Traffic Safety

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Accidents, actions to be negligent before person is liable for damage occurring during removal - HB 691: HFA(3)
Airbags, prohibit child under 13 from riding in front seat of vehicle - HB 145
All-terrain vehicles, operation on highways - HB 495: HCS
ATV operation on highway, delete provisions from HB 231 - HB 231: SFA(2)
ATV's crossing public highway, authorization - HB 495
Cellular telephones, use while driving, prohibition - HB 172
Driver education, secondary schools, required course offering - HB 761
  • under the influence - HB 366: HFA(4)
  • under the influence at 0.02, lower age to 18 - HB 151
  • under the influence, education program - HB 366: HFA(1)
  • under the influence, license revocation - HB 351
  • under the influence, omnibus revision - HB 366; HB 366: HCS, HFA (7),(8),(9)
DUI - HB 366: HFA(5),(6)
DUI, elements of offense, definitions - HB 987
Emergency vehicle, when driver must change lanes - HB 52
Field sobriety tests, sub. to, requirement for all divers involved in a serious traffic accident - HB 325
Fire lanes, prohibit signs or other obstructions - HB 914: HCS
  • insurance for motorcycle operators, delete repeal of mandatory provision - SB 191: SFA(1),(2)
  • insurance requirement for riding motorcycle without a helmet, repeal - HB 619: SFA(1)
Highway weight limit, exemptions for farm and forest products - HB 563
Hotline to report litter and unsecured loads, creation of - HB 1
  • interlock device requirements - SB 298: SCA(1)
  • interlock devices - SB 298: SFA(2)
Interstates and parkways, disabled vehicles left on, prohibition - HB 653
KY 80, speed limit, 65 mph between Hazard and Prestonsburg - HB 532
Limited area overweight/overdimensional permits for specialized equipment, establish - HB 54
Loads spilling onto highways, compulsory tarpaulins to prevent - HB 915, 974
Medical registry for traumatic brain injury, funds provided for - HB 497
Minor traffic accidents, require owners to remove vehicles from roadway - HB 691: HCS
Minors, driver license suspension for possession or purchase of alcohol - HB 557
Motor vehicle headlights, require to be on when windshield wipers are in use - HB 691: HFA(6)
Motorcycle helmets, optional use, delete health insurance requirement - HB 8: SCS
  • regulations concerning - HB 919: SFA(1)
  • repeal of health insurance requirement, request Free Conference on HB 8 - HB 8: CCR
Operating uninsured motor vehicle - SB 3: HFA(2)
  • license, bioptic telescopic device, standards for use of - HB 585
  • license, renewal, vision exam requirement - HB 633
Parking in fire lane, prohibition and penalties - HB 914
Police vehicle or EMS vehicle on highway, driver's duties - HB 52: HCS
Prepayable fine offenses - HB 919; HB 919: HCS
Racial profiling, information collected when motor vehicle stopped - SB 222
Red light cameras, allow law enforcement to designate contractor to operate program - SB 353: SCA(1)
Renewal of driver licenses, eye examination required - SB 251
Roadways, clearing after accidents - HB 691
Signs describing prohibition on driving in left lane of four-lane highway - HB 988
  • limit increase, require highway signs notifying prohibition on driving in left lane - HB 702: SCS
  • limits, delete lower speed limit for commercial vehicles - SB 292: SCS
  • limits, increase on certain highways - SB 292
State traffic school, eligibility criteria - HB 483
Stopping on highway, prohibition, exemption for solid waste collection vehicles - HB 702
Student transportation, safety policies for - HJR 101
  • accidents, field sobriety tests at - HB 325: HFA(1)
  • control signal monitoring systems, violations of KRS 189.231, civil penalties - SB 353
Unattended child or disabled person in motor vehicle, prohibition against leaving - HB 116
  • automobile, criminal responsibility for - SB 3: SFA(1)
  • vehicle, operation of - SB 3
  • accidents, court finding required before person to reimburse for removal expenses - HB 691: HFA(2)
  • accidents, emergency situation definition, amendment of - HB 691: HFA(1)
  • enforcement, transfer to State Police - HB 759
  • tires, required use of rubber on all vehicle wheels - SB 146
  • in accidents, delete provision allowing operator to move before police arrive on the scene - HB 691: HFA(4)
  • involved in accidents, procedure for removal from highway, clarification of - HB 691: HFA(5)
Wireless telephones, use of while operating motor vehicle, prohibition against - HB 173

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