 certification requirements for - HB 17: SFA (1),(2),(3)
 licensure requirement for - HB 17: SCS
 pollution control district rules, must be approved by local governing body - SB 39: SCS
 pollution control district strategic toxic air reduction program, commission to study impact of - SB 39: SFA (2)
American Heart Month - HR 152
 assistants, LRC to study the certification and scope of practice requirements of - SB 175: SCS
 assistants, training and testing requirements for - SB 175
Asbestos assessment and response program, administration of - HB 408
Bicycling and pedestrian activities, study directed - SCR 98
Breast-feeding, prohibit ordinance against - SB 106
Cardiovascular Disease Initiative fund, delete appropriations for - HB 477: HCA (1)
Certified surgical assistants, requirements for and exemptions from certification as - SB 173: HCS
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, September designated as - HCR 119
Cigarette surtax, floor stocks and other tobacco products tax, rate increase, designate funds - HB 103
Covenant not to sue, make changes to - HB 408: SCS
Deaths due to drugs or poisons, coroners' duty to report - HB 67
Dentures, dental and oral health, designate funds for - HB 377
Drugs and poisons, coroners to report deaths from - HB 6
Early childhood testing, requirements for - SB 188; SB 188: HCS, HFA (2),(3); HB 117: SCS (1),(2), SFA (1)
E-health, improvement of health through the use of - SJR 104
Elder Justice Act, urge Congress to support - HCR 89
Emergency and disasters, recognition of out-of-state nursing licensees during - HB 102: HCS
Food stamp program, applicant to disclose employer information to - HB 230
Governor's Wellness and Physical Activity Initiative, create requirements for - HB 646; HB 646: HCS
 benefits made available to the public, restoration of certain - HB 622: HFA (1)
 care data, consumer access to - HB 622
Health, definition of - HB 213: HCS
 C education, awareness, and information program, creation of - HB 540
 C education, awareness, information program, creation of - HB 540: HCS
 and ambulatory surgical centers data on hospital-acquired infection rates reported by - HB 240
 and ambulatory surgical centers, data on hospital-acquired infection rates reported by - HB 34
Illegal aliens, services, cost of - HCR 5
Indoor smoking policy, adoption by state and local government - HB 55
Industry & economic development, urge evaluation of Louisville STAR air toxics program impact on - HCR 174
I-SaveRx Internet program, cooperative agreement with - HB 709
Jails and detention facilities, delete smoking policy exemption for - HB 55: HFA (2)
 Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and board, create - HB 477
 health information technology coordinator, establish the position of - SB 249
 Transitional Assistance Program, applicant to disclose employer information to - HB 230
 disease and organ donation month, declare March 2006 as - SR 268; HR 260
 disease, laboratory tests, recommendations - HCR 31
Meningococcal meningitis, provide information about - HB 475
Mercury in vaccines, require person to be informed of - SB 255
 property, cleanup program - HB 591: HCS, HFA (2)
 property, program for cleanup of - HB 591
Narcotic treatment program, location of - HB 297
Nonpublic schools, exempt from health requirements - HB 618
Nuisances - HB 69
Office of Health Policy, creation of, confirmation of Executive Order 2005-779 - SB 61
Osteoporosis, education and prevention program for - SB 202
Physicians Care Program for the uninsured, creation of - SB 180; SB 180: SCS, HFA (1)
 drug importation from foreign countries, provisions for - HB 163
 drug patient assistance programs, improving access to - HB 200
 drug reimportation from Canada, provisions for - SB 27
 and requirements for on-site sewage systems installation and permitting, make changes to - HB 573
 and requirements for on-site sewage systems, make changes to - HB 573: HCS (1),(2)
 food establishment donations, regulation, exemption from - HB 68
 food establishment, civil and criminal immunity for donations by - HB 68: HCS
 food establishment, donations, exempt from additional inspections of - HB 68: HFA (1)
Sanger, Margaret, honoring life of - HR 132
 cessation, no cost for children in state custody - HB 92; HB 92: HCS
 policy, delete exemptions for - HB 55: HFA (3)
Strategic toxic air reduction program, requirements for termination and replacement of - SB 39: SFA (1)
Substance abuse, treatment for - HB 734
 Kentucky Youth Development Coordinating Council, establish - SJR 184; HJR 215
 Milbank Memorial Fund, congratulate on anniversary of - HR 88
 dependence treatment, Medicaid coverage of - HB 62; HB 62: HFA (1)
 dependence, Medicaid coverage of telephone counseling for - HB 62: HCS
Toxic mold program, urge establishment of - HR 324
Trauma care system, establish and fund - HB 724
 energy cost assistance funds, creation of - HB 742; HB 742: SCS (2)
 energy costs assistance funds, creation of - HB 742: HFA (1)
Wellness program for public employees, task force to study feasibility of - HCR 195