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"Louie B. Nunn Parkway", Cumberland Parkway renamed - SJR 17
Accessible parking placards, fees and temporary placards, elimination - SB 10
Accidents involving trains, limit access to accident report by insurance companies - HB 736: HCS
Accidents, actions to be negligent before person is liable for damage occurring during removal - HB 691: HFA(3)
Adopt-a-highway fund, delete appropriation - HB 818: HCA(1)
Adult day health dare programs, services provided by - HB 368
Airbags, prohibit child under 13 from riding in front seat of vehicle - HB 145
Airport Zoning Commission, delete zoning authority - SB 97: SFA(1)
All-terrain vehicles, permit to cross public highways, establish conditions - SB 254: HFA(1); HB 231: SCS
Alternative fuel task force, Natural Resources Cabinet to staff - HJR 134: HCS
Auto dealers, bill of rights for dealings with manufacturers, creation - HB 250
Billboards, vegetation control permit, establishment of - SB 172
  • driving, delete references to Medical Review Board - HB 585: HCA(1)
  • driving, references to medical review board, removal of - HB 585: HFA(1)
  • telescopic devices, clarify use when operating a motor vehicle - HB 585: SFA(1)
  • Northern Santa Fe and Canadian National railroads, oppose merger - SR 105
  • Northern Santa Fe and Canadian National, railroads, oppose merger - HR 130
Bypass between KY 52 & KY 89 in Estill County, name in honor of Joseph Proctor - SJR 69
Cabinet, coordinate with Cabinet for Economic Dev. and Dept. of Education, directive that - HJR 142
Church owned vehicles, motor vehicle usage tax, exemption - HB 270
Collegiate license plates, increase fee given to scholarship fund of each college - HB 118: SCS
Daniel Boone Parkway, tolls, removal of - HB 612
Department of Motor Vehicle Regulation, determination of notification of insured - HB 619
Directional signs and notices for educational institutions, evaluative criteria for - SB 388
Drive Smart program, recognition of - HR 172
Driver education, secondary schools, required course offering - HB 761
  • license application, use of Social Security number, change in procedure - HB 344
  • license, military personnel, mail renewals - SB 313
  • license, suspend until 18 for dropouts, unless working on GED - HB 171
Driving under the influence - HB 366: HFA(4)
Ducks Unlimited license plate, establishment - SB 78
DUI - HB 366: HFA(5),(6)
DUI, elements of offense, definitions - HB 987
Field sobriety tests, sub. to, rquirement for all drivers involved in a serious traffic accident - HB 325
Fines for speeding violations, increased - HB 114
Fire lanes, prohibit signs or other obstructions - HB 914: HCS
H.B. 250, declare an emergency - HB 250: HFA(1)
Hail damage only to a motor vehicle, brand existing title, do not require salvage title - HB 443: HCS
Hardship operator's license for traffic violators, establishment of - HB 11
Health insurance for motorcycle operators, delete repeal of mandatory provision - SB 191: SFA(1),(2)
  • construction contracts, use of incentives and disincentives - SB 402
  • equipment operators, educational requirements removed - HB 763: HFA(4)
  • projects, liquidated damages split between businesses within construction zone - SB 403
  • weight limit, exemptions for farm and forest products - HB 563
Horse Council license plates, farm truck eligibility - HB 596
Household goods carriers, Transportation Cabinet, designation of situs - HB 768
Hubcap, designate the official state - HB 123: HFA(4)
  • colleges and universities, change design of special license plate - HB 118: HCS
  • collegiate license plate - HB 118
Industrial haul permits, revisions - HB 563: HCS
  • permit, accompanied driver requirement increased - HB 263
  • permit, time of curfew expanded - HB 263
  • permit, time of possession increased - HB 263
Jefferson Co., VET program, require compliance or vehicle registration to be suspended - SB 347: HCA(1)
  • Law Enforcement Memorial license plate, creation - HB 542
  • Route 3071 in Mason Co., new bridge to be named after John P. Loyd - HJR 66
  • 189, name a segment in Muhlenberg County after Robert L. Draper - HJR 128
  • 260 in Hopkins County, rename Veterans Drive - HJR 131: HCS
  • 80, speed limit, 65 mph between Hazard and Prestonsburg - HB 532
Ky. agricultural product marketing promotion, special agriculture license plate, creation of - HB 5
  • plate suspension for second and subsequent DUI convictions - HB 197
  • to use watercraft as residence, deletion of requirement - HB 394
  • area overweight/overdimensional permits for specialized equipment, establish - HB 54
  • supplemental guide signs - HB 693: SCA(1)
  • supplemental guide signs, procedures and definitions - HB 693
Loads spilling onto highways, compulsory tarpaulins to prevent - HB 915, 974
Mail renewal of driver's license, remove application to CDL - SB 313: HCA(1)
Martin, W. Richard "Dick", bridge on KY 168 in Boyd County, naming in honor of - HJR 78
  • and TANF transportation, omnibus revision - HB 488
  • transportation, broker refusing transportation, establish fine for - HB 488: HCS
  • transportation, clarify payment schedule to brokers and subcontractors - HB 488: SFA(2)
Medical registry for traumatic brain injury, funds provided for - HB 497
  • license plates, change to 5 year plate, require extra fee for Veterans' Program Trust Fund - HB 100: FCCR
  • license plates, request Free Conference Committee on HB 100 - HB 100: CCR
  • related license plates, omnibus revision - HB 100: HCS
Minor traffic accidents, require owners to remove vehicles from roadway - HB 691: HCS
Minors, driver license suspension for possession or purchase of alcohol - HB 557
  • vehicle dealer licenses, license fee for intracity move, elimination - HB 69
  • vehicle headlights, require to be on when windshield wipers are in use - HB 691: HFA(6)
  • vehicle registration, deny renewal of - HB 1: HFA(1),(2)
  • vehicle salvage titles, exempt hail damaged vehicles - SB 132
  • vehicle salvage titles, exemption for hail-damaged vehicles - HB 443
  • vehicle transfers between siblings, exempt from paying usage tax - HB 272
  • vehicles, lien upon, provision for - HB 1: HFA(1),(2)
  • vehicles, NASCAR, special license plate - HB 508
  • vehicles, requirement for registration in purchaser's county of residence - SB 398
Motorcycle helmets, optional use, delete health insurance requirement - HB 8: SCS
Motorcycles, repeal of health insurance requirement, request Free Conference on HB 8 - HB 8: CCR
National Wild Turkey Federation, special license plate for - HB 870
Official steam locomotive, Old #152, designation as - HB 222
  • license, qualifications, use of bioptic telescopic device - HB 585
  • license, renewal times - SB 313: SCS
  • license, renewal, vision exam requirement - HB 633
Operators' licenses, eligibility and testing for - HB 353
Outdoor advertising devices, clarify viewing zone and routine maintenance - SB 172: HFA(1)
  • fines, change fee charged when load exceeds five thousand pounds - HB 8: HCA(1)
  • fines, free conference committee report - HB 8: FCCR
  • permits by fiscal court for county roads, repeal provisions - HB 32
Parking in fire lane, prohibition and penalties - HB 914
Purple Heart license plates, initial state fee, reduction - SB 208
Purvis, Paul F., KY 168 in Boyd county, naming in honor of - HJR 76
  • Commission, duties, transfer to Transportation Cabinet - SB 69
  • crew, type and number required to operate a train - HB 769
  • crossing maintenance requirements, fine for violation - HB 581
Rails to Trails, provisions relating to - HB 221; HB 221: HCS (1),(2)
  • vehicles and park trailers, construction within ANSI and NFPA guidelines - HB 635
  • vehicles and park trailers, removal of inspection and control form state - HB 635
Red light cameras, allow law enforcement to designate contractor to operate program - SB 353: SCA(1)
Reflectorized license plates, issuance, every five years - HB 482
Registration of motor vehicles, prohibition if vehicle fails VET - HB 672
Renewal of driver licenses, eye examination required - SB 251
Reorganization, Transportation Cabinet, Executive Order 98-1596 - HB 108
  • authorities, employment by - SB 115
  • authorities, loans benefitting - SB 115
  • construction above a highwall, requirements for - HB 792: HCS
  • projects, required wetland mitigation by Nature Preserves Commission - SB 147
  • projects, wetland mitigation to be undertaken by Nature Preserves Commission - SB 147: SFA(2)
  • litter cleanup, create advisory group, and state fund to promote - HB 818
  • litter cleanup, establish fee for - HB 1: HFA(7),(10)
SB 201 - SB 201: SFA(2)
Six year road plan, projects in last four years of the plan, establishment of - HJR 103
  • license plates, change in design of POW plate - SB 19
  • military license plates, make fee to Veterans' Affairs optional - HB 100: SCS
  • veterans license plates, uniformity of registration fees - HB 100
  • YMCA of Greater Louisville license plate, creation of - HB 282
  • limits for trucks, reduce to 55 mph on interstates and other limited access highways - HB 783
  • limits, increase on certain highways - SB 292
  • limits, raised on selected highways - HB 114
  • title for a motorboat, reduction in - HB 968
  • highway designation, Fox Hollow Road - HJR 122
  • renewal fee for Purple Heart license plates, elimination of - HB 37
State/Executive Branch Budget Bill - HB 502: HCA(1)
Student transportation, safety policies for - HJR 101
Task force on alternative fuels, create, include coal and coal technology - SJR 68: HFA(1)
  • certificate of necessity, hearing process, shorter time frame for - HB 715
  • and limousines, deregulation by state government - HB 488: SFA(1)
  • and limousines, repeal requirement for certificate of necessity - SB 5
Toll roads, removal of tolls on - HB 612: HCA(1)
Trailers hauling ATV's wildlife, or hunting supplies, exemption from registration - HB 231
Train accidents, prohibit officer from asking for driver's license of train crew - HB 736
Transportation Cabinet, driver's license of academically deficient student, revocation or denial of - HB 960
U-Drive-It permit holders, levy fifty cent fee for each day car is rented or leased - HB 738
Unlawful purchase of tobacco by minors, license suspension, expunge record at 18 - SB 285; SB 47: SFA (2),(4)
US 23 in Pike County, bridge named in honor of Charles Douglas "C.D." Roberts - SJR 104
Usage tax due on new vehicles, exclude value of any vehicle trade-in - HB 320
  • accidents, court finding required before person to reimburse for removal expenses - HB 691: HFA(2)
  • accidents, emergency situation definition, amendment of - HB 691: HFA(1)
  • Emission Testing counties, registration of vehicles, omnibus revision - SB 347
  • emission testing, prohibit inspecting motorcycles - HB 236
  • emission testing, require reciprocal certificates - HB 314
  • emission tests, change process for suspension of license registration - SB 347: SFA(1)
  • enforcement, transfer to State Police - HB 759
  • tires, required use of rubber on all vehicle wheels - SB 146
  • in accidents, delete provision allowing operator to move before police arrive on the scene - HB 691: HFA(4)
  • involved in accidents, procedure for removal from highway, clarification of - HB 691: HFA(5)
VET programs, tie registration to AVIS system - HB 314: SFA(2)
  • license plates, fee for Dept. of Veterans Affairs, mandatory on initial purchase - HB 100: SFA(1)
  • Memorial Highway, KY 100 in Simpson County, segment renamed - HJR 41
YMCA license plates, expand provisions, delete provisions limiting to Louisville - HB 282: HCS

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