Local Mandate


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A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted to withdraw - HB 542
Absentee ballots, challenges to - SB 211
Alcohol vaporizing device, sale and use ban - HB 125
beverage advertising ban, exemption for promotions sent to customer's residence - SB 29
beverages, racetrack license, issuance of, qualifications established - SB 29: SCS
Animal cruelty, amend to include shelter from elements - HB 450
Animals, limitation on certain regulations on - HB 375
Approval needed when city seeking reclassification does not meet population requirement - SB 207
Archaeological sites, family access, require landowner compliance with - HB 117
forfeiture - SB 88
forfeiture, redistribution - SB 88: HCS
Associate private investigator, creation of license - SB 172
Autism spectrum disorders, screening for, manual on - HB 109
Bicycles, helmet use required for persons under the age of 16 - HB 169
Casino gaming and related occupations, licensing of - HB 546
Certificates of delinquency, notice provisions for private purchasers established - HB 321
Certification as peace officer - HB 277
Certified court security officers - SB 153; HB 427
Challenging the bona fides of a candidate, procedure for - SB 54: SCS (1),(2)
Competency proceeding, when pay required - SB 72
deadly weapons, lifetime license to carry - HB 211
weapon, in vehicle - HB 302
Constables, omnibus revision - SB 204
Construction, requirements and payment procedures - HB 490
Contributions, expenditures, and reporting, changes to - SB 159
Controlled substances, omnibus revision - SB 88: SCS
Copper metal, wire, and cable, reporting sale of - HB 82: HCS
containing consolidated local government, residential density for certain roads - SB 117
detectives, peace officer certification - SB 77
jails, reimbursement for holding state prisoners before conviction - HB 187
Court records, retention of - SB 44
Covenant Marriage, create the option of entering into - HB 110
Crime victim address protection program, creation of - SB 121
and juvenile matters - HB 358: HCS
and juvenile matters, omnibus revision - HB 358
history record checks, conduct of - HB 264, 308
Deadline for vacancy in candidacy, establishment of - SB 54
for Local Government, oversight of projects using state funds - SB 143
for Local Government, uniform financial information reports - SB 60
Documented vessels, exempt from local taxation - HB 466
Driver's license, DUI, suspension for - SB 217
Driving without insurance, prohibition on - HB 149
Drug Control Policy, Office of, Executive Order 2006-805 - SB 144
voting, establishment of - HB 483
voting, voter eligibility for - HB 135
Economic development incentive program; create new program for cities of the first class - HB 536
county officials, salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 317
officials, salary upon reemployment after retirement - HB 132
Election days alcoholic beverages, after 12 noon, permit sale of - HB 341
Electricians, licensing of residential electricians - SB 28
Emergency workers, rebuttable presumption for - HB 516
English language, utilization of - HB 12
Exemption from property tax for certain recreational vehicles - HB 407
Expungement of records, Class D felony and misdemeanor - HB 16; SB 34: HCS
False representation of oneself as a veteran, prohibition - HB 105
Fertilizer regulation, declare state preemption - SB 91; HB 399
Fertilizer, stipulate zoning, reporting - SB 91: SCS
Film industry, amend tax credits for production in Kentucky - HB 554
Fire department merit boards, consolidated local governments, establish - HB 201
Firefighter and police salary supplements - HB 214: HCS
Fiscal Court, may serve as directors of road districts - HB 572
Floyds Fork Water Resources Council, establishment of - HB 435
Franklin Circuit Court, creation of alternative concurrent jurisdiction - SB 75
Gift cards, regulate - HB 254
Gold Star Mothers license plates, exempt from fee - HB 390
construction contracts, payment arrangements - HB 490: HCS
contracts, verification of employment eligibility - HB 33
Hardship driver license, permit for general traffic offenses - HB 510
Hazardous duty, urban-county government solid waste employees - HB 247
Historic or prehistoric remains on property, procedure for disposition of - HB 118
Horse flesh, human consumption - SB 6
trafficking - SB 43; SB 43: SCS
trafficking, create the offense of - HB 163
HVAC installations, permitting - SB 10
theft, court order - SB 39
theft, data protection, omnibus revision - HB 7
Immigrants, criminal justice provisions relating to - HB 164
Immigration, enforcement of federal law - HB 11
Inmates and prisoners, prohibition on sexual conduct with - HB 140
Inspections of HVAC installations, effective January 1, 2009 - SB 10: SCS
Jail canteen accounts, annual appropriation - HB 114
Justice Cabinet, Office of Investigations, jurisdiction of - SB 144: HCS
Juveniles, criminal justice system employees, sexual conduct prohibited - HB 140: HCS
KEDFA program, calculation of base hourly wages - HB 305: SCS
Farmers Market Nutrition Program, creation of - SB 25
National Guard specialty license plate, allow surviving spouses to obtain or retain - SB 174
Retirement Systems, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 418: SCS
Retirement Systems, make technical amendment - HB 418: HCS
Labor organization, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty - HB 328; HB 219: HFA (6)
Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund, include designated officers employed by KSP and KVE - HB 214
the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS
the scene of an accident, penalty increase - SB 199; HB 76
insurance premiums tax, clarify powers of local governments - HB 371
option elections, alcoholic beverage sales at qualified historic sites - HB 138; HB 138: SCS
or federal public benefits, verify eligibility for - HB 162
property tax, private aircraft exemption - HB 335
Medical parole, hearing notification - HB 191
Methamphetamine property registry, creation and operation of - HB 470
Methamphetamine-contaminated property, program for cleanup of - HB 94
wage revision - SB 5; HB 305
wage revision, annual adjustment - HB 17
wage, revision - HB 37; HB 305: HCS
wage, revision of - HB 54
Motor vehicle, penalties for operating without security - HB 571
Notary publics, regulation of - HB 248
Official misconduct, providing advance notice of inspection - SB 161
Paper copies to county clerk, exemption for electronic filers - SB 159: HCS
Parolees, search of by peace officer - HB 205
Planning and zoning notices, allow use of first-class mail for - HB 496
Police & Firefighter's retirement fund, insurance benefit for surviving spouse - SB 106
Policemen's and firefighters retirement fund, insurance benefits for surviving spouse - HB 237
Prisoners, medical care and parole of - HB 191: SCS
Promotion of police, seniority and excess applicants, process for dealing with - SB 100
Property tax bills, preparation of bills below threshold amount - HB 384
Prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics board, require appointment of at least one pedorthist to - SB 30: HCS (1)
employees health and life insurance, limit coverage and beneficiaries to family members - SB 152
employees, collective bargaining authorized for - HB 318
morals offenses, establish crime of public indecency - HB 338
Qualified constables and deputy constables, create certification process for, powers of - HB 556
Racetracks and casinos, omnibus bill - HB 27, 107
Real Estate Appraisers Board, powers of - SB 160
Reimbursement for prisoner medical costs, establish limits - HB 187: HCS
high-three final compensation - SB 58: HFA (3)
high-three final compensation and 2.2 percent benefit factor extension - HB 414
high-three final compensation and 2.2. percent benefit factor extension - HB 418
elections, elimination of - HB 224
primaries, payment of - HB 476
primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS
belt law, clarify exemptions from and fines for violation - HB 284: HCS
belt use, exemptions - HB 284
Security breach, definition of - HB 7: HCS
Sex offenders, loitering around schools - HB 531
Sex-based wage discrimination, prohibited on comparable jobs - HB 219
Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining order - HB 322
fees, add constables in urban-county government - HB 526
fees, merged county departments - SB 153: SCS
Social worker, threatening of - HB 85
Spay/neuter, require for adoption or release from shelters - HB 270
contracts, verification of employment eligibility - HB 209
parks, wine and malt beverage sales, local option election authorized - HB 391
Straight party voting, prohibition of - SB 53
Tax increment financing, establish new programs - HB 349
Taxation, limestone, manufacturers - HB 568
Timetable for solicitation of signature for nomination papers, establishment of - HB 387
Tire-derived fuel, exempt from solid waste definition, exemption of - SB 125
Tourist attractions, approved costs for - SB 30: HCS (2)
Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB 173
financial information reports, final quarterly report used in lieu of - SB 60: SCS
state building permit, provisions for - HB 366
Voter verified paper audit trail, requirement of - HB 415
assistance, penalty for - HB 405: HCS
early, permitting to - HB 484
Wild rivers, construction of I-66 bridges - HB 284: SCS
Wireless device, prohibit use while operating a motor vehicle - HB 301
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