 188: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
City and county roads, speed bumps, installation of - SB 195
Concealed carry license, timing of DUI conviction - HB 290: HFA (1),(2)
Conviction of unlawful alcohol-related transaction with a minor, driver's license revoked for - HB 736: HCS
Driving under the influence, testing - SB 86
sobriety tests, require of all drivers in a motor vehicle accident involving a fatality - HB 44: HCS
sobriety tests, require of all drivers in an accident involving a school bus - HB 44
Gene Snyder Freeway, installation of median barriers - HCR 8
driver licensing passenger restrictions, exemptions for driver's education - HB 90: SFA (3)
driver's license, clarify passenger restrictions - HB 90: HFA (4),(5),(6)
driver's license, clarify violations which extend levels - HB 90: HFA (3)
Highway access points, eliminate 15% variance cap - HB 711
Instruction permit and intermediate license, prohibit cell phone use - HB 90: HFA (1)
driver's license, provisions of - HB 90; HB 90: SCA (1), HFA (2)
driver's license; provisions of - SB 13
Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority, add members to - HB 309: HCS
Mandatory seat belt law, primary enforcement - HB 86; HB 117: SCS (2)
Mobile phone, prohibit use while operating a school bus - HB 714
Motor carriers, include defective rear guard in out-of-service criteria - SB 140
Murder, manslaughter, fetal homicide, elements of offense - HB 339
Penalty, passing a stopped school bus - HB 457
Personal information, privacy - HB 175: HFA (2)
Public safety and emergency vehicles, expand duties - HB 505
Railroad grade crossing, closure of - HB 168
Reckless driving, penalty points - HB 287
School buses, require use of flashers when approaching railroad crossings - HB 452
belt law, primary enforcement - HB 106
belt requirement, apply only to vehicles manufactured after 1985 - HB 86: HFA (1)
belt requirement, delay enforcement - HB 86: HCS
belt requirement, exemptions - HB 86: HCS
belt violations, eliminate court costs for - HB 86: HFA (9); HB 117: SFA (4)
Slow-moving vehicles, lightning requirements for - HB 278
control devices, installation in school zones - HB 394; HB 394: HFA (1)
regulations, omnibus revisions - HB 710
Trailers, lights to be equipped on - HB 499
Trucks, prohibit minors from riding in truck beds - SB 164; HB 598; HB 334: HFA (2); HB 372: HFA (1); HB 598: HFA (1)
Vehicle tires, use of rubber tires on specific slow-moving vehicles - HB 541
Wireless device, prohibit use while operating a motor vehicle - HB 9, 635
Work zone, speeding in, required notice for double fines - HB 321
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