General Assembly

WWW Version

Adjourn, veto recess - HCR 194
Administrative regulations, implementing legislation, notification to primary sponsor - SB 206
Alternative Fuel Task Force, members to serve upon - HJR 134
Amend title - HB 727: HCA(1)
  • session, proposed constitutional amendment - HB 936: SFA(1)
  • sessions, proposed constitutional amendment - HB 730; HB 936: SFA (2)
Approval or rejection of regulations, constitutional amendment to allow - HB 481
Area development district bds., legislative members' service only in a nonmember advisory capacity - HB 16: SCS
  • and Accountability Review Subcommittee - HB 799
  • and Accountability Review Subcommittee, duty to advise and monitor - SB 280
Attorney members of the General Assembly, continuance of court proceedings during session - SB 182
Best practices of family support workers, study of - HR 170
  • drafts from agencies - HB 727: SFA(1)
  • drafts, sponsoring and labeling of - HB 727: HCS
  • introduction or request limits, study of - HCR 54
  • finance reports, electronic filing of - HB 939
  • finance reports, electronic filing, permissive - HB 939: SCS
Campaigns for membership, restrictions on fundraising - HB 339: HCS
Candidates for election, urge moratorium on fundraising for - HR 43: HFA(1)
Certificate of need, study of - HCR 119: SCS
Child Support Guidelines Commission, creation, duties - SB 318
Committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment directed - SR 7; HR 17
Constitutional amendment, 2/3 vote required for tax legislation - HB 809
Death penalty moratorium - SB 325; HB 880
Establish six year terms for Senate - HB 724: HCA(1)
Ethics code, persons subject to, use of state property for political fundraising prohibited - HB 339: HFA(3)
Forfeiture of office, change in party affiliation - HB 350: SFA(1)
Fundraising, urge nonparticipation in - HR 43: HFA(4),(5)
  • Assembly, urging moratorium on political fundraising - HR 43
Hemp, industrial, federal policy, request for revision - HJR 121
  • of Representatives, official state language designated - HB 123: HFA(6)
  • of Representatives, support of an appropriation for the World War II Memorial - HR 180
  • Rule 48, discharge petition - HR 33: HFA(3)
  • Rule 49, consideration of certain prefiled bills within 30 days - HR 33: HFA(2)
  • Rule 49, retain requirement for consideration of certain prefiled bills - HR 33: HFA(1)
  • Rule 55, require sponsor's consent to transfer bill - HR 46
  • Rules, adoption of - HR 33
Interim Committee on State Gov, progress reports on using smaller post offices for state mail - HJR 145
Judicial and legislative retirement, medical and purchase of time - HB 389
Kentucky Education Reform Act, Commemorating the anniversary of - HR 200
  • agents, eligibility for low income heating assistance - HB 800: HFA(1)
  • agents, limitations on earnings as legislative agent - HB 800
  • agents, maintenance and child support - HB 800: HFA(3)
  • Branch Budget Bill - HB 576: HCS
  • Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 85: SCS
  • branch budget memorandum, 2000-2002 fiscal biennium - HJR 85
  • ethics code, various changes - HB 712
  • ethics, comm. membership, exec. director, informal advisory opinions & investigations - SB 64
  • ethics, fundraising activities in certain state buildings - HB 712: SFA(2)
  • ethics, legislative agents excluded from minimum wage statutes - HB 800: HFA(2)
  • ethics, members prohibited from certain employment - HB 712: SFA(1)
  • ethics, political fundraisers - HB 339
  • ethics, prohibited contributions - HB 280
  • Research Commission, authority to administer legislative branch if budget not enacted - SB 195: HFA(6); SB 218: HFA (5); SB 223: HFA (5); SB 289: HFA (4),(7)
  • Research Commission, authority to administered legislative branch if budget not enacted - SB 15: HFA(4)
  • sessions opened with prayer, invitation to pastors - HR 16
  • sessions, opened with prayer, invitation to pastors - SR 6
  • sessions, timing and duration, constitutional amendment - HB 963
  • task force, study of certificate of need by - HCR 119
Legislators, detention of - HB 366: HFA(10)
Limited issues session, allow to act upon items in - HB 936: HFA(1)
Long-Term Policy Research Center, membership, removal for absences - HB 137
Members visiting Kentucky Bourbon Festival, official residence of - HB 910: HFA(1)
  • use of state property for political fundraising prohibited - HB 339: HFA(2)
  • use of state property for soliciting or securing funds, prohibited - HB 712: HFA(1)
Odd-year session, proposed constitutional amendment - HB 936
  • of Education Accountability - HB 799
  • of Education Accountability, monitoring of - SB 280
Program Review and Investigations Committee, duties - SB 175: SCA(1), SFA (3)
Racial profiling, study of - SB 286
  • Senatorial Districts 7 and 37 - SB 379
  • venue and intervention in actions challenging constitutionality - HB 840
Representative Districts 8 and 9, redistricting - HB 303; HB 303: HCA (1)
Retirement calculation, assumed salary for legislators - SB 349: HFA(3)
  • delete new purchases - HB 389: HCS
  • delete revised assumed salary - SB 349: SCS
  • final compensation and factor - SB 349
  • General Assembly Employees, participation in KERS permissive - HB 552
Senate Rules, adoption of - SR 5
  • confirmation of appointment to Registry of Election Finance - SR 120
  • confirmation of appointment to Registry of Election Finance, John L. Smith - SR 137
  • energy conservation and recycling programs, full implementation urged - HJR 143
  • energy conservation and recycling programs, urge full implementation - HJR 143: HCS
  • Representatives, four year terms for - HB 724
Study committees, requests for - HB 22; HB 22: HCS
  • on Small Business Regulation, reauthorization of - SCR 113
  • on Veterans' Affairs, reestablishment of - HCR 6: HCS
Sunset Review Advisory Committee - SB 175; SB 175: SCA (1), SFA (3)
  • Force on Senior Citizens and the Workforce, appointments to - HJR 73: HCS
  • Force, Violence in the workplace, creation of - HCR 139
Taskforce on Senior citizens and the workforce, appointments to - HJR 73
Teacher salaries and benefits, study of - SCR 88
  • Task Force, reauthorization - HCR 45
  • Task Force, reauthorized requested - SCR 15
Tort reform, Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary to study - SCR 96
Torture, membership on Health and Welfare to constitute - HB 170: HFA(7)
Transfer from legislators' retirement plan authorized if costs paid by member - SB 15: HFA(2); SB 87: HFA (1)
Uniform indexing system for county clerks, creation of - SB 74: HFA(11),(13),(14)

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