An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to the taxation of currency and bullion currency and declaring an emergency. |
HB 10 | AN ACT relating to the rights of real property owners. |
HB 15 | AN ACT relating to instruction permits and declaring an emergency. |
HB 56* | AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities. |
HB 116 | AN ACT relating to the Ten Commandments in public schools. |
HB 153 | AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University. |
HB 296* | AN ACT relating to a tax credit for alternative jet fuel. |
HB 306 | AN ACT relating to the licensing of professional engineers. |
HB 313 | AN ACT relating to dates of recognition. |
HB 747 | AN ACT relating to the fraudulent sale or lease of real property. |
HB 790 | AN ACT relating to solar merchant electric generating facilities. |
HB 799* | AN ACT relating to executive branch agencies. |
HB 800* | AN ACT relating to fiscal impact statements. |
HB 808 | AN ACT relating to recreation and tourism development. |
HCR 61 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to petition the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials to designate certain highways as United States Highway 111. |
HJR 15 | A JOINT RESOLUTION to return for permanent display on the New State Capitol grounds the granite Ten Commandments monument given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1971 by the Fraternal Order of Eagles. |
HR 13* | A RESOLUTION recognizing and expressing support for Kentucky’s three accepted preliminary proposals for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Regional Innovation Engines program. |
HR 76* | A RESOLUTION to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the State Government Affairs Council. |
HB 662: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to personally identifiable information. |
SB 77: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the Education Professional Standards Board. |
SB 77: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the Education Professional Standards Board. |
Bill | Title |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to human trafficking. |
HB 7* | AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles. |
HB 11 | AN ACT relating to nicotine products. |
HB 12* | AN ACT relating to jails and declaring an emergency. |
HB 88 | AN ACT relating to unlawful trade practices and declaring an emergency. |
HB 161 | AN ACT relating to elections and declaring an emergency. |
HB 217 | AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses and declaring an emergency. |
HB 235* | AN ACT relating to able-bodied adult participation in the SNAP Employment and Training Program. |
HB 333* | AN ACT relating to prosecution proceedings. |
HB 341 | AN ACT proposing to amend Sections 145 and 155 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote. |
HB 378 | AN ACT relating to state symbols. |
HB 400 | AN ACT relating to veterinary medicine programs at comprehensive universities. |
HB 403* | AN ACT relating to real property boards. |
HB 407* | AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities. |
HB 408 | AN ACT relating to health services. |
HB 517* | AN ACT relating to legislative ethics. |
HB 635* | AN ACT relating to fiscal impact statements. |
HB 648* | AN ACT relating to local government. |
HB 715* | AN ACT relating to the Kentucky National Guard and declaring an emergency. |
HB 827* | AN ACT relating to elections. |
HB 830* | AN ACT relating to local government. |
HB 832* | AN ACT relating to child custody. |
HB 833* | AN ACT relating to motor vehicle inspectors. |
HCR 68 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the establishment of the Kentucky Housing Task Force. |
HJR 33* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating the James "Jim" Herring Memorial Bridge in Boyle and Garrard Counties. |
HR 45 | A RESOLUTION expressing support for the State of Israel and the Israeli people and condemning the violent events on October 7, 2023. |
HR 57 | A RESOLUTION urging Governor Andy Beshear to express support for Governor Greg Abbott and the State of Texas in their efforts to secure the border. |
HR 59* | A RESOLUTION recognizing and commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on its 50th anniversary in 2025. |
HR 70* | A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to enact much-needed reforms to federal permitting policies to accelerate deployment of new energy infrastructure. |
HR 88* | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 78th Southern Legislative Conference of The Council of State Governments Southern Office. |
HB 403: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to real property boards. |
Bill | Title |
HB 4 | AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 6* | AN ACT relating to peace officer certification. |
HB 62* | AN ACT relating to real estate brokerage. |
HB 135 | AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles. |
HB 348 | AN ACT relating to cannabis. |
HB 352* | AN ACT relating to mental health programs. |
HB 377 | AN ACT relating to gift cards. |
HB 544* | AN ACT relating to the regulation of hemp-derived products. |
HB 546* | AN ACT relating to the General Assembly and declaring an emergency. |
HB 547 | AN ACT relating to First Amendment rights in public schools. |
HB 548* | AN ACT relating to the judiciary. |
HB 549* | AN ACT relating to small business. |
HB 550* | AN ACT relating to the commissioner of education. |
HR 15 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2023, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 20* | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 77th Southern Legislative Conference of The Council of State Governments Southern Office. |
HR 51 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 2023 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. |
HR 88 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 75th anniversary of the independence of the State of Israel. |
HR 97 | A RESOLUTION commending Continental Refining Company for successfully expanding its production to include biofuel and high-quality soybean byproducts at its facility in Somerset, Kentucky. |
HB 135: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to autonomous vehicles. |
SB 48: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to state government operations. |
SB 129: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to automated license plate readers. |
SB 129: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to automated license plate readers. |
Bill | Title |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of the individuals whose lives were tragically lost in the recent flooding that ravaged Eastern Kentucky. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to appropriations measures providing funding and establishing conditions for the operations, maintenance, support, and functioning of the government of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and its various officers, cabinets, departments, boards, commissions, institutions, subdivisions, agencies, and other state-supported activities. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to public health and declaring an emergency. |
HB 7* | AN ACT relating to welfare and family services. |
HB 43 | AN ACT relating to religious freedom during a declared emergency. |
HB 229* | AN ACT relating to the taxation of veteran's organizations. |
HB 230* | AN ACT relating to actions of the General Assembly and declaring an emergency. |
HB 238* | AN ACT relating to the assessment of property for ad valorem taxation. |
HB 392 | AN ACT relating to merchant electric generating facilities. |
HB 436* | AN ACT relating to auctioneer licensure. |
HB 475 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options. |
HB 476 | AN ACT relating to local taxation. |
HB 492* | AN ACT relating to utility pole replacement for broadband network deployment, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 512* | AN ACT relating to heart attack response and treatment. |
HB 558* | AN ACT relating to agriculture. |
HB 559* | AN ACT relating to governmental entities. |
HB 574* | AN ACT relating to real estate brokerage. |
HB 698* | AN ACT relating to small business. |
HB 739* | AN ACT relating to allowing biological parents and foster parents the right to seek enforcement in Circuit Court for the cabinet's violations of certain rules, provisions, regulations, or statutory requirements. |
HR 49 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 27, 2022, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. |
HR 53 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Darryl Owens. |
HR 59* | A RESOLUTION commending Kentucky REALTORS® on the 100th anniversary of its founding. |
HR 77 | A RESOLUTION urging Congress to take appropriate steps in mitigating cyberattacks and ransomware demands. |
HR 95 | A RESOLUTION condemning Russia's unprovoked military aggression and invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Historical Society. |
SB 4: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to government actions and declaring an emergency. |
SB 4: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to government actions and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HB 4 | AN ACT relating to the compensation of members of the General Assembly and declaring an emergency. |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 20th anniversary of September 11, 2001. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to reopening the economy in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in response to the state of emergency declared by the Governor of Kentucky beginning in March 2020 and continuing throughout the year of 2021 and declaring an emergency. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to medical procedures and declaring an emergency. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to civil actions and declaring an emergency. |
HB 4 | AN ACT proposing to amend the Constitution of Kentucky relating to sessions of the General Assembly. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to reorganizations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 6 | AN ACT relating to legislative oversight and declaring an emergency. |
HB 210* | AN ACT related to adoption leave. |
HB 221* | AN ACT relating to child welfare investigations. |
HB 277 | AN ACT relating to operator's licenses for the military. |
HB 302* | AN ACT relating to sanitation districts. |
HB 333 | AN ACT relating to the establishment of a tax credit to promote investments in Kentucky businesses. |
HB 455* | AN ACT relating to child welfare investigations. |
HB 456* | AN ACT relating to reorganizations. |
HB 492* | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 493* | AN ACT relating to home studies. |
HB 524 | AN ACT relating to rights of conscience for child-placing agencies and child-caring facilities. |
HB 567* | AN ACT relating to motorboats and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 568* | AN ACT relating to peace officer certification. |
HB 569* | AN ACT relating to actions of the General Assembly. |
HB 570* | AN ACT relating to emergencies and making an appropriation therefor. |
HJR 57* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish a work group to assess the feasibility of implementing a bridge insurance program, to review current Temporary Assistance for Needy Families expenditures, and to consider opportunities for public-private partnerships to better meet the needs of public assistance beneficiaries. |
HR 41 | A RESOLUTION condemning anti-Semitism in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HR 58* | A RESOLUTION designating the second Monday in October as "Indigenous Peoples' Day" to celebrate and honor indigenous peoples and their shared history and culture. |
HR 80 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Michael Dean Bowling. |
HB 320: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the provision of broadband services, and making an appropriation therefor. |
SB 80: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to peace officers. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1* | AN ACT relating to public welfare. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to human trafficking and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 5* | AN ACT relating to the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact. |
HB 19 | AN ACT relating to time. |
HB 34 | AN ACT relating to school bus safety and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 167* | AN ACT relating to involuntary termination of parental rights and declaring an emergency. |
HB 213* | AN ACT relating to mental healthcare for unaccompanied youth. |
HB 312* | AN ACT relating to children. |
HB 366 | AN ACT relating to Eastern Kentucky University's model and practice school. |
HB 390 | AN ACT related to adoption leave. |
HB 394 | AN ACT relating to playgrounds. |
HB 452* | AN ACT relating to the ad valorem taxation of privately owned leasehold interests in residential property owned by a purely public charity. |
HB 463 | AN ACT relating to the creation of the Kentucky Center for Cannabis Research and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 475 | AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 181 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the General Assembly's authority over local revenue options. |
HB 628* | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 631* | AN ACT relating to peace officer certification. |
HB 635* | AN ACT relating to elections. |
HB 644 | AN ACT relating to forfeiture of retirement benefits upon conviction of a sexual offense against a minor. |
HR 44* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky's Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day on January 23, 2020. |
HR 65 | A RESOLUTION pledging civility on and off the floor of the House of Representatives during the 2020 legislative session. |
HB 1: HCA (1) | AN ACT relating to public welfare. |
HB 1: HFA (5) | AN ACT relating to public welfare. |
HB 1: HFA (15) | AN ACT relating to public welfare. |
HB 312: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to children. |
SB 9: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to the protection of born-alive infants and abortion and declaring an emergency. |
SB 9: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to the protection of born-alive infants and abortion and declaring an emergency. |
SB 9: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to the protection of born-alive infants and abortion and declaring an emergency. |
SB 103: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to agricultural land. |
SB 103: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to agricultural land. |
SB 111: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to public safety personnel. |
SB 111: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to public safety personnel. |
SB 177: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
SB 177: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to education and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HR 7 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Clyde W. Middleton. |
HR 8 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dave Adkisson upon his retirement. |
HR 16 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House in honor and loving memory of Money Ed Cummins. |
HR 18 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Senator Ray B. White. |
HR 20 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Fredrick Anthony Meyer Jr. |
HR 22 | A RESOLUTION honoring Gina Rigsby on the occasion of her retirement. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring Robert Jenkins upon his retirement from the Legislative Research Commission for his many years of dedicated service to the Kentucky General Assembly. |
HR 33 | A RESOLUTION honoring Susan Cunningham upon the occasion of her retirement. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to school safety. |
HB 2* | AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers. |
HB 3* | AN ACT relating to public assistance recipients. |
HB 4 | AN ACT relating to administrative regulations. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to the human rights of unborn children to not be discriminated against and declaring an emergency. |
HB 28 | AN ACT relating to nonprofit exemptions in taxation and declaring an emergency. |
HB 29* | AN ACT relating to the taxation of admissions for sales and use tax. |
HB 148 | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
HB 158* | AN ACT relating to child welfare and declaring an emergency. |
HB 291* | AN ACT relating to auctioneers. |
HB 295 | AN ACT designating the Garrard County Tobacco Cutting Contest as the official state tobacco cutting contest. |
HB 352* | AN ACT relating to motor carriers and making an appropriation. |
HB 368* | AN ACT relating to county detectives. |
HB 378* | AN ACT relating to youth homelessness. |
HB 446* | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 488 | AN ACT relating to tax credits. |
HB 508* | AN ACT relating to the Educators Employment Liability Insurance Program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 523* | AN ACT relating to education. |
HB 524* | AN ACT relating to reorganization. |
HJR 90* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect a sign on United States Route 27 in Lincoln County that proudly proclaims Lincoln County as the Home of Roby Mullins, 2018 NASP 3D World Archery Champion and 3D Outdoor World Archery Champion. |
HJR 106* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect a sign on United States Route 27 in Lincoln County that proudly proclaims Lincoln County as the Home of McKenzie Settles, 2018 NASP/IBO 3D State Archery Champion. |
HJR 107* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect a sign on United States Route 27 in Lincoln County that proudly proclaims Lincoln County as the Home of Ember Genco, 2018 Little Miss United States. |
HR 3 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Adrian King Arnold. |
HR 12 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 18 to 22, 2019, as FFA Week in Kentucky. |
HR 14 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 11, 2019, as National Milk Day. |
HR 24 | A RESOLUTION honoring Cassaundra Cooper for her years of service with the Legislative Research Commission. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John Edward "Bear" Coyle. |
HR 28 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Sandra Louise Deaton. |
HR 30 | A RESOLUTION celebrating the 210th birthday of Abraham Lincoln. |
HR 35 | A RESOLUTION honoring University of Louisville President Dr. Neeli Bendapudi. |
HR 41 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Donald Wayne Stephens Sr. |
HR 50 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Russell Glen Mobley. |
HR 59 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Louisville Metro Police Detective Deidre Irene "Dee Dee" Mengedoht. |
HR 73 | A RESOLUTION honoring the birthday of President Ronald Reagan. |
HR 75* | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 7, 2019, as Kentucky Land Title Day. |
HR 82 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky State University valedictorian Jessica Marquez Cordova. |
HR 89 | A RESOLUTION honoring Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton for her service as Kentucky's first African-American Lieutenant Governor. |
HR 91 | A RESOLUTION encouraging the Tennessee Valley Authority board of directors to delay its consideration of and voting on closing the Paradise Fossil Plant Unit 3 in Muhlenberg County. |
HR 99* | A RESOLUTION recognizing Career and Technical Education Month in Kentucky. |
HR 104 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky’s Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day, February 13, 2019. |
HR 111 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of former Kentucky state legislator Dr. Nicholas Z. "Nick" Kafoglis. |
HR 118 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Jo Nell Carney Lee. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Norman W. Lawson, Jr. |
HR 149 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory of Dawson Moore and honoring all those children in the Commonwealth currently battling pediatric cancers. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Crushed Stone Association. |
HR 161 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Women's History Month in Kentucky. |
HR 175 | A RESOLUTION urging the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, to sign the Appalachian Sky Executive Order. |
HR 206 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky cheerleaders upon winning their 24th national championship. |
HR 214 | A RESOLUTION honoring the celebration of 100 years of tradition and excellence of the University of Kentucky School of Music. |
HR 217* | A RESOLUTION requesting assistance from state and federal officials to support the review and approval of the proposed lease expansion of Lake Cumberland Marina to provide access for public recreation and jobs in an underserved area of Lake Cumberland. |
HR 223 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Johnson Central High School academic team upon winning the 2019 Governor's Cup state championship. |
HR 225 | A RESOLUTION honoring Savannah Wheeler upon being named 2019 Kentucky Miss Basketball. |
HR 227 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Beechwood High School boys' basketball team. |
HR 228 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Thomas More University women's basketball team upon winning the NCAA Division III national championship. |
HR 231* | A RESOLUTION urging the Secretary of the Army and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works to direct the Nashville District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers to expedite its review of the development of enhanced public access and public recreation facilities at Lake Cumberland. |
HR 232 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky football team on their 2018 season and celebrating their win in the Citrus Bowl. |
HR 237 | A RESOLUTION to thank and honor the Kentucky Association of Professional Educators. |
HR 239 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky debate team upon winning the 2019 national championship. |
HB 2: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to relative and fictive kin caregivers. |
HB 508: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to the Educators Employment Liability Insurance Program, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1* | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 186 | AN ACT relating to taxing districts. |
HB 290* | AN ACT relating to interscholastic athletics. |
HB 342* | AN ACT relating to the transfer of the Division of Child Care. |
HB 368* | AN ACT relating to auctioneers. |
HB 432 | AN ACT relating to economic development oversight and declaring an emergency. |
HB 454 | AN ACT relating to the human rights of unborn children and declaring an emergency. |
HB 459* | AN ACT relating to an adoption tax credit. |
HB 495* | AN ACT relating to transportation. |
HB 496* | AN ACT relating to transportation. |
HB 528 | AN ACT relating to joint custody. |
HB 579* | AN ACT relating to elections and declaring an emergency. |
HJR 66* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect a sign on United States Route 150 at the Boyle County/Lincoln County line that proudly proclaims Lincoln County as the Home of Roby Mullins, 2017 State Overall Archery Champion. |
HJR 86* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect a sign on United States Route 27 at the Lincoln County/Garrard County line that proudly proclaims Lincoln County as the "Home Of Elaine 'Bae Bae' Avanell Smith, 2017 Young Miss Kentucky, MKTA." |
HR 25 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Judge Richard J. FitzGerald. |
HR 26 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Blueprint for Kentucky's Children and adjourning in honor of Children's Advocacy Day, January 18, 2018. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 17 to 24, 2018, as FFA Week in Kentucky. |
HR 37 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 16th as National Religious Freedom Day. |
HR 40 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 17, 2018, to be Hunger Free Kentucky Day. |
HR 44 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Fern Adkins. |
HR 45 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of former Kentucky State Representative Louis Johnson. |
HR 51 | A RESOLUTION recognizing January 11, 2018, as Donate Life Kentucky Day. |
HR 53 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Marvin D. Mills. |
HR 69 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Lynne Marlene Klingeman Givens. |
HR 73 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Charles Wesley "Wes" Strader. |
HR 76 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Bart Ross Elder. |
HR 80 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Gordon Pat Adkins. |
HR 95 | A RESOLUTION recognizing October 12, 2018, as National Farmers Day. |
HR 96 | A RESOLUTION memorializing the forty-fifth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. |
HR 108 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of James Paul David "Jim" Bunning. |
HR 123 | A RESOLUTION honoring Pearse Lyons. |
HR 126 | A RESOLUTION expressing condolences and deepest sympathies in the aftermath of the Marshall County High School shooting and offering continuing support to the citizens of Marshall County. |
HR 134 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the important role the hospitality industry can play in preventing and disrupting child sex trafficking and encouraging Kentucky residents, employees, and agencies to book travel and events at hotels, venues, and travel agencies which are signatories of the Tourism Child-Protection Code of Conduct. |
HR 155 | A RESOLUTION expressing support for the Republic of Korea and the Winter Olympic Games, and supporting the trade agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea. |
HR 189 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of William Franklin "Billy" Graham Jr. |
HR 204 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Kentucky Community and Technical College System's 20th anniversary. |
HR 206 | A RESOLUTION recognizing All Masons Day on February 28, 2018. |
HR 229 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 8, 2018, as International Women's Day. |
HR 236 | A RESOLUTION celebrating Girl Scout Day. |
HR 245 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Officer Scotty Hamilton. |
HR 251 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sturgill Simpson. |
HR 252 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Irish American Heritage Month for Kentucky. |
HR 256 | A RESOLUTION observing Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in Kentucky and honoring Vietnam veterans for their courage and sacrifice while serving our great nation. |
HR 279 | A RESOLUTION honoring Joyce Honaker upon winning the 2018 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 292 | A RESOLUTION honoring Robert L. King upon his retirement. |
HR 295 | A RESOLUTION honoring Fred Clem. |
HR 296 | A RESOLUTION honoring former Kentucky State Representative Marie Rader. |
HR 306 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Rick Nelson upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 308 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Kevin Sinnette upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 309 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Gerald Watkins upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 312 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Darryl Owens upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 315 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Kenny Imes upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 319 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jody Richards upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 320 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Sannie Overly upon her retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 325 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Robby Mills upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 326 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jim DeCesare upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 327 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Scott Wells upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 328 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Robert Benvenuti III upon his retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HR 329 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Addia Wuchner upon her retirement from the House of Representatives. |
HB 1: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
HB 1: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to child welfare. |
Bill | Title |
HB 1 | AN ACT relating to right-to-work provisions involving a condition of employment or continuation of employment and declaring an emergency. |
HB 2 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety and declaring an emergency. |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to prevailing wage and declaring an emergency. |
HB 58 | AN ACT relating to interscholastic extracurricular activities. |
HB 169 | AN ACT relating to crime victims' rights. |
HB 171 | AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to crime victims' rights. |
HB 443* | AN ACT relating to reorganization, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 454 | AN ACT relating to school curriculum. |
HB 511* | AN ACT relating to public protection. |
HB 512* | AN ACT relating to transportation. |
HB 513* | AN ACT relating to tourism and outdoor recreation. |
HB 514* | AN ACT relating to Native American Indian Month. |
HB 515* | AN ACT relating to the Judicial Branch. |
HB 516* | AN ACT relating to auctions. |
HB 517* | AN ACT relating to adoption. |
HCR 105* | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing the Adoption Task Force. |
HJR 60* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect signs on United States Route 27 in Lincoln County that proudly proclaim Lincoln County as the Home of Roby Mullins, 2016 NASP 3D Outdoor World Archery Champion. |
HJR 115* | A JOINT RESOLUTION declaring the intention of the General Assembly to carefully monitor and encourage wise stewardship of public resources as the Cabinet for Health and Family Services undertakes systemic efforts to reform eligibility testing for benefits and welfare programs. |
HR 1 | A RESOLUTION establishing the 2017 membership of the Kentucky State House of Representatives. |
HR 2 | A RESOLUTION adopting the Rules of Procedure for the 2017 Regular Session of the House of Representatives. |
HR 3 | A RESOLUTION extending an invitation to pastors of Frankfort churches to open sessions of the 2017 Regular Session with prayer. |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION directing the appointment of a committee to wait upon the Governor. |
HR 44 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a welcoming state that celebrates the growing diversity of its residents and acknowledges that refugees, immigrants, and all newcomers enhance the culture and the economy. |
HR 62 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 13, 2017, as Epilepsy Awareness Day in Kentucky. |
HR 106 | A RESOLUTION designating June 27, 2017, as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Awareness Day and designating June 2017 as Post-Traumatic Stress Injury Month. |
HR 108 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Anita Sue Esham Muckelroy. |
HR 110 | A RESOLUTION condemning the rally taking place in Pike County of the Traditionalist Worker Party/Nationalist Front/National Socialist Movement on April 28-29, 2017. |
HR 125 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Kenneth G. and Betty Hurst. |
HR 128 | A RESOLUTION honoring Elaine Chao upon being named United States Secretary of Transportation. |
HR 129 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Rev. Wayne B. Smith. |
HR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring Danielle Gibson and Will Casto. |
HR 150 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dr. Katherine Johnson. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the work of the Kentucky 225th Anniversary Commission. |
HR 187 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sheila Mason upon winning the 2017 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 199 | A RESOLUTION honoring Judge James "Jim" M. Shake upon the occasion of his retirement from the Circuit Court bench. |
HB 443: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to reorganization, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 516: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to auctions. |
HB 516: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to auctions. |
Bill | Title |
HB 17* | AN ACT relating to marriage. |
HB 35 | AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms. |
HB 37 | AN ACT relating to the Health Insurance Trust Fund and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 61 | AN ACT prohibiting the use of public resources for abortion services. |
HB 140* | AN ACT relating to adoption. |
HB 197* | AN ACT relating to the consideration of the fair market value of property when determining Medicaid eligibility. |
HB 233 | AN ACT relating to charity auctions. |
HB 236 | AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms. |
HB 246 | AN ACT relating to commercial vehicle enforcement officers. |
HB 257 | AN ACT relating to the human rights of unborn children and declaring an emergency. |
HB 266 | AN ACT relating to coal severance tax distributions, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 280* | AN ACT relating to sales of property. |
HB 386 | AN ACT relating to local boards of education. |
HB 409 | AN ACT relating to special license plates and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 492 | AN ACT relating to abortion facilities. |
HCR 117 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION establishing an "Automotive Caucus" within the Kentucky General Assembly. |
HJR 44 | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing an application to Congress to call a convention for the sole purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limiting the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress. |
HR 19 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Carol Palmore. |
HR 36 | A RESOLUTION commemorating National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. |
HR 37 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Spencer Gauge Smith. |
HR 48 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Louis Hall, Sr. |
HR 113 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Senator Georgia Powers and Judge Benjamin Shobe, two titans of civil rights. |
HR 127 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of former United States Senator Marlow W. Cook. |
HR 141 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's native son Tim Farmer for his more than a quarter-century of inspirationally serving Kentucky's sportsmen and sportswomen, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, physically challenged persons everywhere, and for his proud military service to his country. |
HR 143 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's farmers for helping provide citizens with the most nutritious and affordable food in the world, and recognizing February 29 to March 4, 2016, as Food Checkout Week. |
HR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending the Kentucky National Guard for the dedication and commitment shown through its response to the January 2016 winter storm. |
HR 157 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 151st anniversary of the University of Kentucky. |
HR 168 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Jennifer Beth Skaggs. |
HR 179 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Martha Sue Rudy. |
HR 180 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Shelby Lawson Jr. |
HR 181 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Colonel Walker Russell "Russ" Reynolds. |
HR 203 | A RESOLUTION honoring Representative Jim DuPlessis for his heroic efforts to help Alicia Boyd, and honoring Mrs. Boyd for her dedication in returning to work at the Legislative Research Commission. |
HR 227 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Nancy Reagan. |
HR 229 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the 75th anniversary of the Tuskegee Airmen. |
HR 231 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Flonnie Todd. |
HR 263 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the third Saturday in May as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day. |
HR 274 | A RESOLUTION recognizing April 2016 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Kentucky. |
HR 275 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Russell High School Academic Team upon winning the 2016 Governor's Cup State Academic Championship. |
HR 278 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Kentucky State Police Trooper Eric Keith Chrisman. |
HR 285 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and commending the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority upon the celebration of its 50th anniversary. |
HR 287 | A RESOLUTION honoring Sally Everman upon winning the 2015 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 288 | A RESOLUTION honoring Scott Payton upon being the recipient of the 2016 Vic Hellard Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 292 | A RESOLUTION honoring Stephanie Kirtley for her 40 years in state government. |
HR 297 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder. |
HR 298 | A RESOLUTION honoring Commissioner Dr. Rice Cowan Leach upon receiving the 2016 Public Health Hero Award. |
HR 300 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Jacob K. Davis. |
HR 319 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Justin and Stephanie Shults. |
HR 329 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Kentucky Division of Historic Properties. |
HB 41: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to tenancies in real property. |
HB 430: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to elections. |
SB 64: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator fees. |
SB 64: HFA (2) | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator fees. |
SB 64: HFA (3) | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator fees. |
SB 64: HFA (4) | AN ACT relating to property valuation administrator fees. |
SB 214: HFA (1) | AN ACT relating to notaries public. |
Bill | Title |
HB 78 | AN ACT relating to charity auctions. |
HB 148 | AN ACT relating to auctioneers. |
HB 149 | AN ACT relating to the continuing education of real estate licensees. |
HB 317* | AN ACT relating to auctioneers. |
HB 318* | AN ACT relating to sales of property. |
HB 319* | AN ACT relating to administrative regulations. |
HB 441* | AN ACT relating to adoption. |
HB 491* | AN ACT relating to the consideration of the fair market value of property when determining Medicaid eligibility. |
HCR 171 | A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION on saving coal jobs in the Commonwealth. |
HJR 76 | A JOINT RESOLUTION commending the Southeastern Kentucky Shawnee for their efforts on behalf of preserving their Native American heritage, which does not include gambling and casinos. |
HJR 113* | A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Transportation Cabinet to erect signs on Kentucky Route 150 in Lincoln County that proudly proclaim Lincoln County as the Home of Connor Patterson, 2014 National Archery Champion. |
HR 12 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Vicki Ginn Newberg. |
HR 21 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Anthony Lynn "Tony" Grider. |
HR 34 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Kiwanis International upon the occasion of its 100th birthday on January 21, 2015. |
HR 64 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Senator Wendell Hampton Ford. |
HR 66 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John Stewart "Jay" Roberts. |
HR 79 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Irish American Heritage Month for Kentucky. |
HR 92 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Sam Swope. |
HR 114 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Jimmy Willis "Big Daddy" Webb. |
HR 115 | A RESOLUTION recognizing Special Olympics Kentucky upon its 45th anniversary. |
HR 121 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Representative Charles and Carmen Lott Miller upon their 50th wedding anniversary. |
HR 126 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Menifee County Judge/Executive James Darrell "J.D." Trimble. |
HR 141 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Flora Lee "Sally" Bowers Dwyer. |
HR 142 | A RESOLUTION demanding the United States government to demand the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini, a United States citizen from Boise, Idaho, being held prisoner in Iran. |
HR 146 | A RESOLUTION honoring Jimmie Lee. |
HR 147 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of James O. "Jim" King, Jr. |
HR 153 | A RESOLUTION urging President Obama to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his visit to the United States of America. |
HR 155 | A RESOLUTION honoring snow removal and emergency crews. |
HR 157 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John C. Fischer. |
HR 188 | A RESOLUTION honoring DanceBlue. |
HR 193 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Dr. John Poage Stewart II. |
HR 197 | A RESOLUTION condemning the veto of the Keystone XL pipeline legislation by the President of the United States. |
HR 198 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John Michael Palmer. |
HR 204 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and honoring the 150th anniversary of the founding of Lexington Theological Seminary. |
HR 225 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Joel C. Mack. |
HR 227 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of and celebrating the occasion of the 100th year of the Fraternal Order of Police. |
HR 230 | A RESOLUTION honoring First Lieutenant Richard I. St. Onge III. |
HR 231 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Private 1st Class Anthony Massey, Jr. |
HR 237 | A RESOLUTION recognizing April as National County Government Month. |
HR 240 | A RESOLUTION honoring First Lady Jane Beshear for her commitment to fighting cancer in the Commonwealth. |
HR 243 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Linda W. Palmer. |
Bill | Title |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to the safety and security of personal information held by public agencies. |
HB 62* | AN ACT relating to parental rights. |
HB 99 | AN ACT relating to the carrying of concealed deadly weapons by retired peace officers. |
HB 108 | AN ACT relating to youth employment. |
HB 184 | AN ACT relating to abortion. |
HB 186 | AN ACT relating to a tax credit for volunteer firefighters. |
HB 198* | AN ACT relating to parental rights. |
HB 213 | AN ACT relating to concealed deadly weapons. |
HB 496 | AN ACT relating to contracts. |
HB 517* | AN ACT relating to an income tax credit. |
HB 575 | AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. |
HJR 53* | A JOINT RESOLUTION designating a portion of United States Route 150 as the "Lincoln County Veterans Highway." |
HR 21 | A RESOLUTION declaring January 14, 2014, to be Kentucky Food Bank Day. |
HR 22 | A RESOLUTION honoring Richard "Dick" Cullison upon his retirement from Legal Aid of the Bluegrass. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Carolyn Guthrie. |
HR 42 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Paducah Tilghman High School marching band for their performance at the 2014 Gator Bowl. |
HR 55 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Nancy E. Quarles. |
HR 70 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Karen Spalding. |
HR 73 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the Cooperative Extension Service for one hundred years of service. |
HR 76 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the Eastern Kentucky University Cross Country Team. |
HR 91 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Clifton Bradley Wagner, Jr. |
HR 98 | A RESOLUTION honoring Paul Mason and his daughter, Belinda Mason, for their long-lasting legacy of advancing awareness, education, and treatment of HIV and AIDS in the Commonwealth and beyond the boundaries of the Bluegrass. |
HR 100 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Captain David Lyon. |
HR 112 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Kentucky and honoring Kentucky's 13 regional rape crisis centers. |
HR 114 | A RESOLUTION recognizing February 7, 2014, as National Wear Red Day. |
HR 115 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Renfro Valley upon the occasion of its 75th anniversary. |
HR 116 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Charles W. "Chief" Shaw upon his retirement as the Area 14 Coordinator for Kentucky State Fire-Rescue Training. |
HR 124 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kosair Charities on the occasion of its 90th anniversary. |
HR 127 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Sundy Best. |
HR 130 | A RESOLUTION celebrating National Marfan Syndrome Month for February and encouraging awareness. |
HR 137* | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Larry Wayne Taylor. |
HR 145 | A RESOLUTION designating February 28, 2014, as Rare Disease Day in Kentucky. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Taiwan and its relationship with Kentucky. |
HR 156 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of James "Ted" Taylor Aikin. |
HR 157 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Grace Rose upon winning the 2013 KHSAA Girls Individual State Golf Championship. |
HR 159 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the West Jessamine High School Boys Golf Team upon winning the 2013 Kentucky State Championship. |
HR 164 | A RESOLUTION commemorating the 15-year anniversary of Jarrett's Joy Cart and honoring the life of Jarrett Mynear. |
HR 173 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of John Reynolds "Dusty" Bell. |
HR 174 | A RESOLUTION celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the civil rights movement and commemorative March on Frankfort. |
HR 197 | A RESOLUTION commending the Kentucky Board of Education for providing challenging and meaningful learning opportunities for Kentucky students with significant disabilities. |
HR 208 | A RESOLUTION honoring Special Olympics Day on March 26, 2014. |
HR 211 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of David B. "Dave" Bunnell. |
HR 216 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Arlie "Pooh" Hill III. |
HR 217 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Brock Ervin upon becoming a five-time state wrestling champion. |
HR 218 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the Union County High School wrestling team. |
HR 224 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Henry Lawson Walker II. |
HR 226 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Katie E. Fryman. |
HR 229 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Ethel May Brown McBrayer. |
HR 232 | A RESOLUTION honoring Belfry High School football coach Philip Haywood upon being named USA Today High School Sports' Best High School Football Coach. |
HR 236 | A RESOLUTION recognizing National Agriculture Day on March 25, 2014. |
HR 240* | A RESOLUTION honoring Stanford EMS. |
HR 241* | A RESOLUTION honoring East End Ambulance Service. |
HR 242* | A RESOLUTION honoring the Air Evac Lifeteam. |
HR 243* | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center-Level 1 Trauma Center. |
HR 245 | A RESOLUTION recognizing March 26, 2014, as Bluegrass Music Day in the House of Representatives. |
HR 247 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky Afield. |
HR 258 | A RESOLUTION honoring Timothy D. Moore on the occasion of his promotion to the rank of Colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve. |
HR 260 | A RESOLUTION honoring Dudley Cotton upon the occasion of his retirement. |
HR 274 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of Peggy Williams upon her retirement. |
HR 286 | A RESOLUTION honoring the University of Kentucky women's basketball team for its outstanding 2013-2014 season. |
HR 287 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the University of Kentucky men's basketball team for its outstanding 2013-2014 season. |
Bill | Title |
HR 3 | A RESOLUTION honoring Ms. Jenna Day upon being crowned Miss Kentucky 2013. |
HR 12 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Gerald W. Adams. |
HR 15 | A RESOLUTION honoring Emily Dove Denigris and Kirsten Nitz, lifeguards at Juniper Hills Park, for saving the life of Hannah Chesser when she became unconscious while swimming in the pool. |
HR 19 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Markey Cancer Center for achieving National Cancer Institute designation. |
HR 22 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Staff Sergeant Ryan D. Austin. |
HR 29 | A RESOLUTION requesting the Legislative Ethics Commission to include sexual harassment prevention training in the legislators' annual ethics training. |
HR 33 | A RESOLUTION encouraging the Program Review and Investigations Committee to study salaries and certain other employment issues of General Assembly and Legislative Research Commission partisan and nonpartisan employees. |
HR 34 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Barbara J. Upchurch. |
HR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Dr. Bonita Susan Quarles. |
HR 36 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Delmer Turner. |
HR 37 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Patsye Ann Anderson. |
HR 38 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Peggy Madison Meredith. |
Bill | Title |
HB 3 | AN ACT relating to human trafficking and making an appropriation therefor. |
HB 5 | AN ACT relating to the prompt payment of Medicaid claims. |
HB 7 | AN ACT authorizing bonds for postsecondary education capital projects, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. |
HB 30 | AN ACT relating to designating a surrogate on a living will directive. |
HB 69 | AN ACT relating to domestic relations and declaring an emergency. |
HB 127 | AN ACT relating to early fetal death certificates. |
HB 168 | AN ACT relating to preserving the right of Kentuckians to own and use firearms and declaring an emergency. |
HB 279 | AN ACT relating to construction of the law. |
HB 285 | AN ACT relating to firearms, including ammunition and accessories for firearms. |
HB 378 | AN ACT relating to impaired waters. |
HJR 33 | A JOINT RESOLUTION nullifying all federal legislation, regulation, rules, and orders violating the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. |
HR 4 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Mike Haydon, Chief of Staff of Governor Steve Beshear. |
HR 12 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Marion County Sheriff's Deputy Carl Anthony Rakes. |
HR 27 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives this day in loving memory and honor of the victims of the Sandy Hook Tragedy. |
HR 35 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Trooper Anson Blake Tribby. |
HR 49 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Martin Lewis "Newt" Voiers. |
HR 59 | A RESOLUTION recognizing September 8 through September 14, 2013, as Suicide Prevention Week. |
HR 64 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of our beloved friend and former colleague, Representative John McKee Swinford. |
HR 77 | A RESOLUTION declaring February 13, 2013, as Kentucky Hospice Day. |
HR 79 | A RESOLUTION honoring O. Leonard "Len" Press upon the occasion of his being named the recipient of the 2012 Vic Hellard, Jr. Award for exemplary public service. |
HR 99 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Bremer Alexander Ehrler, former Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. |
HR 100 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the one hundredth anniversary year of Ford Motor Company building cars and trucks in Louisville, Kentucky, which has been a significant part of the economic, social, and cultural heritage of the City of Louisville and the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and congratulating Ford Motor Company for its achievements. |
HR 103 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the 9/11 Memorial located at the Kentucky Veterans Cemetery Central as the first officially recognized memorial to that tragic day in the Commonwealth. |
HR 111 | A RESOLUTION honoring Kentucky's farmers for providing its citizens with the most nutritious and affordable food in the world, and recognizing February 17 to 23, 2013, as Food Checkout Week. |
HR 124 | A RESOLUTION recognizing and commending the efforts of the "Check It Out" campaign for breast cancer research and encouraging participation. |
HR 128 | A RESOLUTION adjourning in loving memory and honor of former Representative Lloyd Edward Clapp. |
HR 129 | A RESOLUTION urging Governor Steve Beshear and the Executive Branch Cabinets to assist in the negotiations to resolve the contract dispute between Big Rivers Electric Corporation and Century Aluminum Company. |
HR 132 | A RESOLUTION to honor and congratulate the University of Louisville Hospital Stroke Center for its designation as Kentucky's only Comprehensive Stroke Center. |
HR 138 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Flossie Melton Williams. |
HR 149 | A RESOLUTION honoring the 75 years of dedicated service of the Kentucky State Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO to the construction industry. |
HR 152 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in personal and institutional grief and in loving honor and memory of Peggy Hyland, upon the sad occasion of her untimely passing. |
HR 162 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Madison Central High School Indians, 2013 KHSAA Boys Sweet Sixteen Basketball Champions. |
HR 177 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Brenda Carole Kiser. |
HR 178 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor of the Georgetown College Men's Basketball Team upon the occasion of winning the 2013 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National Championship. |
HR 182 | A RESOLUTION honoring the Marion County High School Lady Knights, 2013 KHSAA Girls' Sweet Sixteen Basketball Champions. |
HR 188 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of Lewis John "Johnny" Patrick Fankell. |
HR 192 | A RESOLUTION adjourning the House of Representatives in honor and loving memory of Mary Margaret Reynolds Hunter. |
HR 198 | A RESOLUTION honoring and commending Pope Francis for leading a humble, Christ-like life of prayer, study of God's Word, and compassion for the poor that recently resulted in his election as the Supreme Pontiff, the Bishop of Rome, the 265th successor of Peter. |
HR 199 | A RESOLUTION recognizing the third Saturday in May 2013 as Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day. |
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)