Health and Medical Services


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Abortion, anesthesia requirement for 20 week or older fetus - SB 98
Abortions, reporting of - HB 152: HFA (2),(3),(4),(5)
Academy for Health Care Improvement and Cost Reduction, creation of - HB 416
Adoption, health history information required - HB 469
Adult stem cell investment, credit for - HB 376
registered nurse practitioners, controlled substances prescribing by - SB 122: HCS
registered nurse practitioners, controlled substances, prescribing by - HB 321
Advances registered nurse practitioners, controlled substances, prescribing by - SB 152
Affidavit for medical consent, creation of - HB 35
Ambulance services, Medicaid reimbursement, Medicare national fees used for - HB 123
Artificially provided nutrition and hydration, withholding circumstances - HB 501
Athletic trainers, scope of practice for - HB 290
Biological Products, remove from local property tax assessment - HB 308
Breast cancer tax refund checkoff program - HB 7
Cancer drug repository, creation of - SB 23; SB 23: CCR
Charitable health care providers, Department of Insurance, registration by - SB 201
surtax and other tobacco wholesale tax, funds for tobacco cessation and prevention - HB 176
tax increase, impose tax on smokeless, loose, and other tobacco - HB 32
tax increase, smokeless loose, and other tobacco, impose tax - HB 138
Cloning, prohibitions - HB 150
Commission for a Healthy Kentucky, creation of - SB 222; HB 56
Community-based and self-directed services, approach by Cabinet for Health Services - SJR 94
Compulsive gamblers awareness and treatment fund, within Division of Substance Abuse, creation of - SB 186; HB 37
Death certificate - SB 18
importation program, design and implementation of - SB 139
repository, program providers, immunity for - SB 23: HCS (1)
signature verification, procedures for - SB 25: HFA (1),(2)
signature, verification of - HB 91; SB 25: HCS (2); HB 91: HCS, HFA (1)
Embryos, prohibited acts related to - HB 386
contraceptives, prescribing and dispensing of - HB 346
medical service grant program, Department of Corrections, application to - SB 76
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, restrictions on sale - SB 56; HB 170
Erectile dysfunction, reporting treatment of - HB 152: HFA (6),(7)
Formulary limitations, cabinet to identify special disease states that are exempt from - HB 92: HFA (1)
Foster children, health care provided by the state to age 23 - HB 446
Friedreich's Ataxia Awareness Day, third Saturday in May recognized as - SR 60; HR 70
Genetic testing, prohibition against employer's use of - HB 223
Glucagon and Diastat, emergency administration at schools - HB 88: FCCR
and Family Services Cabinet, creation of - SB 47; HB 110
boards, independent districts, change membership criteria for - HB 229: SCS
data advisory committee, Office of Women's Health member as member of - SB 108
departments, retirement incentive - SB 110
facility, prohibit involuntary overtime - HB 365
facility, prohibit overtime - HB 365: HFA (1)
programs, public records, disclosure and availability of - HB 59: HFA (2)
reimbursement plan for Kentuckians on military active duty - HB 252
reimbursement plan, Kentuckians on military active duty - HB 252: HFA (1)
Hepatitis C, education and testing programs for - HB 177
HIV/AIDS, prescription drugs, prohibition on restrictions for use of - HB 92
Hospital-acquired infections, task force on - HB 76: HCS
Hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers, data on hospital-acquired infection rates reported by - SB 185; HB 76
Human embryo, prohibited acts - HB 149
In vitro fertilization, prohibit the fertilization of more than one egg during the process of - HB 145
Individual health insurance riders, exclude coverage - HB 448
exclusion of mandated benefits - HB 68
primary care physician - HB 410
James William Lazzaro and Madison Leigh Heflin Newborn Screening Act, cite as - SB 24: HCS
Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders, creation of - HB 296
e-Health Network, establish board for - SB 2; HB 416
Health Care Improvement Authority, creation of - SB 2
Health Insurance Authority, create - HB 148
Institute of Medicine, recognition of - HCR 134
Lead, blood testing as condition of school or day care enrollment - SB 216
Legend drug repository, creation of - SB 23: SCS
care facilities, notification of inspections, penalties for - HB 270
care, nurse staffing requirements, establishment of - HB 208
Lymphedema D-Day, March 6 of each year declared as - HJR 111
Malpractice, constitutional amendment on legislative authority - HB 491
Meals, home-delivered services to seniors to include - HB 112
personal needs allowance, increase of - HB 38
pharmacy benefit manager, limitations on - SB 164
repeal Drug Management Review Advisory Board related to - SB 208
and education consent affidavits, combination of - HB 35: HCS
malpractice awards, General Assembly may limit - HB 146
malpractice lawsuits, damage limits - SB 1
malpractice, omnibus reform - SB 224; HB 490
supplement insurance, return of premium - HB 14
supplement, definition - SB 209; HB 63: SFA (2),(5),(6); HB 275: SFA (5),(6); HB 316: SFA (5),(6)
supplement, definition of - HB 63: SFA (9); HB 275: SFA (3); HB 316: SFA (3)
Medication administration at school, requirement related to - SB 189; SB 189: HCS, HFA (1); HB 88: SFA (3); HB 93: SFA (1); HB 152: SFA (3); HB 183: SFA (2); HB 184: SFA (2); HB 298: SFA (4); HB 301: SFA (2); HB 439: SFA (3)
Mental health professionals, criminal background checks, requirement for - SB 10
National Guard and Reserve medical care, task force, establishment of - HCR 133; SB 80: HFA (1); HCR 58: HFA (1)
screening tests, expansion of - SB 24; HB 51; SB 24: SCS
screening, provisions for - SB 25, 28
facilities, compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act - SB 169
facility provider taxes, prohibit billing residents for - HB 313
facility services, provider tax, exemption from - HB 95
homes, notification of inspections, penalties for - HB 270: HFA (1)
Obesity, schools, food and beverage requirements in - SB 222; HB 56; SB 172: HCS, HFA (9); HB 56: HFA (1)
Organ donation registry, gifts through registration on - HB 152: SFA (3); HB 298: SFA (4)
assistance program, administration of - SB 23: HCS (2), HFA (1); HB 152: SFA (3); HB 298: SFA (4)
assistance program, remove redundant language related to CMS approval of - SB 23: FCCR
Phlebotomy technician, certification of - SB 20
assistant licensing, study of - SCR 32; HCR 121
noncompete clause, prohibition against - SB 182; SB 137: SFA (1)
drug importation, urge the Governor to establish program to - SR 71
drug program, local government creation of - HB 485
drug rebates, negotiation of - HB 85
tax, facilities not accepting Medicaid reimbursement, exempt from paying - SB 62
tax, hospitals, cap and calculation - HB 407
tax, impose against various services - HB 461
Providers, uniform credentialing of - HB 63: SFA (3); HB 152: SFA (1); HB 275: SFA (7); HB 298: SFA (3); HB 316: SFA (7); HB 439: SFA (1)
Psychiatric residential treatment facility, CON requirement for nonsubstantive review approval - SB 217
Radiology practitioner assistants and radiology assistants, certification of - SB 15
Residential hospice, certificate of need, exemption from - SB 195; HB 442
Schools, medications, immunity for reaction to - SB 189: HCA (1)
Services, cigarette tax, increased funding due to - HB 486
organ donor registry, establish - SB 25: SCS, HCS (1)
organ donor registry, work group to study - SJR 34; HJR 21
organ donor registry, workgroup to study - HJR 21: HCS
Student loan repayment assistance, exemption from income tax for providers of primary care services - HB 127
Substance abuse, reduces funding for - HB 267: HFA (2)
assistants, certification criteria for - SB 122; SB 122: SCS, HCS
Assistants, certification criteria for - SB 122: HFA (1)
Trauma systems, Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services to partner with agencies in regulating - SB 78; HB 178
Utilization review, timeframes - HB 379
Veterans nursing homes, exemption from provider tax - HB 36
Wholesale drug distributors, require licensure for - SB 212; HB 445
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