Health and Medical Services

Unofficial WWW Version

  • clinic regulation - SB 217: HCS
  • clinic, regulation of - SB 217: HFA(1),(2)
  • facility, licensure requirement for - HB 70
  • information - HB 85: SFA(1),(3)
  • distribution of written material 24 hours prior to - SB 29; HB 85
  • facilities, regulation of - SB 217: SFA(1),(2)
  • fetal depiction in actual size - HB 85: HFA(11)
  • information available in public school, public library, or public health department - HB 85: HFA(28)
  • information to be available by health department - HB 85: HFA(26)
  • information to be available by health department designee - HB 85: HFA(25)
  • information to be available in written form - HB 85: HFA(27)
  • informed consent - HB 85: SFA(2), HCS, HFA (6),(12),(14),(18),(20),(21),(29),(32),(33)
  • informed consent procedure, rape and incest exemption - HB 85: SFA(6)
  • informed consent provisions - HB 85: HFA(15)
  • informed consent, add counselor - HB 85: HFA(8)
  • informed consent, county health department to give information - HB 85: HFA(24)
  • informed consent, exception for fetal anomaly - HB 85: HFA(35)
  • informed consent, materials discussed - HB 85: HFA(4),(17)
  • informed consent, sign language interpreter for hearing impaired - HB 85: HFA(22)
  • partial birth - SB 121: HFA(3),(4),(5),(7),(8),(9)
  • prevention of - HB 85: HFA(30),(31)
  • requirements - HB 85: HFA(1)
  • risks associated with - HB 864: SFA(6)
  • survey conducted - HB 85: HFA(13)
  • waiver for informed consent - HB 85: HFA(19)
    Acupuncture, licensure and regulation of - HB 160
    Adoption or infertility treatments, exclude amounts withdrawn from pension plans from tax - SB 423
    Alternative, create a commission to study - HB 160: HFA(1)
    • service, medical directors - HB 285
    Ambulatory surgical center, licensing - HB 922
    American Chiropractic Association - HB 160: SFA(1),(2)
    Animal control, health departments exemption - HB 471: SFA(2)
    • devices, warranties on - HB 410: SCS
    Athletic trainer, requirements and procedures for certification - SB 285
    • homes, standards for - SB 424: SFA(1)
    Bone density testing for osteoporosis - HB 864: HFA(2)
    • and spinal cord injuries, medical registry established - SB 145; HB 299
    • injury trust fund and trust fund board, establishment - SB 145; HB 299
    Breast Cancer Advisory Committee, member - HB 476
    • charge for informed consent materials - HB 85: HFA(5)
    • charge for informed consent materials removed - HB 85: HFA(3)
    • informed consent material in different languages - HB 85: HFA(9)
    Certificate of need process - SB 374
    • health care providers - HB 128: SCS, HCS
    • insurance plan, require no-copay plan to include dental services - HB 255: HFA(2)
    • insurance program - SB 128: SFA(1)
    • Preventive Health Insurance - SB 128: HFA(1)
    • residential care, reimbursement, out of state providers - HB 617: SFA(2)
    Criminal record checks, nursing pools - HB 603
    Criminals, mandatory testing for HIV - HB 98
    • access hospital, conversion of nursing facility beds - SB 328: SCA(1)
    • access hospital, Home Health provided - SB 328: HFA(2)
    • access hospitals - SB 328: HCS
    Data collection - HB 864; HB 864: HFA (1)
    Death, determination of - HB 285: HFA(2)
    Define autism - SB 63: HFA(3),(4)
    Dentistry, enforcement procedures - SB 65: SCS
    Dentists and denturity, study directed - HCR 40
    Denturity, practice of - HB 182
    Developmentally disabled individuals, Medicaid participation of - HB 213
    • mandatory coverage - HB 380: HCS
    Disclosure of genetic information, prohibition - SB 334
    Discrimination, HIV, protections repealed - HB 866
    Dispense generic prescription drugs - HB 649: SFA(1)
    • private telephone system, compatibility with enhanced 911 systems - HB 560
    • private telephone systems - HB 560: HCA(1),(2)
    • dispatch center, emergency dispatcher study - HCR 94
    • medical services - HB 285: HCS
    • medical services for children - HB 249: HCS
    • medical services for children program, establishment of - HB 249
    Employee background check - HB 623
    • acquisition of, consider structure and governance - HB 324: HFA(4)
    Failure by insurer to pass on discount, an unfair trade practice - HB 457: HCS
    Genetic testing, study of - SR 161
    • Samaritan laws, constitutional amendment study - HCR 112
    Guardians, specific duties - HB 903
    • and medical services, June, 1998 as Hepatitis C Education Awareness Month, declaring - HR 141
    • and Medical Services, liver transplantation, supporting - SR 147; HR 130
    • benefit plans, coverage for diabetes - HB 380: SCA(1)
    • care professional , loan repayment for - HB 712
    • care provider, wearing of badges or insignias - HB 187: HCS
    • Consumer Protections and Responsibilities Act - SB 315
    • data noncompliance, penalty for - HB 864: SFA(3)
    • data reporting, noncompliance penalty - HB 864: SFA(5)
    • facility, definition, physicians offices, anesthesia - SB 415
    • insurance, phase-in tax deduction for - HB 315: SFA(22)
    • insurance, tax deduction for - HB 315: SFA(20),(21),(32)
    • maintenance organization, covering cancer drugs - HB 618: SCA(1)
    • services in school, task force - HB 189: HCS
    Hearing screening tests for infants, provision of - HB 456
    Hepatitis B testing - HB 156
    Home health agency, require certificate of need - SB 328: SFA(2)
    • and long-term care facility licensure, acuity-based staffing plan - HB 601
    • beds, medicaid reimbursement for - HB 785: HFA(1)
    • districts, service expansion to contiguous counties - SB 328: HCS
    Human being, individual, natural person, definitions of - SB 249: SFA(4)
    Informal dispute resolution process, health facilities - HB 653
    • consent before abortion, study request - HB 85: HFA(7)
    • consent, records in other languages and in braille - HB 85: HFA(23)
    Infusion supplies, sales tax exemption - SB 370: SCS
    Insurance reform measure - HB 315: SCS
    Insurance, omnibus revision - HB 315
    • Children's Health Insurance Program, establishment of - HB 125
    • Kare, state employee defined - HB 340: HCS
    Laboratory tests and home health drugs - HB 649: SCS
    Length-of-service awards programs - SB 288: SCS
    Local government, length of service awards programs - SB 288
    • care facilities, inspection - HB 679
    • care facilities, resident rights - HB 157
    Managed care plans, liability - SB 322
    • coverage for dental services - SB 426
    • fraud, recipient utilization review - HB 541
    • reimbursement, behavioral health, residential care - HB 617: SCA(1)
    • cover medical costs for motorcyclists with insufficient insurance - HB 106: HFA(2)
    • coverage for autism and pervasive developmental disorder - HB 118
    Medically underserved areas, educational loans - SB 309: HFA(3)
    Megavoltage radiation equipment, consistency with State Health Plan - SB 306
    Mentally ill, continued hospitalization of - HB 803: HCS
    Mentlly ill criminals, hospitalization of - HB 662
    Naturopathic physicians, licensure and regulation of - HB 158
    Nonmedical home care - HB 93
    • health care facilities, acquisition of - HB 324: HCS
    • health care facilities, sale of - HB 324: HFA(1)
    • health facilities, acquisition - SB 14
    • hospital, sale of - SB 73
    Nurses, complaints, jurisdiction - HB 285: HCA(1)
    • cancer drugs, permit reimbursement - HB 618
    • cancer drugs, reimbursement - HB 618: HFA(2)
    • drugs, reimbursement - HB 618: HFA(1)
    Osteoporosis, bone density testing for - HB 864: SFA(7)
    Outpatient surgical services, consistency with State Health Plan - SB 306
    Paramedics duties - HB 285
    Patient records, seizure - SB 375; HB 243
    Personal care facility, bed capacity - SB 330
    Pharmacists, claim of conscience - HB 687
    Physical rehabilitation beds, consistency with State Health Plan - SB 306
    • assistant advisory committee members, reimbursement for expenses - SB 28: SCA(1)
    • assistants, prescriptive authority - SB 28
    Placement of certain drugs in home health agencies and hospices - HB 649: HFA(1)
    Pregnancy testing, facility regulation - HB 85: HFA(34)
    Pregnant women, chemical dependency treatment of - HB 864: SCS
    Prescription drugs, tax on - HB 315: SFA(15),(23)
    Provider tax, hospital services does not include services provided to federal employees - HB 315: SFA(34)
    Providing summary statement of services and charges - HB 315: SFA(24)
    Public Health, recognition - HCR 126
    • and safety of patient care - HB 591
    • assurance and staffing standards, exemption - HB 591: HCS
    Records, access to by the Kentucky Birth Surveillance Registry - SB 336
    Renal dialysis equipment, backup generators for - HB 302
    Residential psychiatric treatment centers, youth requirements for - SB 220
    School health services - HB 189
    Severe fetal anomaly, definition of - HB 85: SFA(4)
    Smoking cessation therapy - HB 864: SFA(7), HFA (2)
    Spinal Cord and Head Injury Research Board, change in appointment schedule - HB 549
    Spreading HIV or AIDS - HB 455: SFA(12),(16)
    Study emerging infectious diseases - HJR 106
    Task Force to study issue of informed consent, establish - HB 85: HFA(10),(16)
    • deduction for health insurance - SB 110
    • on prescription drugs - HB 315: SFA(33)
    Therapeutic respite care, disallow - SB 63: HFA(5)
    Traumatic Brain Injury Medical Registry - SB 145: SCS
    Treatment of minor, parental consent - SB 294
    Tuberculosis testing of children - HB 131
    Tuberculosis, testing for - HB 131: SCA(1)
    Violence and domestic violence, report on cost of - HB 844
    Waive right to medical treatment for motorcycle operator or passenger not wearing helmet - HB 106: HFA(4)
    Workers' compensation, AMA Impairment Model, increase in factors - HB 735
    Worker's compensation, managed care plans, patient protections - HB 847

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